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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

SAPP members in 'women's voice for change' march

KUALA LUMPUR: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) supported the movement organized by 15 women NGOs in conjunction with the International Women Day calling for a clean and just election for the forthcoming GE13 election, the installation of a corrupt-free government, the introduction of fair wages, the adoption of good quality of life, the cessation of abuse against women and the abolishment of the Peaceful Assembly Act.

Members from SAPP including Datuk Chua Soon Bui, MP of Tawau cum vice president of SAPP, Mr Benny Low, former SAPP supreme councillor and leader of a group of SAPP members and supporters in Kuala Lumpur, took part in the Wanita Suara Perubahan in Petaling Jaya, Taman Tasik on 18th March 2012 afternoon.

In calling for a clean and just election, Chua said that what SAPP has all along been fighting for all fairness and questioning the unexplained increase of population in Sabah due to illegal immigrants who became overnight citizens under the so-called "Projek IC".

She said SAPP's ferventness in calling for a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants was many times rejected by the State and Federal Governments showed that they (BN) were never sincere in helping solving Sabah's "Mother of Threats", the negative elements in the electoral system to be tackled and abolished before the election to ensure a clean and just election.

"The 15 women NGO should be praised for braving many challenges and objections and took the voices and actions of women to the streets of Malaysia for the betterment of women and the betterment of our nation. 

"It was a big breakthrough for women in our society especially our support, the parliamentarians from the opposition parties justified their action towards the right cause and course for the future generations to come.

Chua said she was happy to meet the women from the Asli people who also joined the parade to protest on the land grabs by the BN government and their agencies and vowed to protect their rights. 

She expressed sympathy for their grouses which are similar to the erosion of Native Customary Rights facing the natives in Sabah.

She said the support of about 5,000 participants with quite a many from the men was seen to be a good sign and beginning on the maturity for a gender equal partnership on the development towards a developed nation.


  1. This gave many good impression at least for sabahan women are with better understanding than their sabahan men as concern malaysian towards the country or nationally overall with least complaint towards other good leadership not from other state but not Sabah in nation.

    Any comment from sabahan men at home?Syabas well done YB Chua!

  2. Tu la... Bila permintaan peribadi tidak dapat, rakyat di batu api... YTL dulu masa jadi CM apa yg dia buat.. 2 tahun jadi CM.. tahun pertama, masuk poket dulu cepat2, tahun kedua, cover semua lobang supaya tidak kedapatan... Nanti jadi CM balik,... masuk poket dulu la... tapi ni kali lama2 pun ok..

    Sekarang kau bising2 la... masa dalam BN ada SAPP bangkit issue rakyat?? IC palsu?? cuma bila kau keluar saja baru mau jadi hero.. Perkara ni bukan berlaku bila kamu keluar BN.

    1. Tidak payahlah undi SAPP pada PRU13. Undi saja BN untuk masa depan Sabah. Kalau kasi menang SAPP hancur la Sabah.

    2. Sabah sekarang sudah parah.
      Kalau BN menang PRU13 Sabah tetap hancur masuk longkang.

      Undilah UBA demi masa depan yang cerah, maju dan merdeka.

    3. SAPP byk gimik ja tu.. dulu masa berkuasa tidak byk bising pula.

  3. Najib said the terms of reference for the RCI is still being finalized, hopefully he will announce the implementation of the RCI before the next general election.

    1. Tunggu saja pengumuman dari PM.

  4. It is time for gender equality in the country, women and men should be treated fairly without discrimination for their gender.

    1. Are Malaysians prepared for that?

  5. Peranan kaum hawa memang tidak dapat dinafikan lagi. Mereka sekarang sudah semakin berani untuk tampil. Selain dari itu ramai dikalangan mereka yang dapat melakukan pekerjaan yang biasanya dilakukan oleh Golongan Adam sahaja.

  6. Hargailah kaum wanita kerana banyak perkara yang dilakukan oleh kaum wanita tidak dapat dilakukan oleh kaum lelaki.

  7. "With their multi-tasking talent, women in general can continually aim high in their platforms of service. Women can serve with great compassion because of their natural gift of love and care,'"

    Ini yang telah di sampaikan oleh Menteri pembangunan masyrakat dan pengguna Datuk Azizah Mohd. Dun semasa merasmikan the 32nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Inner Wheel District 330 (covering Malaysia and Singapore)18 March lalu.

  8. Kita harapkan sangat yang mana PRU13 ini akan berjalan dengan bersih dan adil.

  9. kenapa perlu mansuhkan akta perhimpunan aman?? adakah pihak yang mahu akta itu dimansuhkan berniat mahu menghuru-harakan negara?? kalau mahu negara ini aman, sokong la akta perhimpunan aman..
