Hazlan Zakaria
Bersih co-chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan has decried what she agrees are elements of sexual harassment in the ‘butt dance’ in front of her house by a group of armed forces veterans.
“There is, yes. I think because I am a woman, that has a lot to play with what they are doing outside my house. It is sexist... the bully mentality,” Ambiga (left) told Malaysiakini in an exclusive interview yesterday.
She was referring to an incident on Tuesday, when a group claiming to be from the Malaysian Armed Forces Veterans Association (PVTM) bent over and waved their buttocks in the air in the direction of her house, and then held a short demonstration after their rear-end calisthenics.
The participants claimed that their posterior articulations were to protest against Ambiga for being an “enemy of the nation who had smeared the country’s name”.
“It’s a total infringement of my privacy. It is intimidating if you look at some parts of the video. Ten men standing in front of someone’s house, what do you think? I think it is shocking behaviour,” Ambiga lambasted.
'Butt exercises' a slippery slope to lawlessness
Aliran 1:20PM May 17, 2012
COMMENT Aliran is shocked by deputy inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar’s glib reaction to the May 10 protest by Malaysian Small and Medium Entrepreneurs Alliance (Ikhlas) members outside Ambiga Sreenevasan’s home.
“What offence? If you want to sit in front of her house without disrupting other people, there is no offence,” he stated without a trace of human understanding.
“Which privacy? They didn’t enter her house, they were in public space,” Khalid (left) maintained, without an inkling of the dangerous situation created by these troublemakers intent on causing mischief outside Ambiga’s house.
Such comments coming from the No 2 man in the police force no less, encourage lawlessness and opens the floodgates to mischief-makers, hooligans and thugs to go on a rampage.
His comments are unacceptable and unbecoming of a police officer of his rank who is entrusted with the peace and harmony of this country founded on the supremacy of the federal constitution.
Already, spurred on by his comments, another bigger rally involving 500 traders has been planned for May 24.
On May 14 a group of 15 men, believed to be army veterans, blatantly performed vulgar aerobics in front of Ambiga’s house.
They even had the temerity to challenge her to sue them; otherwise they would return with a bigger crowd.
Like everyone else, Ambiga has every right to peace and safety where she resides. This peace and safety cannot be threatened with impunity in a civilised society.
She has every right to expect respect for her religion and culture just as others have a right to respect for their faith and way of life.
But in a very callous manner of defiance, these people who put up stalls to distribute free beef burgers were completely oblivious to the fact that Ambiga is a Hindu and a vegetarian.
They grilled beef patties outside her house in offensive disregard for her faith.
The harassment she is subjected to is as stark as daylight - but obviously not to the deputy IGP who has, knowingly or otherwise, ignited a fuse that could take this country down the slippery path to lawlessness. We hold him responsible for this.
We are equally disturbed that the prime minister, the chief executive of this nation, has chosen to maintain a dangerous silence over such hooliganism and the danger the deputy IGP is putting this nation into.
If there is a breakdown of law and order, the PM and the deputy IGP must ultimately be held responsible for this descent into what might turn out to be anarchy.
To me is nothing new as
ReplyDeleteeven UMNO's men from Federal government service selling 'nasi lemak' here in KK as like nobody's business along roadside,don't you see one?
And those old veteran may have many unforgetful D Day in the jungle down the memory lane once may be told to turn their back ready for das!
You look at the pic they are repeating it infront of a lady's house....well trained :-D !
A sad day for our Malaysian Armed Forces. Having these bunch of ex-veterans with their idiotic and childish mentality, I do not see any reason why we need submarines! Using butts to frighten enemies is good enough. They should continue with their butts exercise at all Pakatan leaders houses. Who knows, maybe Pakatan will just give up competing in the GE and give a walkover to BN
ReplyDeleteWakaka...in old days joke about ja-pan nippon army used that in Malaya during WWII but different is with "Acha Bangla" standing behind all the butts Lol!
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine that kind of culture inherited in our troops?
Wasting time doing such nonsense act.
ReplyDeleteStop being uncivilized you people.
ReplyDeleteMacam2lah ragam orang ni.
ReplyDeleteTindakan yang hanya mengundang kemarahan dan bukan selesaikan masalah.
ReplyDeleteSama jugalah dengan perhimpunan Bersih, dua-dua pun mengundang kemarahan dan tidak dapat menyelesaikan masalah. Buang masa sahaja.
DeleteAmbiga terus dalam trauma sekarang.. huhu..
ReplyDeleteWhat is the difference between Bersih rally and Butt dance protest? Both are protests, only with different ways of expression.
ReplyDeleteAmbiga pasti tergoda.hehehe
DeleteFeedback yang ambiga dapat hasil daripada perhimpunan Bersih 3.0
ReplyDeleteDapat juga Ambiga hadiah daripada orang awam setelah pelbagai kerosakkan yang telah disebabkan oleh BERSIH.
ReplyDeleteowh.. dorang tau Ambiga tidak mampu buat apa2 kalau mereka menungging depan rumah dia.. cuba kalau depan rumah Anwar.. confirm tidak ada yang berani menungging.. haha
ReplyDeletesilap tempat ba dorang buat demonstrasi punggung ni.. kenapa tidak buat saja di depan pejabat Ambiga?? ahli keluarga Ambiga tidak ada kena mengena dengan perhimpunan Bersih terutamanya anak2 dia.. jadi kalau boleh ubah la tempat demo punggung tu..