SIPITANG - Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) feels that something very fishy going on why UMNO is so confident in taking back Selangor when every indicator shows otherwise, said its Deputy President Hj Amde Sidik at a SAPP get together in Mesapol last night.
"I've received news from my PR friends in Peninsula who told me there are about 150,000 'New Sabahans' now stationed in various parts in Peninsula. They are the new recipients of new Mykads.
"As far as I'm concerned that some investigation was done properly and the information was accompanied with lists of names probably leaked out show the fact there is proof of such underhand tactics by Umno.
"No wonder why UMNO leaders keep on saying they will take back Selangor. If it is true then Sabahans the victims, this is the repeat of what happened about fifteen years ago, but the moment general election was over they were only be returned to Sabah. Sabah is again is the dumping ground of unwanted 'citizens' of Malaysia.
Amde who is also SAPP Chairman for Southern Zone of SAPP and CLC N 28 Sindumin said, Sipitang isn't a place for Sipitang kids looking for employment even though the highly acclaimed project SAMMUR which costs 4.6 billions which at the beginning reported by Bernama could provide 400 jobs. My question is what's 400 jobs? Project cost a few hundreds millions would provide a few thousand jobs.
According Amde if leaders in Sipitang are serious and care for Sipitang youths who are in dire need of employment they should now have prepared, not to wait until the factory is fully operational because in two years time jobs are already taken by people who now on training for the jobs or those already on the job market.
"The leaders should by now are knocking the door of the higher learning institutions in the country for Sipitang kids. With nearly twenty-five years experience with UMNO administration in Sipitang I know what to expect.
The SAPP get together was attended, besides SAPP and PKR supporters was substantial number of UMNO members and branch leaders who went home bringing SAPP flags.
SAPP leader attended at the function were the Deputy CLC N28, Sindumin Kamis Daming a former OCPD Lahad Datu and Sarudin the CLC Treasurer, a retired Sabah Telekom Regional Manager and a few committee members.
Its better not to make assumptions when it comes to the results of a general election.All parties contesting are confident of winnings even if they know their chance is negligible.SAPP,STAR and PAKATAN for example are on a high note,over-confident and full of optimism in forming the government,be it state or at the federal level.Can they actually fulfill their dreams is anybody guess.UMNO/BN on the other hand is also confident and elated that the outcome will favour them and retaining Putrajaya is as easy as walking on a Saturday's Park.Will it come to fruition?My bet is it will for UMNO/BN and for the opposition it will be going back to the drawing board to chart their way for GE14 because this coming election,GE13 is a foregone conclusion for them.
ReplyDeleteFor this reason which the opposition is fully aware of they try to create stories in order to create tensions between people and be ready and prepared that these are the excuses they will lay-out to the whole world after their total annihilation in the coming GE13.The stories must be kick-start now and thats the reason why so many opposition leaders had been harping on the issues,the latest of which is Amde Sidik.This fella is trying to depict himself as a benign leader short of the resurrection of a Holy person that drops from heaven and representing himself as a messenger of good by telling people how bad others are.Amde is the offshoot of SAPP production and will be the descendant of YTL leadership.That means the spread of lies,bluffs and innuendos will be his forte.
Judge him now deeply and thoroughly and you will realise that he is nowhere near the calibre of any UMNO/BN leaders in terms of leadership and political experience.A no brainer who could be easily twist and turns but worst still he has reduced himself to simply being a mimmick and a parrot.Like a ventriloquist he does not speak his mind but whenever he utters such words its because his 'sifu' wants him to do so,word for word.
God must be crazy.Out of Sipitang (Africa)?
ReplyDeleteObviously the PR kakis were making a pun about "Sabahans" meaning the real illegals..
So guys don't get too worked up...
Our target is still "how to clean out illegals including UMNO Malayans from Sabah period!"
Local UMNO supporters are WELCOME & FREE to migrate to MALAYA! "Malaya" means "freedom" in Tagalog of course!
So even Malaya is borrowed from the Filipinos.... When will UMNO stop stealing from everyone?
Sipitang Youths should start getting trained on the SAMUR operations so that they are able to get absorb once the factory is completed.
ReplyDeleteNot only Sipitang youth but to all youth in Sabah. I heard that many graduated still not employed.
DeleteYa, mereka yang masih belum mendapat pekerjaan perlulah mengambil peluang untuk mencari pekerjaan dalam projek mega seperti SAMUR dan SOGCA.
DeleteSAMUR dan SOGCA satu projek kerajaan untuk rakyat Sabah.Peluang terbuka luas untuk mendapat pekerjaan.
DeleteSAMUR will provide thousands of job opportunities in that area and those who are interested to get into the project should get necessary qualifications from now.
ReplyDeleteSamur projek di Sipitang akan mewujudkan byk peluang kerja kepada penduduk Sipitang. Sipitang jg akan tambah maju.
DeleteRakyat Sabah kena ambil peluang untuk memohon mana2 kekosongan yang ada.
DeleteRakyat tempatan perlulah mendapat latihan yang releven supaya boleh menyerap ilmu pengetahuan mengenai operasi SAMUR jika hendak mendapat pekerjaan di situ.
DeleteProjek SAMUR beri banyak peluang kepada rakyat. Tapi kalau rakyat sudah termakan hasut pembangkang cakap projek ini itu, terpulanglah. Diri sendiri rugi tidak cuba peluang ini.
DeleteJangan lepaskan peluang ini, rakyat tempatan perlu ambil peluang untuk bekerja di projek Samur.
DeleteBelia juga harus bersedia untuk menceburi bidang yang berpotensi ini.
DeleteAmde, kau tkkan dpt sokongan rakyat Sipitang.. kau silap sebab masuk SAPP.
ReplyDeleteMasuk mana2 parti pun peluang beliau untuk dapat sokongan pun tipis.
Deletebeliau memang tiada sokongan sudah pun..kalau tanding, kompom kalah punya,..
DeleteTiada peluang beliau untuk menang, apa lagi bertanding atas nama SAPP..
DeleteBukan dia silap,sudah tidak laku dengan parti lain.Terpaksa lah kalau kepingin jadi calun.Kan SAPP ni main muat saja apa yang datang.
ReplyDeleteRupanya ini apa yang menyebabkan Amde terpaksa masuk ke SAPP. Kalau ikut Star kamu rasa Amde akan diterima tak?
DeleteSetiap parti sudah ada calon di Sipitang tapi SAPP belum ada lagi. Sebab tu Amde join SAPP boleh la bertanding
DeleteSiapa2 saja calon yang SAPP ada? Tentu banyak yang tidak dikenali. Macam mana rakyat mahu undi.
Deletekemaruk mahu jadi calon bah dia tu...ni SAPP jadi kuda tunggangan lah...tu SAPP pun sama juga...lemah dan tiada peluang untuk menang..
Deletekenapa SAPP tidak bekerjasama saja dengan PR? atau Amde masuk PR..
ReplyDeleteSAPP macam lalang. Pendirian tidak tetap.
DeleteSAPP tiada pendirian, patutlah tidak mendapat sokongan rakyat.
DeleteBukan mudah untuk kerjasama, masing-masing ada agenda untuk dicapai.
DeleteSengaja sebarkan cerita negatif supaya bila PR kalah di Selangor, terus mahu salahkan BN.
ReplyDeletetaktik bah tu...
DeleteJangan kasi chance sedikit pun sama SAPP.Buang mereka.
ReplyDeleteSAPP adalah sebuah parti politik yang lemah...pemimpin mereka juga lemah..hanya beberapa orang saja yang ada potensi tapi sayang mereka tidak diberi peluang untuk duduk di atas...sebab bos besar SAPP takut hilang pengaruh..
DeleteBetul tu Max, hanya suka buat janji kosong sahaja.
DeleteSAPP tiada peluang menang...Star lebih kuat dari SAPP..kalau Star vs SAPP, Star kompom menang..
ReplyDeletePercaya atau tidak yang mana kerajaan BN akan berusaha mengambil kembali negeri yang telah ditawan oleh pembangkang.
ReplyDeleteBN tetap kuat tetapi jika masih enggan membaiki kelemahan masing-masing, mungkin juga rakyat yang akan melompat parti.
ReplyDeleteBanyak yang kecewa dengan SAPP. Bukan mudah untuk SAPP mengambil alih semula.
ReplyDeleteSabahan kena bagi Mykad baru?? jadi bermakna mereka ada dua Mykad la ni?? buktikan la kalau dakwaan ini benar..