KOTA KINABALU: The State Reform Party (Star) has challenged local parties in Sabah to leave the Barisan Nasional (BN) in the wake of former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad’s widely-reported blog posting on Wed this week that “illegal immigrants who have stayed long in Sabah are entitled to citizenship especially when they can speak Bahasa Malaysia”.
He also called for the removal of illegal immigrants holding MyKads meant for citizens by operation of law from the electoral rolls.
Police urged to charge Mahathir with treason
Thirdly, Daniel urged the Police to interview Mahathir and charge him in Court over his blog posting “which is tantamount to an admission of sedition and treason”. He’s not in favour of the Federal Government recommending to the King that Mahathir be given any Royal Pardon by the backdoor.
Fourthly, he urged the formation of an Interim Federal Government composed of all parties across the political divide to draw up a long-delayed Federal Constitution for Malaysia. He pledged to set up a Constitution for Malaysia Movement (CoMaMo) shortly to embark on a signature campaign.
He claimed that Malaysia was supposed to get a Constitution in 1963 but instead the Malayan Constitution has been allowed to masquerade as the Malaysian Constitution “because the Federation of Malaya is masquerading as the Federation of Malaysia.”
BN parties in Sabah in morally untenable position
“BN parties in Sabah are in a morally untenable position after Mahathir’s statement which was made to pre-empt the imminent Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) in Sabah,” said Star deputy chairman Daniel John Jambun in a press statement after an emergency meeting here of Borneo’s Plight in Malaysia (BoPi MaFo), an NGO pending registration in the United Kingdom to strategize with Hindraf Makkal Sakthi on a class action suit.
“Mahathir’s blog posting proves that he was involved in Projek IC Mahathir to give out MyKads meant for citizens by operation of law to illegal immigrants in Sabah.”
Daniel challenged BN parties in Sabah to make their stand on Mahathir’s blog posting one way or other especially in view of the imminent RCI on illegal immigrants.
Mahathir wants to urge illegals to vote for BN
Mahathir also wants to give comfort to the illegal immigrants and urge them to vote for BN after Anwar Ibrahim’s recent statement on the issue, he added. “Anwar warned illegal immigrants to stay out from the voting process if they don’t want to be deported when Pakatan Rakyat forms the Federal Government in Putrajaya.”
The Star deputy chairman stressed local parties in BN Sabah cannot “have their cake and eat it too”.
They need to either uphold the Federal Constitution or admit that they have been going along since 1981 with Mahathir’s Law of the Jungle, he added.
The Federal Constitution, pointed out Daniel, is crystal clear on the eligibility for citizenship in Malaysia.
“In the case of Sabah, illegal immigrants are being provided with local birth certificates to claim MyKads meant for citizens by operation of law,” alleged Daniel. “We only have to look at the cases of Pakistani carpet dealer Salman Majid and Indian restaurant keeper Majid Kani to realise that these are the tip of the iceberg.”
Mahathir admits involvement in Projek IC Mahathir
The Projek IC Mahathir, continued Daniel, gave out local birth certificates to illegal immigrants based on them making out false Statutory Declarations claiming that the applicants were born in Sabah.
“These twice-born people subsequently obtained MyKads meant for citizens by operation of law,” he said. “Majid Kani admitted in Court that he was born in Tamil Nadu, India and not in Papar, Sabah. Salman Majid said that he was not in Sabah for the first 23 years of his life and that he holds documents (false) showing that he was born in Sabah.”
Anyone, he said, can Google these cases.
The mystery, according to him, was how Salman Majid and Majid Kani obtained their first MyKad without having to produce the personal documents of their parents.
“Malaysians have to produce their parents’ personal documents when they apply for their MyKad for the first time,” stressed Daniel. “Everyone including a 12 year old kid knows this.”
Sabah, Sarawak have rights, powers on citizenship
Pointing out the law as it applies to Sabah, as in Sarawak, Daniel explained that the Federal Government cannot give out citizenships to foreigners in the state without the recommendation of the state government as the initiating party on a case-by-case basis.
According to him, this is provided for by the five constitutional documents and/or conventions which formed the basis for Sabah and Sarawak to be in Malaysia.
If eligible foreigners in Sabah have been naturalized by the Federal Government without the prior recommendation of the state government as the initiating party, said Daniel, “they would have to apply for permanent residence to be considered Sabahans.”
“Here, we are talking about foreigners who have entered the state with valid travel papers, stayed at least 10 years or more within 12 years and have gone through the legal procedures including police clearance by the Special Branch and by the police in their home countries,” said Daniel. “Mahathir is talking about illegal immigrants circumventing the Federal Constitution with Putrajaya and the state governments in Sabah and Sarawak looking the other way.”
Foreigners not eligible for operation of law, registration
Foreigners, stressed Daniel, are not eligible for citizenship by operation of law or registration but only by naturalization.
Illegal immigrants, he further stressed, are not entitled to anything no matter how long they have stayed in the country and no matter how well they speak Bahasa Malaysia. He urged that such illegal immigrants and their children be deported by the backdoor, if not by the front door.
“If they came in by the backdoor, they should go back by the backdoor since there’s no record of their having legally left their home countries,” said Daniel.
On illegal immigrants who came in by the front door and became illegal immigrants after over-staying and either have expired or valid papers, he urged that they be urged to return by the front door if their home countries will not declare them as stateless people, and by the back door if they have since lost their citizenship rights back home.
“Such people should take their children along too and not leave them behind to wander in the streets in Sabah,” said Daniel. “We are the poorest state in Malaysia today after being conned into the Federation by the British and the Malayans and cannot afford to look after them.”
General Amnesty best way forward for illegals in Sabah
Asked whether there was any hope for the illegal immigrants in Sabah on humanitarian grounds, Daniel softened a little and conceded that a general amnesty could be offered to those people who surrender their Malaysian personal documents obtained by misrepresentation and/or fraud, pay a fine of at least RM 300 each as in 1965 in Peninsular Malaysia, remove their names from the electoral rolls, return to their home countries either by the front or backdoor and re-enter legally if they had jobs in Sabah and wished to resume from where they left.
The Star deputy chairman urged the Federal Government to offer the general amnesty either before the imminent RCI convenes or completes its work.
“It would be better if the general amnesty is offered before the 13th General Election since many of these illegal immigrants are on the electoral rolls, he claimed. “Many of them are even in the state assembly, Parliament and in Government including Sabah Foundation and the Land Office and holding positions in state and Federal GLCs.”
Going forward, Daniel vowed to compile Mahathir’s blog posting on urging citizenship for illegal immigrants and the related reactions in the media to present to the RCI as proof of Mahathir’s complicity in Projek IC Mahathir and his guilt acknowledged in the Court of Public Opinion.
Daniel John Jambun is Deputy Chairman, the State Reform Party (Star)
Mahathir harus jadi orang pertama disiasat under RCI.
ReplyDeleteIt's better that Anwar Ibrahim also be investigated by the RCI since he is also suspected of involving in the Project IC initializing during his term as Deputy Prime Minister.
DeleteSetuju, banyak hal semasa M memegang jawatan PM. RCI harus dilaksanakan untuk menyiasat M. Bukan hanya masalah PATI sahaja, tetapi banyak masalah M telah lakukan. Pemimpin sabah kenapa diam dengan kenyataan M.
Deleteya...anwar pun patut disiasat...individu2 yang disyaki semua harus disiasat...
DeleteKemasukan warga asing beramai2 dan kenaikan mendadak bilangan penduduk di Sabah berlaku pada era pemerintahan Mahathir. Mahathir pasti tau sesuatu tentang hal ini.
Deletesemua yang terlibat harus disiasat.
DeleteAdakah RCI akan membuat siasatan terhadap Tun?
DeleteKerajaan sekarang ni serius dan benar2 mahu menyelesaikan masalah PATI dan RCI pasti akan dilaksanakan di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteDiharapkan PM kita akan membuat pengumuman mengenai pelaksanaan RCI di Sabah bila beliau datang melawat nanti. Pukul berapa beliau dijangka sampai di Sabah? Kita sama-sama menunggu berita baik nanti.
DeleteIt looks like the RCI is another one of the many lies that the malayan colonizers/politicians have been throwing at us genuine sabahans to cover the lies that they have been snowballing at us for half a century.I hope that God will repay them & their generations for all the harm that they have done to us.For sure if it is good for them,they can tell all sorts of lies.
Deletenajib saja yang berani...PM2 sebelumnya semua takut...
Deletesemoga pelaksanaan RCI dapat dibuat dengan telus tanpa manipulasi.
DeleteActually it's true that many project IC immigrants who have been residing in Malaysia has been contributing to the country, they have proper jobs, they do business, hold high posts in government or private sectors. They pay taxes just like any other citizens.
ReplyDeleteIt's the immigrants that become criminals that I dislike.
Those who surrender their Malaysian documents, remove their names as voters and return to their home country can still re-enter legally if they had jobs in Sabah and wished to resume from where they left. There are still hopes for the ones who obtained their citizenship through Project M.
ReplyDeleteHope that the general amnesty is offered before the 13th General Election so that the illegal immigrants can be removed from the electoral rolls in order to ensure a fair and clean elections.
ReplyDeletePairin once said that his State Cabinet line-up was "untenable', sometime in 1994. It is time again you (Pairin)said that PBS should severe its apron strings from BN. Stop protecting BN from all the soil. Soiled it is. You too UPKO. Do the right thing. Please make police reports against Mahathir. He is not above the law. Anwar Ibrahim too for that matter.
ReplyDeleteSTAR we are waiting patiently when Sabah can call her own shots. Recognized by her own name. Sabah the country.
ReplyDeletePemimpin UMNO BN sabah tidak akan bersuara menongkah arus terhadap kenyataan mahathir ini,almaklumlah bahawa sebahagian pemimpin UMNO sabah dapat duduk di kerusi sekarang pun hasil dari kerja jahat yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan pusat yang diterajui oleh mahathir,bah apa lagi laporlah kepada Polis,berani kah Polis yang kebanyakan nya dari malaya melayan Laporan in,silap haribulan ada dadah di kereta yang melapor.....
ReplyDeleteOutsiders will all be unfeeling and having no qualms foisting upon us 'shit' when and if it benefits them
ReplyDeleteKalau dah tau pemimpin UMNO ni memang 'suruhan', JANGAN UNDI diorang. KETEPIKAN. Nak binasa diri lagi?
ReplyDeleteWait for the RCI to take action on him.
ReplyDeletemahathir patut disiasat oelh RCI...ahli panel juga tidak harus takut atau tergugat dengan individu2 yang disyaki terlibat dalam projek IC...kan bagus kalau tan sri simon sipaun juga termasuk dalam ahli panel..
Deleteharap2 lah simon sipaun tersenarai sebagai ahli panel. yang penting ahli2 panel yang lain juga terdiri daripada golongan bumiputera Sabah.
DeleteDr M you are too old to give an opinion, i am afraid your brain is too much being used.
ReplyDeletedr mahathir sudah tidak diperlukan lagi oleh rakyat...
DeleteBetter he just rest and quit from involved in politics.
DeleteTM memang betul. Ada RCI pun nda guna. Hampir semua pemimpin Umno Sabah terlibat dgn Projek IC. Kalau ambil tindakan, hancur Umno Sabah. Ketepikan RCI sajalah. Asalkan Umno kekal dgn adanya 32 kerusi Umno Sabah boleh tubuh kerajaan Sabah. Yang lain 1, 2-3 atau 6 kerusi nda guna buat kacau saja.
ReplyDeleteDr.M adalah nabi bagi kami PATI di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteTanpa beliau PATI hidup sengsara
Terima Kasih Dr. M
Cium kaki dan tangan mu bila aku bertemu dengan Dr.
Hoi kamu semua, jangan percaya sangat dengan RCI tu..... cuci mata saje bah
ReplyDeletesudah rasmi....PM sudah umumkan terma rujukan RCI dan ahli panel...
ReplyDeleteBila pula pelaksanaan?
Deleteini RCI macam cerita P.Ramlee dalam Anak Bapak....surat nikah peguam nampak saja ada cap dan mohor ugama..sah..sah..cuba bandingkan cakap keua pusat mengundi di SK Pekan Keningau jadi cuba kamu tengok Video PTI mengundi di SK Pekan Keningau Tahun 1995,semua PTI pegi jumpa ketua pusat mengundi dan ada terdengar bahawa yang mengundi itu ada PTI sebab jual rokok haram di kaki lima,dan terdengar jawapan dari ketua pusat mengundi bahawa beliau tidak dapat berbuat apa sebab No IC dan nama ada dalam daftar pengundi...saya sokong cakap ketua pusat mengundi tersebut dan begitu juga lah RCI ini berfungsi ..semua sah..sah saja,jadi lah dia corect-corect.....kalau mahu tahu dalang siapa yang memberi kerakyataan kepada PTI secara songsang senang saja
RCI yang telah lama dinantikan akan dilaksanakan segera selepas tauliah perlantikan panel RCI..
ReplyDeleteRCI amat perlu bagi sabah.
DeleteIn a democratic country, this man would be arrested and tried for treason, undermining and destroying the Nation through: a) Apartheid & racism. b) Deception of the public with controlled media and rigged elections. c) Weakening almost all institutions of governance including the legislature, judiciary, police, ACC/MACC, the Election Commission, and the Attorney-General's Chambers. d) Mis-management, manipulation and corruption causing losses in hundreds of billions of RM$. If convicted all stolen assets to be returned and then the Convict executed for treason. It is appalling these people behave like heros, saints and kings without the slightest remorse or sense of shame. His sons are directors of 200 companies and drive some of the most expensive cars in the world, eg the Ferrari Enzo & the RM5.5million Bugatti Veyron…Am writing from a truly transparent and democratic country, NZ.
ReplyDeleteSoros: “In Australia you are known as the recalcitrant ego maniac; in UK the corrupt bastard… stupid purchase of our movie studio…290 Million Ringgit Lotus racing car plant and the shady Pergau dam loans from the UK. They are useless to us and you still want to buy them. What about buying British reject submarines through your agent…Your purchase of our battleships is at least 50% more than others are paying. Your purchase of 9 hospitals from UK…does not support your local architects or your industry and the British send you obsolete medical equipmt. …your face appears no less than 17 newspapers as a corrupt dictator. In Malaysia you are known as the (IBM) International Big Mouth. In Japan they call him the 'smallest one' (brain size)…In S America they call him the parrot (he talks a lot but does not know….). “
ReplyDeleteSabah & Sarawak are a total tragedy, swindled and sucked dry Taib, PBB, & by Putrajaya. Not even a proper trunk road! The natives lack electricity and drinking water while Criminals bought submarines and built twin towers costing multi-billions for kick-backs. All cronies live in palaces. Outrageous! Just compare: Scotland in Great Britain and Quebec in Canada had an open, honest & fair national referendum on cessation/separation. Any talk of independence and your ex CM Tun Faud Donald Stephen died in a crash. BN's evil is earth-shaking. Finish them off now!
ReplyDeleteIt is appalling these people behave like heroes, saints and kings without the slightest remorse or sense of shame. MM’s sons are directors of 200 companies and drive some of the most expensive cars in the world, eg the Ferrari Enzo & the RM5.5million Bugatti Veyron…Am writing from a truly transparent and democratic country, NZ.: In a democratic country, Dr MM, Najib, Taib, etc would be arrested and tried for treason, undermining and destroying the Nation through: a) Apartheid & racism. b) Deception of the public with controlled media and rigged elections. c) Weakening almost all institutions of governance including the legislature, judiciary, police, ACC/MACC, the Election Commission, and the Attorney-General's Chambers. d) Mis-management, manipulation and corruption causing losses in hundreds of billions of RM$. e) Selling M'sia wholesale with perhaps 800,000 new ICs. If convicted all stolen assets to be returned and then the Convicts executed for treason.