KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) leaders have taken Kota Belud member of parliament Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan to task for his statement on Sabah’s status as one of the 13 states in Malaysia.
According to the party’s women movement chief, Melanie Chia, Abdul Rahman said that he referred to history starting with the Malaysia Proclamation showing Sabah is one of the 13 states in Malaysia.
“History is always an important reference as it is the discovery, collection, organization and presentation of information about past events (Wikipedia) but we must not make selective references only,” she said.
Chia was of the opinion that the Kota Belud MP had failed to acknowledge there was the Malaysia Agreement signed on 9 July 1963 between the United Kingdom and the Federation of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore. Without the signing of the Malaysia Agreement, an agreement relating to Malaysia together with the annexes, including the Constitution of Sabah, there would have been no Malaysia, she said, adding “please note, there were four parties to the signing of this agreement!
These important documents signed had determined the formation of Malaysia. Even in the Malaysia Proclamation as read by our first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, and by the respective heads in Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore, this proclamation must be read in its full text to get the full spirit of the proclamation, Chia pointed out.
The Luyang assemblywoman claimed that Abdul Rahman had chosen to refer and highlighted only the last paragraph of the Malaysia Proclamation to state his claim that Sabah is only one of the 13 states.
“Has he not read the preceding paragraph of the proclamation where it is written that our first Prime Minister with the concurrence and approval of His Majesty the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong of the Federation of Malaya, His Excellency the Yang Di-Pertuan Negara of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore, ‘Do Hereby Declare and Proclaim’.
“If Sabah does not have that special position, that is, it is unlike any of the other states in Malaya, how is it that we together with Sarawak, has a state constitution and has the Cabinet system of State Government. The other states in Malaya are run by an Executive Committee.
“We should look at history in its totality and rectify any shortfall that is due to the people and not continue to blur and distort the facts and succumb to continued unfairness and injustices,” she stressed.
Meanwhile, SAPP Supreme Council member Peter Marajin said that the proclamation of Malaysia read by Donald Stephens (late Tun Fuad) at Padang Bandaran on that particular day that Sabah is one of the 13 states in Malaysia does not mean Sabah’s status is the same as Perlis or Kedah in Malaya at that time. It is only a question of convenience that such proclamation was pronounced.
“It must be remembered that Malaya had already attained independence on 31.08.1957 through a federation of 11 states. Sarawak gained her independence on 22.07.1963 and Sabah on 31.08.1963. These two Borneo territories were already full pledged nations when they joined up with the Federation of Malaya and Singapore to form a new nation called Malaysia” he said.
He said when the discussions were held for the formation of the new nation it was agreed that Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore were to be federated with Malaysia. But it does not mean that they agreed to be added as three new states under the already federated Federation of Malaya. The three nations were to be federated with the new nation Malaysia with distinct autonomy of their own and not to be treated like Perlis, Kedah and the other states of Malaya. This autonomy is well spelt out in the IGC Reports and other documents which include the 20 Points (Sabah) and 18 Points (Sarawak).
“The ‘colonization’ of Sabah and Sarawak began when Singapore was ejected from the Federation in 1965 whereby the parliamentary seats for the two Borneo territories had been reduced to only 27% of the total number of the seats. Here KL started amending the laws and the Federal Constitution to the effect that now the status of Sabah and Sarawak has now been reduced similar with Perlis, Kedah and so on, thus, doing away our autonomy and KL now is simply reluctant to acknowledge this, let alone restore it,” he said, adding Abdul Rahman should tell the people the reason behind KL’s reluctance to honour it.
Marajin said the people yearned for autonomy as what was stated in the Malaysia Agreement in which Sabah leaders have total powers to determine the State’s direction minus KL interferences.
He said KL could only interfere in Sabah when it comes to matters concerning the nation’s security.
According to Marajin, there is no question of secession because the formation of Malaysia was similar to the formation of Great Britain consisting of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland where each of them has its own autonomy.
Abd Rahman bin Haji Dahlan MP Kota Belud,bacalah kenyataan diatas dengan secukupnya.Jangan main tangkap serkapjarang saja.Ini soal Negeri sabah,bukannya soal kuala Pintasan atau Lok Yul atau Kayu Putih.Lain kali buatlah kenyataan secara berhati hati dan teliti.
ReplyDeleteInilah Jomo Samah,main ingat jagu saja.
Rinig,Kota Belud
Cukup menarik untuk kita ikuti bersama.Baru baru ini MP Kota Belud mengatakan sesuatu yang agak aneh untuk dikatakan "Sabah Menyertai Malaysia dan Bukannya Sabah Turut bersama sama untuk membentuk Malaysia"
ReplyDeleteKalau kenyataan En Peter Marajin ini tidak betul,cakap terus terang tapi kau MP Kota Belud cuma ikut nasihat UMNO BN tidak payahlah,kita akan faham.
Anak Idahan
Tempasuk Kota Belud
MP yang tinggal separuh biji tentu kena ikut cakap bos. Fahamlah jika bos suruh temberang Sabah menyertai Malayasia, temberanglah. Apa dia boleh buat?
DeleteNi baru la sandi, anak buah yang salah cakap, bos pula yang kena.
DeleteSabah menubuhkan Malaysia bersama Sarawak dan Malaya, Perjanjian 20 Perkara merupakan syarat yang dikemukakan oleh pemimpin kita masa itu.
DeleteThe Proclamation of Malaysia as read by Tunku Abdul Rahman says:
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful, Praise to God, the Lord of the Universe, and may the benediction and peace of God be upon Our Leader Muhammad and upon all his Relations and Friends.
WHEREAS by an Agreement made on the Ninth day of July in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three between the Federation of Malaya, the United Kingdom, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore it was agreed that there shall be federated the States of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore with the Federation of Malaya comprising the states of Pahang, Trengganu, Kedah, Johore, Negri Sembilan, Kelantan, Selangor, Perak, Perlis, Penang and Malacca, and that the Federation shall thereafter be called "MALAYSIA":
It means Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore federated with the Federation of Malaya.
MP UMNO balik lah sekolah belajar sejarah Malaysia. Bikin malu saja kita orang Sabah.
ReplyDeleteBagaimana Sabah masuk Malaysia apabila Malaysia belum wujud lagi sebelum tahun 16 September 1963?
Janganlah salahkan Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan kerana tersilap bahawa Sabah adalah salah satu daripada 13 negeri, bukan semua orang jelas dengan sejarah penubuhan Malaysia.
Deleteitulah, pengetahuan sejarah amat penting. jgn sambil lewa mengenai sejarah negara kita.
Deletetidak jelas sebab dalam sejarah yang diajar di sekolah tidak begitu tepat...sebab itulah sejarah yang diajar di sekolah harus dikaji semula dan fakta sebenar harus diajar kepada para pelajar.
DeleteSeharusnya MP perlu berhati-hati membuat kenyataan di khalayak ramai.
ReplyDeleteBetul, MP sebagai orang bernama perlulah berhati-hati bila membuat apapa kenyataan kerana mendapat perhatian orang ramai. Tersilap kata boleh menyebabkan kemarahan masyarakat.
Deletemalangnya ramai yang suka cakap ikut sedap mulut dan hati dan pikiran...
DeleteThere need to responsible to their statement.
DeleteMy understanding all this while is Sabah..Sarawak..Singapore and Malaya were joined together to form Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteIf Singapore still remains with Malaysia, they would be considered as one of the equal partners and not just 1 out of 14 states. The Federal Government should fulfill the agreement between Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya during the formation of Malaysia.
DeleteSingapore left.
DeleteSabah & Sarawak should do the same.
Why don't ask for British's intervene?
DeleteMungkin dia ini termasuk dalam siasatan dapat degree palsu kot...harap-harap dia ini inda termasuk....tapi bagus juga bah dia selalu komen sebab kalau dia tidak cakap tidak ada lah yang membongkar kecetekan pemikiran ahli UMNO..maksugnya UMNO ini sudah tidak releven lagi sebab pemimpinnya tidak boleh berfikir diluar kotak
ReplyDeleteSabah is equal partners with Malaya and Sarawak. The Federal Government should treat us as such.
ReplyDeleteyes indeed...
DeleteSabah dan Sarawak kena dilayan dgn baik sebagai rakan kongsi.
ReplyDeletehak dan kedudukan sabah dan sarawak sebagai rakan kongsi harus dikembalikan semula..diharap PM najib razak akan membuat perkara yang betul...
DeleteHak & kepentingan orang Sabahan juga harus dipertahankan.
DeletePerjanjian dalam 20 perkara perlu dilaksanakan.
Deletemana pakar sejarah negara? mereka patut memberi komen...
ReplyDeletesetuju, lebih baik dengar pendapat dari pada pakar sejarah Malaysia.
DeleteDaripada rakyat berteka-teki lebih baik pakar sejarah M'sia memberi penjelasan.
Deletepakar sejarah pun kena ikat hidung bah.mana dorng berani beri penjelasan mengenai perkara sejarah yg betul.takut status mereka dilucutkan.apa lagi.....rujuk saja ditempat penyimpan kazana perjanjian di UN.
Deletesabah merdeka pada 31 ogos 1963...malaysia terbentuk pada 16 sept 1963...
ReplyDeleteSi Bumburing dan Lajim masih tidak berubah. Lagi mau join PR dan digunakan oleh Pkr untuk mengekalkan Sabah sebagai 1 drpd 13 negeri. Dgn pemimpin lapuk macam ini Sabah tentu kekal dikongkong oleh Malaya macammana Sabah boleh maju kalau bagitu.?
ReplyDeleteRakyat dan pemimpin jati Sabah perlu faham dan perlu menginginkan Sabah sebagai 1 drpd 3 equal partner dalam Malaysia.
Jom, buang semua pemimpin dan parti Malaya serta monyet-monyet dan kerbau-kerbau mereka yang dicucuk hidung.
Isu ini harus diperjelaskan agar tidak mengelirukan rakyat terhadap pembentukan Malaysia.
ReplyDeletesetuju, pekara ini patut diperjelaskan agar tidak timbul kekeliruan.
DeleteSejarah harus berdasarkan fakta dan kebenaran dan bukannya rekaan semata-mata.
ReplyDeletesetuju, sejarah haruslah berdasarkan fakta.
Deletebetula firman allah-sesunguhnya allah amat benci pada bohong dan sebesar besar bohong ialah pemimpin....
DeleteSejarah pembentukan harus dikaji dan membuat pembetulan jika diperlukan.
ReplyDeleteAll should know the fact that Sabah is a country not a state!
ReplyDeleteThe fact should be put in the history syllabus..
ReplyDeleteKita semua mesti faham bahawa fakta sejarah tidak boleh diubah sebab sudah berlaku. Masalah di Malaysia ialah kerajaan yang memutarbelitkan fakta dan menukar sejarah.
ReplyDeleteProklamasi Malaysia yang diistiharkan oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman ialah:
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful, Praise to God, the Lord of the Universe, and may the benediction and peace of God be upon Our Leader Muhammad and upon all his Relations and Friends.
WHEREAS by an Agreement made on the Ninth day of July in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three between the Federation of Malaya, the United Kingdom, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore it was agreed that there shall be federated the States of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore with the Federation of Malaya comprising the states of Pahang, Trengganu, Kedah, Johore, Negri Sembilan, Kelantan, Selangor, Perak, Perlis, Penang and Malacca, and that the Federation shall thereafter be called "MALAYSIA":
Ini jelas membuktikan bahawa Sabah, Sarawak dan Singapore bergabung dengan Federation of Malaya bukan dengan negeri-negeri di Malaya.
sejarah perlu difahami dengan baik oleh semua.
ReplyDeleteisu macam ini biar pakar sejarah yang jelaskan.
ReplyDeleteApa lagi yang mahu dijelaskan sedangkan fakta ini sudah pun jelas..
ReplyDeleteSabah merupakan antara 4 buah negara yang membentuk bersama PERSEKUTUAN NEGARA MALAYSIA. Sepertimana dalam perjanjian penubuhan Negara Malaysia Tahun 1963, negara-negara tersebut ialah;
1. Negara Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (11 buah negeri)
2. Negara Singapura
3. Negara Sarawak
4. Negara Sabah (dahulunya dikenali sebagai North Borneo)
Ke empat-empat negara ini mempunyai tarikh kemerdekaan yg berbeza;
1. Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (31 Ogos 1957)
2. Singapura (3 Jun 1959)
3. Sarawak (22 Julai 1963)
4. Sabah (31 Ogos 1963)
Hari Penubuhan PERSEKUTUAN NEGARA MALAYSIA (16 September 1963)
Kesemua Negara tersebut mendapat kemerdekaan daripada Kolonial British.
Fakta penting adalah Sabah bukan merdeka dalam Persekutuan Tanah Melayu seperti mana 11 buah negeri yang lain.
masa YTL jadi KM Sabah dulu dia hanya fokus kepada hutan2 saja untuk kroni2 dia.. tidak ada pula dia fokus kepada 20 perkara atau borneonisasi.. sudah jadi pembangkang baru kunun perihatin dengan status sabah.. tambirang!
ReplyDeleteYTL memang besar tambirang.
DeleteBrunei paling pandai, tak bergabung dgn Malaya.