A day after Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s visit to Sabah, another BN representative, Senator Maijol Mahap, is expected to defect today.
Maijol had on July 29 raised eyebrows when he appeared along side opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on stage at the defection ceremony of Tuaran MP Wilfred Bumburing (centre in photo).
Beaufort MP Lajim Ukin had similarly defected to the opposition on the same day.
Maijol had at the ceremony announced his intention to quit Upko but did not say whether he would formally align himself with Pakatan Rakyat.
However, a senior PKR source confirmed that the Upko vice-president will be making the move today.
Sabah BN’s Kota Belud MP Abdul Rahman Dahlan, too, had expected the defection.
“Senator Maijol Mahap from Upko is joining Anwar this Sunday. No surprise as he announced leaving Upko two weeks ago with Wilfred Bumburing,” he said in a Twitter posting.
It is unclear whether Maijol is to join Pakatan but it is likely he would align himself with the opposition through Sabah-based Pakatan-friendly organisations under the banner of the Sabah Reform Front (SRF).
In the double defection last month, it was announced that Wilfred will lead the Angkatan Perubahan Sabah while Lajim would take charge of Pakatan Perubahan Sabah under the auspices of SRF to help garner local support for the opposition coalition
harap si JK jangan keras kepala asyik nak go solo....join PR pact lah supaya 1 lawan 1 ......
ReplyDeleteJK tidak akan join PR, dalam Star PR hanya mengambil kesempatan di Sabah saja. Jangan harap la ada kerjasama. PR boleh berambus dari Sabah.
Deletekalau asyik kejar kepentingan diri sendiri tu memang tiadalah kerjasama. JK mana mau kongsi kejayaan dengan parti lain. dia tu mau jadi KM Sabah.
DeleteJK mana mau join PR, dia mau jadi bos saja tu.
DeleteJK refusing to join PR pact is a strong indication that he is a self-centered leader. What ever happen to fighting for the people?
DeleteI have lose trust in JK. I have a feeling he has a hidden agenda.
DeleteJK harus mencari jalan untuk kerjasama dengan parti lain supaya peluang untuk menang lebih cerah.
DeleteJK ada agenda sendiri.. mana boleh campur dengan patrti lain..tulah beliau suka lompat parti.
DeleteJK dulu sudah keluar dari PKR, tak kan lah pula mahu kerjasama dengan PR lagi.
Deletejangan takut si JK sudah terkedu sebab dia ini agen BN,nah rasa kan lah parti STAR tidak boleh tanding ADUN disabah,memang dia ada perjanjian dengan BN bah,contoh kalau orang dia yang kena suruh tanding di Tambunan atau Bingkor satu lawan satu dengan BN dan bila sampai penamaan calun ia tidak layak sebab perlembagaan STAR tidak boleh tanding diluar serawak,nah makan-makan lah BN dapat 2 kerusi percuma....jangan percaya dengan JK ini sebab dia ini agen BN lah
ReplyDeleteJK memang tidak boleh dipercayai. Beliau target untuk jadi KM tapi dalam mimpi sajalah.
DeleteSTAR bole blah la.
DeletePasti persaingan sengit akan berlaku pada PRU13.
ReplyDeleteLebih sengit jika parti pembangkang bertanding masing-masing dan mewujudkan satu pertandingan banyak penjuru. Pecahan undi akan memberi peluang baik untuk BN menang majoriti pada PRU-13. Percayalah.
DeletePecahan undi akan berlaku jika pembangkang tidak bekerjasama.
DeletePembangkang sendiri juga bersaing, yang menang pasti Bn.
Deletetunggu dan lihat sajalah, mungkin juga persaingan sengit akan berlaku.
DeleteMemang Maijol Mahap ni sudahpun letak jawatan dan sudah keluar BN. sekarang dia sokong pembangkang sudah.
ReplyDeleteInikah berita gembira yang si Anwar harap2kan tu??
DeleteTindakan beliau ini sudah dapt dihidu dari awal. Biarlah beliau mahu sokong parti mana pun. BN tetap kuat.
DeleteAnwar dan Pakatan Rakyat paling suka menerima pemimpin kitar semula daripada BN, sudah terdesak untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak sokongan sehingga boleh menerima sesiapa sahaja ke dalam parti. Entah apa motif Anwar untuk menarik pemimpin BN ke parti mereka, kita tunggulah dan lihat.
Deletebiarlah dia keluar, itu lebih baik dari jadi masalah dalam parti.
DeleteThat is his decision. Let him be.
DeleteHormati keputusan beliau, beliau berhak memilih parti yang bersesuaian untuk disertai.
DeleteKalau beliau mau keluar, terpulanglah kepada beliau.. sudah jadi pilihan beliau.. mau jadi katak..lompat parti.
DeleteKhairy said that Umno knew Sabah Senator, Maijol Mahap would be resigning from his BN and United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (UPKO) posts weeks ago, "but Anwar being as 'playful' as he is, made it look like a shock to the people. "This is all his (Anwar's) play. We knew about it because he (Maijol) had resigned from (Upko) weeks ago," he said. Mahap, UPKO's vice-president formally announced his decision to leave BN at a function held at his house in Kampung Kokobuan, Kota Marudu, Sabah. He had officially quit UPKO two weeks ago. Khairy added that he wished that Parliament would 'ignite' an anti-hopping law so that Parlimentarians elected must vacate their seats before he or she could 'jump ship'.
ReplyDeleteLebih baik jika semua ahli yang tidak lagi ikhlas berjuang bersama BN untuk keluar parti daripada terus menjadi duri dalam daging. Kita tunggulah dan lihat apa keputusan Maijol Mahap selepas ini.
DeleteThose who are not sincere to stay in bn should just leave.
DeleteSabahans' support for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has not diminished despite the recent defection of two Barisan Nasional (BN) members of Parliament to Pakatan Rakyat, emphasised State Umno deputy liaison chief Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak. He expressed confidence that the majority would continue supporting Najib's leadership in leading the nation to greater heights. Beaufort MP, Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin and Tuaran MP, Datuk Seri Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing pledged their support to Pakatan Rakyat last month, for the coming general election. Bumburing officially quit BN but Lajim remained an Umno member and resigned as Umno supreme council member, Beaufort Umno division chief and Beaufort BN chairman.Support for Najib had increased considerably, especially among Sabahans "because of his sincerity in finding ways to resolve woes including the setting up of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in the state", said Salleh, who is also State Legislative Assembly Speaker.
ReplyDeleteThe Bisaya group has expressed their loyalty and support to BN government regardless of the defect of Lajim Ukin. PBBS also wanted nothing to do with Lajim after he aligned himself with the opposition. We shall see whether Lajim made the right choice to defect.
DeleteIf Maijol Mahap wanted to defect from BN, it is entirely his own rights and freedom to do so. We should respect his decision.
ReplyDeleteWould have been better if he were to jump earlier rather than waiting for election to be just around the corner to do so.
DeleteAda juga pembangkang mencari masa yang tepat dan lompat ke BN juga.
DeleteIts normal for members to jump from one party to another especially when election is coming. No need to make it into a big deal.
ReplyDeleteBN menghadapi cabaran yang besar selepas beberapa pemimpin yang berpengalaman meninggalkan BN.
ReplyDeleteTidak apa, banyak lagi calon BN yang lain lebih layak untuk jadi pemimpin.
DeleteTidak ada alasan untuk kita meminta beliau untuk stay kerana pilihan beliau sudah menunjukkan di mana diri beliau sebenarnya.
ReplyDeletebagus juga dia keluar daripada menjadi duri dalam daging.
DeletePasti ada ramai lagi yang boleh mengantikan tempat beliau.
ReplyDeletekeluar sajalah kalau mahu keluar. masing-masing ada pilihan sendiri.
ReplyDeleteyang pasti sampai sekarang parti pembangkang masih lagi tidak bersatu.
ReplyDeleteKesatuan pembangkang di Sabah tidak akan wujud.
Deletesemua yang keluar meninggalkan parti ini bukan sebab kegagalan BN, sebaliknya disebabkan tidak tercalon pada PRU akan datang.. sebab itu mereka keluar last minute..
ReplyDeleteAda kemungkinan juga. Mereka yakin nama2 mereka tiada dalam senarai calon. Sebab tu pergi ke pembangkang.