There is an uproar in Sabah over opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim being awarded the title of Huguan Siou (paramount leader) of the Kadazandusun community.
The title was bestowed to current PBS president Joseph Pairin Kitingan 28 years ago, and he was declared as paramount leader for life.
United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) president Bernard Dompok (right) was quoted in the New Straits Times (NST) as saying that he does not want to comment on Anwar’s award, describing it as “a joke”.
Sepanggar MP Eric Majimbun said Anwar should not have accepted the title as this shows his disrespect to the community, adding that he felt this was a mockery.
Sabah State Reform Party (STAR) president Jeffrey Kitingan described the action of certain members of the Kadazandusun community to bestow such an award as only to get seats and support.
“How can they belittle this issue blatantly for the sake of political mileage? It’s a disgrace,” Jeffrey was quoted as saying in the daily.
Upko information chief Donald Mojuntin said to bestow the title on someone from a different community was illogical.
“As far as I am concerned, Huguan Siou is a Kadazan concept. To bestow it on a non-Kadazan is somehow confusing the people and it can be an insult to the Kadazan community. It also rips at the fabric of unity that Sabahans are well-known for.
“How can there be a ‘Huguan Siou Malaysia'? That would mean he (Anwar) is a paramount leader for the country and it is illogical,” he told NST, adding that culture and tradition should never be used for political mileage.
Commenting on photographs of Anwar wearing a sash featuring the words Huguan Siou which have been posted on Facebook, Ranau division PKR chief Jonathan Yasin said it was merely a symbolic gesture.
“Who am I to stop any Kadazandusun individual from enthroning any person as 'Huguan Siou Malaysia'?” he asked.
NST in its editorial also commented that Anwar’s installation may cost the opposition dearly as the power to bestow such a title resides with the Kadazandusun Cultural Association, where the title of Huguan Siou is an institutionalised paramount leadership of the Kadazandusun community.
It is only given when the office of the Huguan Siou is vacated, following an extraordinary delegates conference to appoint one.
Tidak cukup dengan gelaran "Anugerah Tuhan" yang diberikan oleh isterinya, Wan Azizah, yang juga diberikan gelaran "Saiyiditina Khadijah" oleh pembodek-pembodek NGO ABIM, Anwar Ibrahim semalam telah dianugerahkan pula dengan gelaran "Huguan Siou" oleh pembodek-pembodek beliau di Kg Paginatan, Ranau.
ReplyDeleteTidak mengapa, kalau mereka kemaruk sangat nak bagi gelaran tu biarlah... Yang penting bukan undi:P hahaha
DeleteSebelum ini, hanya persatuan The Kadazandusun Cultural Association Sabah (KDCA) sahaja yang boleh menganugerah dan melantik “Huguan Siou” kepada mana-mana pemimpin masyarakyat KDM yang layak. Entah sejak bila KDCA memberikan kelonggarkan kepada penyokong-penyokong PKR untuk memberikan gelaran itu kepada orang luar (bukan dikalangan KDM) sesuka hati.
ReplyDeleteHuguan Siou adalah gelaran tertinggi masyarakat KDM Sabah. Gelaran ini hanya boleh diberikan oleh KDCA, sebuah badan bukan politik yang terdiri daripada 40 komuniti etnik campuran dari Sabah dan berdaftar di bawah Malaysian Society Act 1966. Persatuan ini pada masa sekarang diketuai oleh “Huguan Siou Honorable” Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan.
ReplyDeleteTidak hairan kalau perkara ini menimbulkan ketegangan. Yang menyedihkan lagi kenapa juga PKR Ranau pandai-pandai buat begitu. huhu
DeleteSedangkan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang lebih kerap datang ke Sabah dan lebih kerap membantu rakyat Sabah tidak pun dianugerahkan gelaran "Huguan Siou" Malaysia. Inikan pula Anwar Ibrahim yang hanya datang ke Sabah untuk membohong, memfitnah dan putar-belit???
ReplyDeleteSepatutnya penyokong dan pemimpin-pemimpin PKR Sabah tidak sewenang-wenangnya menganugerahkan sebarang gelaran kepada pemimpin tertinggi mereka hanya kerana mahu mendapatkan sokongan politik.
ReplyDeleteTindakan itu bukan sahaja boleh menimbulkan kekeliruan di negeri/negara ini mengenai istilah "Huguan Siou", malah mencemar, mencabar dan meremehkan kewujudan pertubuhan KDCA yang sepatutnya bertanggungjawab menganugerahkan gelaran itu kepada mana-mana pemimpin KDM yang layak.
ReplyDeleteSTAR Ranau mengutuk keras perbuatan menobatkan seorang pemimpin 'Penjajah Malaya' sebagai 'Huguan Siou' untuk KDM di Sabah ini. Seburuk-buruk pun bangsa KDM, kita tetap menolak keras orang asing sebagai 'Huguan Siou' kita.
ReplyDeletePerjuangan STAR, walau pun bukan berjuang untuk KDM, tapi sebagai orang Dusun tulen, saya merasa amat jijik dan terasa bahawa penobatan seorang penjajah sebagai Huguan Siou kita adalah amat keterlaluan dan mencemarkan masyakat KDM itu sendiri.
DeleteMana mungkin kita angkat seorang yang mengugut kita dengan keris dan memandang kita dengan mata tidak sempurna untuk kita angkat sebagai wira KDM!
DeleteUsahlah terlalu taksub pada kehebatan pemimpin penjajah. Usahlah berlumba-lumba kipas penjajah demi untuk mengejar kedudukan dan pencalonan dalam PRU. Jangan gadaikan maruah bangsa demi untuk kepentingan peribadi. Sabah ini kita punya, bukan Malaya yang punya!
DeleteIngat dan kenali siapa dia dan apa dia telah buat pada KDM? Siapa pelaksana dan Master Mind IC Projek di Sabah? Siapa yang jatuhkan Kerajaan 'KDM' PBS? Siapa janji 100 hari Sabah dan begitu bersungguh-sungguh laungkan Sabah Baru? Siapa pelopor kemasukan syarikat sawit Malaya yang kini merampas terlalu luas tanah di Sabah?
DeleteSaya lebih gemar menggelar dia 'Bapa Penjajah Sabah' atau 'Bapa Pengkhianat KDM'!
Illogical, insulting, disrespectful and an act of desperation, were some of the words used by KadazanDusun leaders in Sabah when commenting on the issue of Pakatan Rakyat leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim being allegedly bestowed the title of Huguan Siou Malaysia in Ranau on Sunday.
ReplyDeleteUnited Pasokmomogun KadazanDusun Murut Organization (UPKO) secretary general Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau who was met at the Gerakan Sabah Chinese New Year open house on Monday found the whole incident hilarious. To him it was a ‘misplaced’ awarding of the title, as Huguan Siou is only conferred on a leader which is known to the KadazanDusun.
ReplyDelete“So when you bestow the title on someone who is not from the community, I would say that it is a misplaced award,” the former Tuaran member of parliament, stressed.
ReplyDeleteUPKO treasurer and Putatan member of parliament Datuk Dr Marcus Mojigoh described the act as “an insult to the community because Huguan Siou is only bestowed upon one particular person that is respected by the community.
ReplyDelete“Anwar is out of the question, he is only here for political reasons (and) you cannot install such a leader as the Huguan Siou. It could backfire on them. As I said this shows no respect for the KadazanDusun community,” Marcus stressed.
DeleteMoyog assemblyman and UPKO information chief Datuk Donald Mojuntin when asked for his comment said: “As far as I am concerned, Huguan Siou is a Kadazan concept. To bestow it on a non-Kadazan is illogical, somehow confusing the people and it could be an insult to the Kadazan community. It also rips the fabric of unity that Sabahans are well known for.
ReplyDelete“How can there be a Huguan Siou Malaysia? That would mean he is a paramount leader for the country and it is illogical,” Donald said, adding that culture and tradition should never be used for political mileage.
DeleteTo Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) vice president Datuk Herbert T Lagadan, what the KDM leaders in PKR did for bestowing the title of Huguan Siou on Anwar is simply a lunatic act of desperation.
ReplyDelete“Or is it a preview of an action to be taken by KDM leaders in a PR government who are willing to give away Sabahan rights to Anwar? Are there any valid reasons for him to qualify to get the Huguan Siou title except being the Huguan Siou of the PTI in Sabah?”
DeleteKota Kinabalu District Chief William Majimbun yesterday said the act was nothing less than an insult to the KadazanDusun community, and added that the Kadazandusun community had selected Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan as their Huguan Siou or paramount leader since 1984.
ReplyDelete“As far as we are concerned, there is only one Huguan Siou and anyone else claiming the title is only insulting the Kadazandusun,” said William.
DeleteKadazandusun Cultural Association (KDCA) deputy president Dr Othman Menuddin explained that the community would select a Huguan Siou from the ranks of their eminent leaders.
ReplyDelete“That person has to possess certain traits being very patient, fearless, display exemplary leadership skills and a belief in divine powers,” he said in explaining the first Huguan Siou for the Kadazandusun was the late Tun Fuad Stephens, one of Sabah’s founding fathers.
DeleteOthman said the conferring of the title could only be performed by a ‘bobolian’ and that after Fuad’s death in 1976, the post remained vacant after former Deputy Chief Minister the late Datuk Dr James Ongkili declined to accept it and the Kadazandusun community eventually chose Pairin in 1984.
DeleteOthman, a native of Ranau district where Anwar had received the sash and headgear, said far from being an honorary title, the term Huguan Siou virtually referred to someone of a royal standing in the community.
DeleteSabah Progressive Party (SAPP) deputy president Datuk Eric Majimbun was of the opinion that Anwar should not have accepted the sash.
ReplyDelete“By accepting, he was mocking the Kadazandusun community. The person who presented it may have his intention but for Anwar to accept it was to insult our community.
Delete“If they call someone Huguan Siou Malaysia, that is saying he is the king. Isn’t that an insult as well?” questioned Eric.
DeleteNGO Gerakan Suara KDM Bersatu (SKB) chairman Lesaya Lopog in a statement has demanded that PKR Ranau clarified what had actually happened in Ranau.
ReplyDelete“We are a movement with one objective which is to express one united voice expressing the views and feelings of the KDM community pertaining to actions of any parties that would hurt the feeling of the KDM community in general.
Delete“We seek clarification from those involved whether there is truth in an allegation which is hotly debated on Facebook alleging that PR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was declared as Huguan Siou Malaysia by PKR Ranau.
Delete“We demand an explanation from PKR Ranau as to whether the institution of Huguan Siou was conferred on someone who is not from the KDM community, and why was it carried out in a political gathering and why was other KDM community leaders not consulted?” Lesaya asked.
DeleteAccording to him, the position of Huguan Siou could only be held by one person who may belong to a political organisation that some people no longer favoured but that does not give anyone in the opposing side of the political divide the right to freely declare someone the Huguan Siou, or any ceremony resembling the same.
Delete“This latest episode in the Sabah political scene clearly is an insult to our already injured pride,” he lamented.
DeleteThe title of Huguan Siou is considered ‘sacred’ by the KDM community and should only bestowed upon those from the community.
ReplyDeleteMinister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, Datuk Masidi Manjun, said Malaysia was a racially, religiously and culturally diverse country and people should have mutual respect for each others traditions and cultural sensitivities.
ReplyDeleteJusteru, setiap individu harus lebih sensitif dan mejaga hati kaum lain supaya tidak timbul apa-apa hal yang boleh menyingung perasaan.
DeleteThe person who bestowed this title was probably trying to gain political mileage but the person who accepted it is either ignorant or just plain insensitive.
ReplyDeleteEither way it is unacceptable of a person of his years of experience in politics and government
ReplyDeleteMasidi said the title of Huguan Siou should not be used as a political tool to further one’s agenda.
ReplyDeleteIrrespective of our different political affliation and disagreement on many issues, Sabahans must be united in recognising and respecting our cultural heritage and tradition
ReplyDeleteMasidi said, any action that was deemed to belittle the institution of the Huguan Siou was an action belittling the cultural heritage of Sabah, adding that political agenda should always give way to the overriding interest of Sabahans.
ReplyDeletePBS vice president, Datuk Herbert T Lagadan opined that Pakatan Rakyat leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, should apologise to the KDM community and Sabahans for accepting the sash.
ReplyDeleteHerbert also took APS President, Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred M Bumburing to task for not putting a stop to the act of garlanding Anwar with the sash.
ReplyDelete“Bumburing was present at the function and he should have protested immediately when he saw that Anwar would be presented with the sash. How could Bumburing, who claims to be championing the rights of the KDM community allow an ‘outsider’ to be bestowed with the title of our Paramount leader?”
ReplyDelete“As far as I am concerned, Huguan Siou is a Kadazan concept. To bestow it on a non-Kadazan is somehow confusing the people and it can be an insult to the Kadazan community. It also rips at the fabric of unity that Sabahans are well-known for."
ReplyDeletethis is utterly a joke to everyone...
definitely bring disgrace to the Kadazandusun community
ReplyDeletepenghargaan ini seharusnya hanya layak diberi kepada masyarakat kadazandusun
ReplyDeleteyes agreed...this title should only be given when the office of the Huguan Siou is vacated, following an extraordinary delegates conference to appoint one.
ReplyDeleteperlantikan ini semestinya hanya diberkan kepada mereka yang benar-benar layak
ReplyDeleteKetegangan tidak sepatutnya berlaku di Sabah yang cukup harmoni ini, namun menyedihkan bila disebabkan politik isu sebegini timbul.
ReplyDeleteApapun, demi kebaikan bersama janganlah panjangkan hal ini. Kalaupun marah pastikan kemarahan itu masih dalam keadaan terkawal supaya tidak mengeruhkan lagi keadaan.
ReplyDeleteSTAR Ranau mengutuk keras perbuatan menobatkan seorang pemimpin 'Penjajah Malaya' sebagai 'Huguan Siou' untuk KDM di Sabah ini. Seburuk-buruk pun bangsa KDM, kita tetap menolak keras orang asing sebagai 'Huguan Siou' kita.
ReplyDeletePerjuangan STAR, walau pun bukan berjuang untuk KDM, tapi sebagai orang Dusun tulen, saya merasa amat jijik dan terasa bahawa penobatan seorang penjajah sebagai Huguan Siou kita adalah amat keterlaluan dan mencemarkan masyakat KDM itu sendiri.
ReplyDeleteMana mungkin kita angkat seorang yang mengugut kita dengan keris dan memandang kita dengan mata tidak sempurna untuk kita angkat sebagai wira KDM!
ReplyDeleteUsahlah terlalu taksub pada kehebatan pemimpin penjajah. Usahlah berlumba-lumba kipas penjajah demi untuk mengejar kedudukan dan pencalonan dalam PRU. Jangan gadaikan maruah bangsa demi untuk kepentingan peribadi. Sabah ini kita punya, bukan Malaya yang punya!
ReplyDeleteIngat dan kenali siapa dia dan apa dia telah buat pada KDM? Siapa pelaksana dan Master Mind IC Projek di Sabah? Siapa yang jatuhkan Kerajaan 'KDM' PBS? Siapa janji 100 hari Sabah dan begitu bersungguh-sungguh laungkan Sabah Baru? Siapa pelopor kemasukan syarikat sawit Malaya yang kini merampas terlalu luas tanah di Sabah?
ReplyDeleteSaya lebih gemar menggelar dia 'Bapa Penjajah Sabah' atau 'Bapa Pengkhianat KDM'!
Original Text: http://sabahkini.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=17594:anwar-sinonim-bapa-penjajah-sabah&catid=66:surat-pembaca&Itemid=72
We know Anwar Ibrahim has always wanted to be the King of Kings. To be the PM, even if it means doing a deal with the Devil, he will do it. It is his ultimate aim. He will pawn away Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteNow, he wants to be the Huguan Siou – the paramount chief of the Kadazans! So much for his promise of more native rights and autonomy for Sabah, this serial adulterer has even taken over the native chief!
ReplyDeleteAnwar Ibrahim wore a sash with the words Huguan Siou on his recent visit to Ranau. The latest – we hear is that the natives are now furious! Soon he will be the head of the extremist Chinese education group, Dong Zong!
ReplyDeleteWonder if the Sabahans remember how Anwar screwed them before? I’m sure Pairin won’t forget that in a hurry
ReplyDeleteeburuk-buruk pun bangsa KDM, kita tetap menolak keras orang asing sebagai 'Huguan Siou' kita.
ReplyDeleteSTAR Ranau mengutuk keras perbuatan menobatkan seorang pemimpin 'Penjajah Malaya' sebagai 'Huguan Siou' untuk KDM di Sabah ini.
ReplyDeletePerjuangan STAR, walau pun bukan berjuang untuk KDM, tapi sebagai orang Dusun tulen, saya merasa amat jijik dan terasa bahawa penobatan seorang penjajah sebagai Huguan Siou kita adalah amat keterlaluan dan mencemarkan masyakat KDM itu sendiri.
ReplyDeleteMana mungkin kita angkat seorang yang mengugut kita dengan keris dan memandang kita dengan mata tidak sempurna untuk kita angkat sebagai wira KDM!
ReplyDeleteUsahlah terlalu taksub pada kehebatan pemimpin penjajah. Usahlah berlumba-lumba kipas penjajah demi untuk mengejar kedudukan dan pencalonan dalam PRU.
ReplyDeleteJangan gadaikan maruah bangsa demi untuk kepentingan peribadi. Sabah ini kita punya, bukan Malaya yang punya!
ReplyDelete(KDCA) mendesak permohonan maaf daripada Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) cabang Ranau dan Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim kerana menyentuh sensitiviti dan kesucian adat masyarakat Kadazandusun di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKetika membuat gesaan itu, Setiausaha Agung KDCA Suman Yasambun berkata gelaran 'Huguan Siou' yang bermaksud 'Pemimpin Agung' secara eksklusif dikhaskan dan diberi kepada seorang pemimpin Kadazandusun Murut.
ReplyDeleteOleh itu, katanya jika benar seperti dilaporkan media baru-baru ini bahawa PKR Ranau memberi atau mengisytiharkan Anwar sebagai Huguan Siou Malaysia
ReplyDeletetindakan itu menyalahi budaya dan tersasar daripada amalan serta tradisi lazim Kadazandusun.
ReplyDelete"Ia menghina dan menyinggung perasaan kaum Kadazandusun. Hakikatnya ini adalah tindakan yang akan menguatkuasakan hukum ''solupi'', iaitu membawa sumpahan terhadap seseorang atau mereka yang merampas struktur kepimpinan sedia ada dalam lingkungan komuniti Kadazandusun, terutamanya dalam hubungan dengan institusi Huguan Siou
ReplyDelete"Ia menghina dan menyinggung perasaan kaum Kadazandusun. Hakikatnya ini adalah tindakan yang akan menguatkuasakan hukum ''solupi'', iaitu membawa sumpahan terhadap seseorang atau mereka yang merampas struktur kepimpinan sedia ada dalam lingkungan komuniti Kadazandusun, terutamanya dalam hubungan dengan institusi Huguan Siou
ReplyDeleteKDCA merangkumi dan mewakili 40 kumpulan etnik di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteAhli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO, Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin membidas tindakan Ketua Cabang Parti Keadilan Rakyat Ranau, Jonathan Thayasin yang menganugerahkan gelaran Huguan Siou kerana Anwar bukanlah individu yang layak untuk menerima anugerah tersebut.
ReplyDeleteMenurut beliau, anugerah Huguan Siou yang bermaksud pemimpin agung itu tidak layak untuk diberikan kepada Ketua Pembangkang tersebut memandangkan beliau bukanlah individu yang dilihat banyak berjasa kepada etnik Kadazan, Dusun dan Murut (KDM).
ReplyDelete“Jelas mereka dari PKR membuat sesuatu ikut sesuka hati mereka tanpa memikirkan sensitiviti orang lain. Anugerah tersebut boleh dianugerahkan kepada seorang individu dalam satu-satu masa saja. Apabila pemegang anugerah ini sudah meninggal, barulah ianya digantikan dengan orang lain.
ReplyDeleteTambahnya, Anwar juga sepatutnya tidak berbangga dengan anugerah tersebut kerana ianya bukanlah anugerah yang diiktiraf oleh etnik KDM dan beliau bukanlah orang yang benar-benar layak itu anugerah tersebut.
ReplyDelete“Seseorang yang ingin diberikan anugerah tersebut, perlu melalui pelbagai proses yang melibatkan pemimpin-pemimpin kanan KDM dan bukan hanya boleh dianugerahkan secara semberono begitu saja yang dilakukan oleh ahli dan kepimpinan PKR di Ranau itu.
ReplyDeleteAhli-ahli dan penyokong PR di Sabah juga turut mempertikaikan tindakan Cabang PKR Ranau yang memberikan anugerah tersebut kepada Anwar. Ia disifatkan sebagai satu tindakan yang seolah-olah memperlekehkan martabat anugerah tersebut dengan sewenang-wenangnya diberikan kepada orang luar.
ReplyDeletePresiden Parti Progresif Sabah (SAPP) Datuk Yong Teck Lee yang bertegas negeri Sabah mesti bertanding di majoriti kerusi dalam Dewan Udangan Negeri. Beliau tidak mahu parti dari Semenanjung PKR,PAS dan DAP menguasai kerusi di DUN Sabah.
ReplyDeletePembangkang Sabah tidak mahu Pembangkang Semenanjung menguasai kerusi Sabah.
ReplyDeleteWilfred Mojilip Bumburing yang meninggalkan BN untuk menyertai blok pembangkang bersama-sama bekas Timbalan Menteri Pengangkutan, Lajim Ukin juga masih bertelagah secara terbuka dengan Anwar kerana masing – masing sependapat dengan Yong Teck Lee tidak mahu Pakatan Pembangkang itu bermaharajalela di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteMalah tindakan pembodek-pembodek Anwar Ibrahim untuk menobatkan Anwar Ibrahim sebagai “Huguan Siou” di dalam lawatan beliau ke Ranau dan Keningau gagal memberi impak kepada Rakyat Sabah malah menghina kaum Kadazan Dusun.
ReplyDeleteAnwar Ibrahim memakai selempang bertulis “Huguan Siou” dan “screen shot” daripada laman sosial Facebook Jonathan Yasin, Naib Pengerusi PGayR Sabah, menjadi bukti.
ReplyDeleteAnwar cuba menafikannya lagi. Malang sekali bukti kukuh sudah ada.
ReplyDeleteNampak sangat Anwar ini cuba berlakon lagi. Tidak perlu lagi Anwar. Rakyat Sabah tah.
ReplyDeleteTidak cukup dengan gelaran “Anugerah Tuhan” yang diberikan oleh isterinya, Wan Azizah, yang juga diberikan gelaran “Saiyiditina Khadijah” oleh pembodek-pembodek NGO ABIM, Anwar Ibrahim semalam telah dianugerahkan dengan “Huguan Siou” oleh pembodek-pembodek beliau daripada Sabah seperti Lajim Ukin dan Thamrin Jaini, dalam lawatan Ketua Umum PGayR tersebut ke Sabah.
ReplyDeleteGelaran “Huguan Siou” adalah gelaran tertinggi masyarakat Kadazan Sabah.
ReplyDeleteGelaran ini hanya boleh diberikan oleh The Kadazandusun Cultural Association Sabah (KDCA), sebuah badan bukan politik yang terdiri daripada 40 komuniti etnik campuran dari Sabah dan berdaftar di bawah Malaysian Society Act 1966.
ReplyDeletePersatuan ini pada masa sekarang diketuai oleh “Huguan Siou Honorable” Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan.
ReplyDeleteHanya persatuan ini sahaja yang boleh menganugerahkan dan melantik gelaran “Huguan Siou”.
ReplyDeletePersoalannya di sini bagaimana anugerah untuk orang Kadazan ini diberikan kepada seorang berketurunan Mamak daripada Semenanjung? Bagaimana perlantikan ini tidak melalui persatuan yang diiktiraf?
ReplyDeleteIni merupakan satu penghinaan kepada Masyarakat Kadazan di Sabah! Apakah PKR Sabah tidak tahu adab dan kod etika dalam memberikan sesuatu gelaran?
ReplyDeleteTingkah laku Anwar Ibrahim yang bermewah-mewah melawat kawasan pendalaman Sabah juga menyebabkan Rakyat peribumi Sabah merasa jelak dan benci.
ReplyDeleteBeliau sering melaung-laungkan di dalam ceramahnya bahawa Barisan Nasional korup dan bermewah-mewah.
ReplyDeleteSedangkan beliau sendiri menaiki jet mewah dan helikopter persendirian untuk ke mana-mana.
ReplyDeleteInsan ini memang cakap tidak serupa bikin. Rakyat Sabah sudah jelak dengan Pakatan Haram. Mereka pasti akan menolak. Ini kalilah!
ReplyDeleteDATUK Seri Anwar Ibrahim's great obsession with Sabah or Sarawak is, understandably, pellucid. The de facto leader of the floundering opposition coalition has been courting the small political parties there and some disgruntled politicians to try to win over the two politically key states.
ReplyDeleteBut his latest foray into Sabah over the long Chinese New Year break seems to have backfired on him, raising a big question mark over Pakatan Rakyat's electoral chances, especially in the Land Below the Wind. Sabah itself is very much in the news lately -- from the unauthorised landing in Lahad Datu to the unexplained deaths of pygmy elephants.
ReplyDeleteBut Anwar's folly seems to have sparked the wrath of ordinary Kadazandusun in the state. His acceptance of the conferment as the Kadazandusun's "Huguan Siou", or paramount leader, title has caused a huge uproar, with the people calling it a "total disrespect" to the community. It is a major political blunder as there can only be one "Huguan Siou". The actual paramount leader is Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, who has held the title since 1984.
ReplyDeleteAnwar apparently received the title from the Parti Keadilan Rakyat Ranau division. Photographs of him wearing a sash featuring the words "Huguan Siou" have been posted in mainstream newspapers and on the Facebook pages of various people, including that of PKR's Ranau division head Jonathan Yasin. Jonathan, a Kadazandusun lawyer, is apparently the brother-in law of Sabah PKR leader Ansari Abdullah.
ReplyDeleteAnwar and Pakatan are banking on Sabah as a dream "passport" to Putrajaya, if they ever win power. He had been busy trying to engineer defections of Barisan Nasional lawmakers to the opposition pact and dangling a 20 per cent oil royalty carrot to the people in the two states.
ReplyDeleteHe is also courting minor parties into the Pakatan fold. But parties such as Sabah Progressive Party and Sabah State Reform Party (STAR) know very well that Anwar is desperate for their support and are playing hardball, demanding that he accede to their varied demands first before committing anything.
ReplyDeleteSTAR leader Jeffrey Kitingan had even slammed Anwar for hinting that Putrajaya and peninsula-based political parties determine autonomy for Sabah and Sarawak. Anwar's credibility will depend on how many of Sabah and Sarawak parliamentary seats he can deliver to the Pakatan bloc.
ReplyDeleteAlready, his reputation among Sabahan politicians is at stake following the formation of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the long-standing illegal immigrants issue. He has wavered in his position regarding the issue.
ReplyDeletePulling the rug from under the opposition, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak made a bold decision to set up the RCI in a clear sign that the Federal Government is sincere in wanting the thorny issue resolved once and for all.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Sabahans should recall events after the landmark 1994 state election which was won narrowly by Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) to reflect on how Anwar has changed his tune on the issue now that he is in the opposition.
ReplyDeleteOne would recall how Anwar, as the then deputy prime minister and the BN director of the 1994 state election, vehemently opposed the suggestion by PBS president Tan Sri Pairin to the formation of the RCI.
ReplyDeleteUnlike Anwar, Pairin has never wavered in his fight for a solution to the illegal immigrants issue, from the time he was in the opposition and now as a key member of the ruling coalition.
ReplyDeleteAlready, Anwar has earned the reputation of the "boy who cried wolf", for claiming that Sabah and other MPs were ready to jump the BN ship on that suspicious Sept 16, 2008 coup that never materialised.
ReplyDeleteStill, the latest boo-boo over the Huguan Siou will leave a lasting mark on the Kadazandusun voters. As one angry Sabahan remarked: "It's the highest honour for a leader in the Kadazandusun community and it should never be played around with. "It's a complete insult to the community."