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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sabah Umno fully behind Musa?

Umno insiders are warning of serious repercussions should Najib Tun Razak refuse to reinvigorate the BN in Sabah, which is fast losing support.

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Umno has brushed off claims of a shake-up in the party and that its strongman Musa Aman could well be on the way out ahead of the crucial general election.

Senior Sabah Umno leader, Masidi Manjun, quickly dismissed the news report in FMT as mere rumour, claiming even Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was impressed by Musa’s performance, both as Umno head and chief minister.

“Musa is doing an excellent job leading the party and the state government and the prime minister himself has complimented Musa’s leadership,” he said recently.

“Sabah Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) are fully behind Musa to continue leading the state,” he insisted when reporters asked him on the FMT article that the chief minister was marking time and could be replaced soon.

Local newspapers here yesterday carried Masidi’s denial prominently but party insiders whom FMT contacted insisted that many in Sabah Umno do not subscribe to the party line that Musa is doing an excellent job.

Said one: “If Musa is doing an excellent job as Masidi claimed, how come leaders like Lajim Ukin and Wilfred Bumburing had left? Please explain too why the Kadazandusuns and Chinese and even more Muslims in Sabah are leaving BN?”

According to the report, an increasingly embattled Umno could well be forced to do a rescue reshuffle in its “fix-deposit” Sabah’s party hierarchy and state leadership.

The rationale for the reshuffle getting the go-ahead from Najib is reportedly due to grumbling among the business community in the state as well as a series of high-profile defections from Umno as well as other BN parties.

According to well-placed sources, the shake-up would involve Musa taking leave and either Masidi or Hajiji Mohd Noor acting as Sabah chief minister until the general election.

However, talk of a shake-up in Sabah Umno is also being seen as a gambit by those close to another Sabah Umno strongman and Musa rival, Shafie Apdal, the current Semporna MP who is a trusted man of Najib, to eventually pave the way for him to helm the state.

This is plausible but Umno insiders are warning of serious repercussions should Najib refuse to reinvigorate the BN in the state which is reportedly steadily losing the support of almost all the communities in the state.

They claimed that party’s interest must be put first and ahead of personal agenda and failure to do so would result in more defections as the election looms.

“The sooner the PM does something, the better we are prepared for the election. Public perception is just as crucial as reality in an election; we cannot afford to carry baggage in a pivotal election like the coming one,” said an Umno leader who requested anonymity.

He said Masidi’s statement was a stock party reply as “there is no way an Umno leader would go ahead and say yes there is truth in the report on Musa”.

“It is better for the party to be courageous than limp into an opposition vicious attacks. Insiders like Lajim and Bumburing could be dishing out damaging information.

“They are already working with Anwar Ibrahim to bring down the party,” said the Umno leader who claimed to be among its founding members in Sabah.

Just before leaving Umno, Lajim hinted that he had informed Najib about the situation in Sabah for the BN and how in his view it was time to replace Musa as chief minister.

The situation in Sabah, according to party insiders, is not unlike that across the border, where there are efforts to replace long-serving Sarawak Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud.

So far, Taib has shown no sign of leaving the scene before the general election.

Luke Rintod


  1. Bravo Musa! Your the best! We do not want second best.Keep on leading.Keep on being our CM.

    1. the best??? my foot!!! most corrupt and abusive umno CM in Sabah. Would MCAA investigate his ill-gotten gain$ and all Sabahans will one day rejoy to see this crookd his cronies rot in jail!!!

    2. Hanya Tuhan Allah sahaja yang The Best forever...............Musa <---- Thump down 1000x

      Ya Allah......selamatkan Sabah negara kami.........

    3. That's right im with u.

    4. Have people forgotten what did Harris do to Sabah?

    5. Harris should responsible to his sin towards Sabahans.

    6. harris memang layak dihukum rakyat sabah...

    7. I think this merely a game played by the opposition for personal gain.

    8. Harris memang seorang yang suka tebalkan mukanya.

  2. biar dia orang senang lenang dulu,tunggu lah sampai bubar siapa yang terbubar atau tersungkur....kasi chan dulu dia orang tidur bah

    1. Pembangkang juga yang tersungkur nanti. Sebab? Mereka tidak pandai bersatu. Smeua pun mahu jadi Tuan.

    2. sebab apa pembangkang akan tersungkur? sebab pembangkang di sabah semua siok sendiri..

    3. Jadi maksudnya biar pembangkang bermaharajalela?

  3. UMNO akan terus maju dan bertapak di bumi Sabah dibawah kepimpinan Datuk Musa,Insyallah!

    1. Pakistan ja yang maju.

    2. Pemerintahan BN akan terus memajukan Sabah.

    3. T u k a r.............................!!

      T u k a a a a a a a a a a a..............RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Jangan salahkan bangsa lain maju kalau sendiri malas atau tidak tahan bekerja.

    5. Semuanya ada di tangan rakyat. rakyat yang tentukan bila tiba PRU nanti.

    6. BN sabah masih kuat dan mantap...

    7. BN Sabah masih kuat temberangnya dan setiap ahli dan pemimpinnya semakin mantap mengampu...
      bravo BN!

  4. Lajim cemburu dengan kejayaan Musa.Mau jadi KM mesti ada Ijazah macam Musa ada MBA.Kalau tidak ada mana boleh kalau setakat pandai cakap depan mikropon saja.Yang saya tau Lajim hanya tingkatan 3.

    1. Lajim memang cemburu dengan Datuk Musa Aman kerana beliau sudah lama mengharapkan jawatan KM tapi tidak kesampaian.

    2. Eh, bukan Lajim sampai darjah 6 saja?

    3. Mungkin darjah enam saja.Tau lah banyak cerita berlainan.Tapi kalau darjah enam sudah pasti tidak boleh jadi KM.Sudah kata nasib dapat jawatan menteri dulu.Bagus pencen lah.Memalukan saja.

    4. Dulu2 darjah 3 atau 6 boleh jadi cikgu. kalau KM mungkin xbolehlah.

    5. Lajim tu beria-ia mahu jadi KM...dulu dia lompat dari PBS pun sebab dia dijanjikan jawatan KM...

    6. Ada kemungkinan juga tu. Pakatan pun memang tidak suka sama Lajim terpaksa la dia mau buat parti sendiri.

    7. Lajim sejal dulu mmg ingin jadi KM, jadi dia akan terus kejar jawatan itu.

  5. Sokongan hanya pada Musa, kepimpinan beliau sangat membanggakan. teruskan sokngan rakyat Sabah kepada beliau.

    1. Herman Luping said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman's financial management of the Sabah government's coffers and his forest management policies is rated the best in the nation

    2. Musa, who has helmed the state government since the past nine years, had not only ensured the state government prospered, but had also given more political stability, prosperity and infrastructural development in the state.

    3. Sabah under Musa Aman is definitely in rapid progress mode said Luping.

    4. under Musa and BN-UMNO, Sabah has been crown as the poorest state in Malaysia..
      bravo BN!bravo UMNO!bravo Musa!

    5. kepimpinan yang baik seperti Musa harus kita sokong.

  6. Selvarajah Somiah also said Datuk Musa Aman is the model of good governance.

  7. sokongan saya hanya untuk Musa

    1. ya kah??..hehehe lawaknya...hehehe...

  8. Musa akan sambung jawatan KM beliau selepas PRU13 ni.

  9. Must be someone put up the stir between them.

  10. But hopefully the people not going to believe it.

  11. Syukur Alhamdulillah dan segala kebesaran kepada ALLah kerana Datuk Musa Aman terus mentadbir dan menjadi KM Sabah.

    1. Betul tu, jadi kita patut bersyukur dan bukan asyik cari kejahatan saja.

    2. betul tu jangan anggap curi 100 juta dollar itu jahat...

  12. Banyak angkat kaki sini .... pui

  13. musa menjalankan tugas beliau selaku KM sabah..

    1. kalau prestasi terus baik..rakyat akan terus sokong beliau.

    2. malangnya prestasi merudum...

  14. lajim dan bumburing keluar atas sebab peribadi dan tiada kaitan dengan musa aman...

    1. Dunia politik memang agak menakutkan. Semuanyalah dikaitkan walaupun takda bukti. huhu

    2. setiap orang ada pilihan sendiri..jadi terserahlah untuk pilih siapa.


  15. whatever happen there is a reason don't put the blame on Musa alone.

    1. As a leader in a party when you failed you must take responsibility for these failures in your party.

      Don't blame on anyone else but yourself Musa.

      Failed leaders must step down and let others take over for the sake of the state.

  16. Angkat telur kut .....

  17. kita lihat sajalah siapa yang akan jadi pilihan rakyat nanti Paling penting bagi saya ialah apa yang rakyat mahukan.

    1. serahkan saja kepada rakyat sendiri untuk tentukan pilihan mereka.

    2. kalau serahkan kepada kebijaksanaan rakyat 100% undi tentu kepada pembangkang..
      yang bijak itu ABU...asalkan bukan UMNO - BN....

  18. Ramai yang menafikan perkembangan positif Sabah di bawah pimpinan Musa. Tapi tak mengapa sebab itu adalah pilihan masing-masing.

  19. Yang penting rakyat buat pilihan yang tepat sajalah ya:)

    1. pilihan yang tepat itu adalah tukarrrr...!! end........

  20. pembangkang memang risau jika BN Sabah terus bersatu..sebab tu mereka cuba kata yang BN Sabah bermasalah.

    1. memang bermasalah pun...huhuhu...

  21. pemimpin yang sentiasa utamakan rakyat akan mendapat sokongan padu.

  22. Musa dan lajim serta bumburing adalah sama saja.merika lebih pentingkan poket sendiri daripada kebajikan rakyaat sabah.merika sepatutnya memperjuangkan 20perkara seperti yang diperjuangkan oleh dr.jeffry sebab itu merupakan perkara yang dipersetujui semasa sabah sama2 mencipta negara malaysia.kalau pencapaian akidemik yang jadi ukuran untuk menjawat jawatan km sabah hanya dr.jeffry ,dr.maximmus serta dr.yee moh chai saja yang layak.yang lain2 cuma layak jadi pencacai bn.

  23. Musa will win pru-13 for sure

  24. Give him a break people don't jump into conclusion that fast

  25. apa yang penting ialah BN Sabah perlu bersatu dan bukannya berbelah

  26. sokongan padu terhadap kepimpinan Musa perlu kukuh jika BN ingin terus kekal memerintah di Sabah

  27. suara rakyat perlu didengari dan diutamakan jika BN ingin mendapat sokongan penuh di musim PRU13

  28. tanpa sokongan majoriti dari rakyat, tidak mungkin BN akan dapat mempertahankan kedudukannya sebagai ketua parti di Sabah

  29. semoga Musa dapat terus kekal sebagai KM Sabah

  30. bersatu BN teguh bercerai BN runtuh

    1. keruntuhan BN amat dialu-alukan..
      terima kasih..

  31. yang tidak sebulu dengan Musa sudah lompat.. sebab merajuk tidak tersenarai sebagai calon PRU13..

  32. si Shafie pun jangan harap la mahu rampas kerusi KM Sabah.. bagus dia bersara saja dari menteri KKLW..

  33. Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman said the Barisan Nasional (BN) government would continue to make it a priority to fulfill its promises to the people and attend to their problems.

  34. He said the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, was a clear example of this as he continuously meets the grassroots during walkabouts.


  35. “The leaders of the country are confident in meeting the people face-to-face because they can fulfill the promises made to the rakyat. In this way, the people can air their problems directly so that the leaders can solve them immediately,” he said this when launching the Libaran Umno branch cluster meeting .


  36. Musa said it was different from the opposition leaders who often made empty promises because they could not honour them. He said they were more interested in getting the power to rule and not in defending the interests of the people as shown by what has happened in states controlled by the opposition.


  37. Meanwhile, Musa who is also the Sabah Umno chief, reminded party members in the state not to be excessively concerned by the choice of candidates in the upcoming general election.


  38. He said they should focus all their efforts in updating the BN party machinery in order to ensure the people returned the mandate to the ruling government.


  39. Furthermore, he said if they were caught up with the issue of candidates, they would not be able to focus on serving the people.


  40. “The choice of candidates in BN is determined by the leadership so let us all wait. What is important is for us to work harder to make sure the party remains strong and our party machinery is regularly updated.


  41. “I believe the BN candidates who will be chosen are winnable candidates. So don’t think of personal interests but think of the party and serving the people,” he said.


  42. He reminded members to always stay united especially at the grassroots level and to avoid trivial issues that can destroy the party’s strength.

  43. “If there are problems, we should solve them amicably bearing in mind that we must not destroy party unity by exaggerating small issues.


  44. Musa also stressed that Umno will be BN’s backbone and to work hard to assure the ruling government stayed in power in Sabah.


  45. He said Umno and the component parties of BN will prove that BN is the best choice for the people through its continuous development programmes.


  46. Musa expressed his confidence that Sabah will continue to grow especially in the rural areas due to the commitment of the government led by Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

  47. He said the BN government ensured development for all irrespective of their faith and political ideologies.


  48. “That is the BN concept of serving the people. The elected representatives of BN will always work hard to serve the people because they know they have been voted by the people and so it is their responsibility to serve them,” he added.
