Who doesn't know RCI is not a court, but it can make recommendations to court to incriminate those culprits.
The Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrant problems in Sabah may not have the legal clout to determine what judgment can be meted against the culprits, as certain leaders in the state have suggested.
"I think that is the province of the court," said United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) president Bernard Dompok (right) said in Kota Kinabalu today.
"It is not for the RCI to go into that area. They (RCI panel members) probably can recommend the sort of action the government should take, but to mete out punishment is beyond their jurisdiction," he said.
Dompok, who is also Primary Industries and Commodities Minister, was asked to comment on the call by certain leaders that the terms of reference of the RCI should include determination of judgment and punishment against the culprits.
He said the terms of the RCI should not be politicised as its intention was noble, to address the issue of the illegal immigrants in Sabah once and for all.
"I think the terms of reference are wide enough to allow for investigation on the scale we
want to ensure everything is covered," he told reporters after attending the presentation of certificates to the second batch of graduates of the Institute of Malaysian Plantations and Commodities (IMPAC).
In announcing the terms of reference for the RCI in the Sabah capital last Saturday, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak said that the panel, to be chaired by former chief judge of Sabah and Sarawak Steve Shim, would be given six months to complete its investigations into the influx of illegal immigrants in Sabah.
- Bernama
RCI should have the right to recommend all wrong doings to the police and court to act...and these authorities should act upon the instructions or recommendations by the RCI panel, so that justice can be done.
ReplyDeleteShould also include recommendations what to do with the PTIs who have been given the ICs and the presence of these PTIs on the electoral rolls of SPR. They should not be allowed to be used as voters to out-vote genuine Sabahans. They should also not be allowed to take lands from the original natives of Sabah.
DeleteAll that been proven wrong supposed to be charge in court.
DeleteIs the TOR finalized already? Did they took some recommendations from Sabahan leaders?
DeleteHarus juga mendengar suara dan cadangan pihak orang Sabahan.
DeleteTan Sri, are you KDM and Sabahan?
ReplyDeleteYou have previously stated that the increase in the population of Sabah is extra-ordinary. This indirectly acknowledges the presence of Project IC and issuance of dubious Mykads.
Why are you now not speaking up on behalf of KDMs and Sabahans? Is your position and the projects and contracts of your side-kicks more important than the future of Sabahans and KDMs? Do you deserve to continue to be a KDM leader, a Sabah leader? Why don't you resign and let WB takeover?
Dengar kabar dia dapat projek gas di Kimanis.Itulah dia berat hati mahu lawan boss dia?Betul atau tidak, dia dan kawan2 dia saja yang tahu.Siapa tahu?
ReplyDeleteHearsay is not a fact/truth. It can be a slander too.
DeleteTime to kick arses
ReplyDeleteHey Mr. Dumb Pork, RCI not a court but RCI could assists to find out who was the culprit with evidence lah, you fool.
ReplyDeleteMacam mana lagi Dompok mahu argue kalau itulah yang sudah diputuskan oleh pihak atasan?
DeleteThe Sabahans really hope that the RCI can solve the issue and make it easy for the Sabahans to live without PTI!
ReplyDeleteHe better shut his mouth! Same goes to Mahathir.
ReplyDeleteWhy ask him to shut his mouth when all this while Dompok is fighting for RCI? Mahathir never want to form RCI. He was the traitor.
DeleteDr Mahathir tidak patut campur tangan dalam isu pelaksanaan RCI di Sabah, itu kuasa Datuk Najib untuk menentukan apa yang patut dilaksanakan.
DeleteDompak telah berusaha untuk meminta kerajaan menubuhkan RCI..
DeleteBukan apa, takut periuk nasi pecah. Takut bangsat nasional kalah
ReplyDeleteRCI hanya siasatan terperinci mencari info dan fakta yang benar.
ReplyDeleteTindakan harus diambil jika adanya bukti yang sah untuk menjatuhkan hukuman.
DeleteDengan laporan yang dibaut oleh RCI ini mampu dibuatkan barangan bukti untuk mendakwa seseorang itu kemahkamah.
ReplyDeleteBuku yang ditulis oleh Mutalib boleh dijadikan rujukan.
DeleteApa macam RCI buat siasatan pun tidak mencukupi dan tidak akan berhasil kerana skop siasatan terhad.
ReplyDeleteMau selesai isu IC palsu senang saja. Suruh Jab. Pendaftaran Negara mengemukakan semua rekod IC yang dikeluarkan untuk Sabah daripada 16 Sept 1963 sehingga hari ini. Semak satu demi satu, pasti akan mengenalpasti siapa orang asal Sabah dan siapa PTI.
Lepas itu buat Jab. Pendaftaran Negara Sabah tersendiri tanpa campurtangan Malaya. Luluskan undang-undang semua pengundi diSabah perlu diluluskan oleh Parlimen Sabah bukan oleh SPR.
Dengan ini Sabah kekal bumi rakyat orang asal bukan kawasan jajahan orang politik dari Malaya yang dibantu oleh pengkhianat dari Sabah.
Harap-harap panel RCI mampu menjalani tugas mereka untuk menyiasat isu Projek IC dengan adil, telus dan penuh integriti. Kita tunggulah hasil penyiasatan mereka setelah PM memulakan RCI ini.
DeleteKita tunggu sahaja keputusan RCI nanti... tidak payah banyak bising.
Deletekasihan bah si dompok itu kamu hentam-hentam,kasi lah di peluang dihari hari terakhir nya sebagai menteri dan YB,selepas ini kita sama-sama sembang di kedai dongongon lah kan dompok,jangan macam si conrad itu bila sudah mabuk dan mungkin kalah berbahas tembak orang....
ReplyDeleteRCI can make recommendations especially towards wrong doings perpetrated by people.
ReplyDeletetunggu lah apa hasil daripada RCI ini nanti.
DeleteThe state would benefit from its act and justice prevail laws.
ReplyDeleteThere are other things to consider should the people of Sabah desire the best.
ReplyDeleteRCI can asist in finding facts and other important information needed by the court.
ReplyDeleteThe truth will prevail, we should let the RCI panel do their job.
DeleteIn one way or the other the law would previal at all time.
ReplyDeleteYes, RCI, just get full records from JPN of every Sabahan given IC from 1.9.1963 until now. RCI go through every single file. If federal govt or JPN refuse to give every single file, obviously JPN and federal govt has something to hide. RCI,JUST DO IT.
ReplyDeleteOf course, if RCI do not ask for every single file of IC given in Sabah, means RCI has something to hide for the federal govt and JPN. If so, RCI JUST BULLSHIT.
Hopefully the RCI panel will fulfill their duty to investigate the project IC issue and make the recommendation to resolve the problem in Sabah.
DeleteImigration dan pendaftaran negara yang harus disiasat terlebih dahulu, sebab kedua-dua jabatan ini berkait rapat dengan punca projek ic.
DeleteKes ini sudah lama berlarutan sejak 80'an. Sehingga kini, projek ini masih diteruskan tetapi masih tiada pihak diambil tindakan.
DeleteThe RCI panel can make recommendations to court to incriminate those culprits, hopefully they can find out the truth within the 6 months time frame set. Just wait and see.
ReplyDeleteRCI akan mendedahkan byk perkara terutama berkaitan projek ic.
ReplyDeletemenjadi harapan semua agar isu pati dan ic projek dapat diselesaikan.
DeleteTidak semestinya mereka akan dijatuhkan hukuman.
DeleteTapi bukan senang mau selesaikan masalah projek ic dan pati dalam masa singkat ini, perlu kerjasama dari semua pihak.
DeleteRCI akan di tubuhkan..jadi pembangkang jangan mainkan isu ini lagi.
ReplyDeletesusah juga pembangkang ni, semua pun mahu dikritik.
Deleteharap tiada pihak yang mahu mempolitikkan pekara ini.
ReplyDeleteharap tiada pihak yang mahu mempolitikkan pekara ini.
ReplyDeletePembangkang pasti tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mempolitikan isu tu.
DeletePembangkang akan sentiasa mencari jalan untuk politikkan isu ini..bukan mau fikir jalan penyelesaian..
Deletehasil siasatan nanti pasti akan dinanti oleh semua rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeleteHukuman perlu ikut undang2 yang telah ada di M'sia.
ReplyDeleteTan Sri, ok lets leave aside finding the culprits.
ReplyDeleteCan Tan Sri ask the federal govt to get JPN to provide every single detail of every single IC issued for Sabah from 1.9.1963 until now?
Remember Tan Sri the JPN refused to even meet the Parliamentary Committee chaired by Tan Sri.
Can you promise to get JPN to give information of every single IC issued for Sabah to the RCI? Seriously, can you? Search your soul and your heart for the sake of the future of the KDMs and Sabah.
RCI not 100% guarantee to resolve PATI but at least the government keep it a try.
ReplyDeleteIsu ini tidak harus berlarutan yang akan menjejas pembangunan negeri Sabah.
ReplyDeletejangan risau la.. tidak berlarutan sudah tu.. ada RCI sudah ba..
DeleteGolongan ini juga punca utama kadar kemiskinan di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteHarap siasatan RCI menyakinkan.
ReplyDeletetu la yang kita harapkan. sama2 kita sokong RCI.
Deleteseems like opposition leaders cannot see a different between RCI and Court.. hehe
ReplyDeleteWorkable or not workable is still too early to judge. Lets wait and see.
ReplyDeleteBiarlah panel-panel RCI menjalankan tugasan mereka
ReplyDeletePanas isu RCI ini, sekarang sudah di umumkan akan di tubuhkan RCI, masih juga pembangkang mau buat isu..memang tidak pandai habis.