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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Media industry controlled by KL biased.

By Atama

This press statement is made in response to the comment made by Afdlin Shauki in his recent outburst at a guild dialogue in Kuala Lumpur.

Afdlin Shauki the singer, songwriter, producer and film maker of Malaya has been lucky to have all the opportunities available to produce contents on state or private TV stations in the booming media industry. The media industry in Kuala Lumpur has served the 99% majority while Sabah & Sarawak only 1%. This is because of Unequal Distribution of Development by the Federal Government.

As a reminder to all, Sabah built our own TV station with our own state resources in the administration of CM Mustapha. We aired our own contents in black and white and then color. But in was in 1985 the our broadcasting rights was 'taken' by the same people and agents that Adflin Shauki and film director Hafsham spoke against. If both Malayan directors think their opportunities are scarce, what about Sabahans who have been denied the opportunity since 1985?

Nevertheless, our problem has been temporary been solved by the opportunity to produce contents on RTM TVi. KDMFM has made good of the memorandum sent to PM Najib over the unfair allocation of TV airtime and as the theme 'Janji Ditepati' is prevalent among many, true enough, more than 10 Sabah companies were given airtime for TV programs in 2013. This opportunity is sufficient enough to provide many jobs for artists, singers, actors, talents, crews, writers, producers and directors to create the contents. However, this opportunity must be continually given as a right; not a privilege.

The difference is clear between Malaya & Sabah media complex. It has been 27years since Sabah ran our own TV channel. Indeed this is must brought into a broader prospective so that the younger generation of talents know our broadcasting history from the perspective of content production & supply, so that future promises no longer be denied.

I am in solidarity with Afdlin and Hafsham who have boldly stated that they will initiate to have their own budget TV station. This is a good development for the marginalized film producers there. But for me, I am adamant that as Natives of Sabah & Sarawak, we must have our own TV Network. The sooner the better so that our languages, cultures and our own unique style will be on the silver screen and further protected. By this we will show that we have self-determination to become a more empowered society that has so much to offer in the creative content development.

Atama Katama is a Sabah locat artiste and activist


  1. I agree with you Atama, it is long overdue that people from Sabah and Sarawak MUST have our own TV stations broadcasting local contents. We need to know about news concerning us also you know..

  2. I believe this is one aspect that will definitely get supported by one and many. Atama, keep pushing the agenda, to have our own broadcasting network, until it reaches the tipping point that they can't say 'no' any longer.
    It's a good cause.
