The Association for the Promotion of Human Rights (Proham) wants the government to include identifying the culprits and recommending their punishment in the Sabah Royal Commission of Inquiry's (RCI) scope.
The RCI has recently been set up to examine claims that immigrants were illegally granted citizenship for votes.
The RCI is also lacking in making recommendations on how to deal with the problem if indeed there are citizens who did not qualify for their citizenship, said Proham chairperson Simon Sipaun (right) and Proham secretary-general Denison Jayasooria in a joint-statement today.
"Proham therefore calls on the federal government to add two additional terms of reference, namely to make appropriate recommendations pertaining to effective solutions on the presence of large number of illegal immigrants in Sabah, including reviewing standard operating procedures and regulations in order to ensure such occurrences do not recur.
"This is in addition to identifying and recommending appropriate action on those responsible if the RCI investigations reveal discrepancies," they said.
However, the duo also lauded the commission's composition which they described as made up of "credible individuals with legal, administrative, academic and contextual expertise" but noted that there was a lack of gender representation.
"Proham acknowledges the comprehensive terms of reference which is very fully focused on determining the issues pertaining to immigration, issuance of the IC and determining the population issues.
"This is right and these facts must be investigated and determined in an objective and rational way so as to restore public confidence through independent verification and release of all data into the public domain," they said.
Its a clear cut case with his very own words,MAHATHIR is the main culprit.What Sabahan can really do to Mr Mamak Thir?
ReplyDeleteThe UMNO BN would be very please to safe their tpye and kind from any wrongdoing.
Dan siapa yang macam ayam kena cabut bulu sekarang kalau bukan Mahathir? Kerap keluarkan kenyataan yang memperlekehkan RCI di Sabah.
Deletemahathir harus disiasat...
DeleteThe first person to be investigated is Mahathir.
DeleteDoesn't matter who the culprit is, he/she must be punished.
DeleteMereka yang disabit menyalahgunakan kuasa harus dikenakan tindakan.
Deletenak buat RCI pun sambil lewa saje......
ReplyDeletetakut kah ? RCI ni carefully engineered supaya ada lubang dalam jarigan bah....
RCI diadakan cuma nak "entertain" permintaan rakyat yang semakin marah
mamak kutty sering buat statements kebelakagan kini pasal RCI .... makin takut kah?
mamak kutty jangan takut BN dan PATI akan protect kamu cukup cukup bah.
Pasti mereka yang terlibat akan tertangkapan juga tu,
DeleteBukan selama2nya mereka yang bersalah tu akan terlepas. mungkin sekarang boleh bersembunyi tapi tetap ada pembalasan di kemudian hari.
DeleteWhat goes around comes around.
DeleteIf mahathir is proven guilty, he must be punished heavily.
DeleteDalang siapa ketua projek ic tdk ada dlm TOR. Begitu jua hukuman tidak di nyatakan TOR perlu di tambah untuk menguatkan lagi RCI. Najip rosma, jangan bermaim wayang, rakyat sabah tahu permainan kau najip, dekat PRU 13
ReplyDeleteNajib pasti akan pertimbangkan pandangan dari rakyat.
DeleteTOR itu belum tetap, ia akan disemak semula jg nnti.
Deletemaklum balas dari rakyat sabah harus diambil kira dan diberikan perhatian khusus...
DeleteSebelum ada progress RCI, jangan la cepat membuat andaian. sama2 la kita tengok dulu macam mana.
ReplyDeletepanel yang dipilih harus menjalankan tugas dengan baik agar semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.
DeleteThe Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on Illegal Immigrants will be chaired by former Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong while Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry secretary-general Datuk Saripuddin Kasim has been appointed as the secretary.The RCI will have four commissioners namely former Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) vice-chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Kamaruzaman Ampon, former Sabah Attorney-General Tan Sri Herman Luping, former Sabah State Secretary Datuk K.Y Mustafa and Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation deputy chairman, Datuk Henry Chin Poy Wu.
ReplyDeleteDiharapkan semua yang dilantik menjadi ahli panel RCI dan diketuai oleh Steve Shim akan berusaha melaksanakan tanggungjawab mereka dengan telus, ikhlas, adil dan berintegriti.
DeleteHopefully the RCI panel members will conduct the investigation with fairness and integrity.
DeleteMahathir dan Anwar terlibat dalam projek IC ni..tunggulah kamu.
ReplyDeleteBetul, Mahathir selakunya Perdana Menteri dan Anwar selakunya DPM masa itu perlulah disiasat oleh Panel RCI kita.
Deletemerekalah individu pertama yang harus disiasat...
DeleteMahathir and Anwar should be the first people to be investigated.
DeleteNampaknya TOR masih perlu diperbaiki lagi. ambil masa lagilah ni kalau begini.
ReplyDeleteSemoga Terma dan Rujukan untuk RCI ini akan disiapkan tidak lama lagi, ahli dan ketua untuk Panel RCI sudahpun dikenal pasti, cuma tunggu penubuhan RCI secara rasmi untuk menyiasat masalah PATI di Sabah saja.
DeleteTOR akan dikaji semula bagi memastikan ia yng terbaik dan diterima rakyat.
Deletedan diharap selepas ini TOR akan bertepatan dengan kehendak dan kemahuan rakyat sabah..
DeleteSemoga semua berjalan lancar dan panel RCI juag diberi sokongan oleh golongan ramai.
DeleteBegitu lama ambil masa untuk siapkan TOR. Takkan tiada perkara yang menyebut tentang mastermind projek ic dan hukuman ke atas mereke. Jangan takut untuk dedahkan mereka!
ReplyDeleteDiharapkan Terma dan Rujukan untuk RCI akan diumumkan kepada orang ramai oleh Perdana Menteri kita supaya rakyat jelas tentang skop yang terbabit dalam RCI.
Deletejust hope the pati issue could be solved before election comes.
DeleteProham's suggestion to include identifying the culprits and recommending their punishment in the RCI Terms of Reference can be considered.
ReplyDeleteIt should be considered. RCI should also update the people on their investigation.
DeleteSemoga siasatan RCI positif untuk mencari punca masalah PATI.
ReplyDeleteya, harap RCI akan dapat mencari penyelesaian terbaik terhadap masalah pati.
DeleteJust hope everything will go smoothly towards the target.
ReplyDelete"This is in addition to identifying and recommending appropriate action on those responsible if the RCI investigations reveal discrepancies,"
ReplyDeleteKebenaran harus dicari. Ramai berhak mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya berlaku terutama kemasukan pati yang mendadak.
Kesalahan mereka ini memberi kesan yang sangat besar kepada rakyat di Sabah dan seharusnya mereka menangung kesalahan mereka itu.
ReplyDeleteHukuman setimpal harus dikenakan kepada mereka yang bersalah!
ReplyDeletejika ada pihak yang bersalah dalam isu sperti ic projek. maka mereka harus dihukum.
ReplyDeleteapa pun, paling penting Sabah harus bebas daripada masalah pati.
ReplyDeleteharap penyelesaian akan berjaya dibuat berhubung isu pati.
ReplyDeleteRCI bukan mahkamah yang berkuasa untuk menentukan seseorang itu bersalah atau tidak, dan RCI juga bukan mahkamah yang boleh menjatuhkan hukuman kepada mana2 pesalah..
ReplyDeleteKita sama2 ikut perkembangan RCI. Masih awal lagi untuk judge.
DeleteTindakan undang2 perlu ikut prosedur.