A young and very talented aspiring musician, just turn 21, by the name Corealia Laurel Melvin was recently kidnapped by a group of Islamic ulamas and taken to an undisclosed location. According to a frantic and grieving family who recently made a police report about their missing daughter. Follow this link to read the missing person report in The Borneo Post dated February 9, 2013 (http://www.theborneopost.com/2013/02/09/do-you-know-where-she-is/ )
Corealia had gone to further her music studies at the Universiti Sultan Idris in Perak, but barely four months at that institution, she purportedly change and became a different person; like someone who had been brainwashed to a certain cult ideology. She had suddenly become a Muslim. Hearing the news the family were devastated. Knowing what a sweet and kind person their daughter was, they just couldn't believe something so drastic could have happened to their daughter. She was always active in church and played the piano so beautifully every Sabbath.
The family is so angry about what had happened to their lovely daughter. They could not believe that their daughter would just in the span of four months completely change her perspective on life; especially simply abandoning her faith in such a drastic manner. They felt something sinister had cross her path.
Their fears turned to nightmare when Corealia was kidnapped. (According to witnesses she was taken away by several men) It happened when she “was having a drink with her mother, Gladys Lechi Lugan, at a coffee shop here (Serian) around 10.30am when she told her mother she had to go to the toilet.” After that she was no where to be found.
Reliable sources said that she was snatch off by Islamic Ulamas to an undisclosed location or safe house for re-indoctrination. Apparently, she had decided to return to her church when the so called religious army of God (Ulamas) pursued her to force her to remain in her new found religion. She had thought that she can be free to express her will, but unfortunately, she had not been aware that the Islamic faith practises a form of eternal captivity dogma. So they kidnapped her and send her to an institution for re-education and re-indoctrination.
Knowing what had happened to their naive and innocent daughter, the family is now asking for answers. They could not believe that such evil practices still occur today in this modern day and age. They just could not understand and accept what has happened to their daughter. Sure, it may be conceivable if a person decides to join a certain religion on their own free will, but to be forced and manipulated, that is another story, which is totally against all 21st century humanitarian standard of religious decorum. Even a Muslim would be ashamed of such practice today. No one has the right to manipulate the will of another by forceful methods. This begs the question: Is this the Malaysia we want?
Just when Indonesia and Thailand are surpassing us economically by leaps and bounce, Malaysia is apparently still grasping with theocratic rule. No wonder we are no where close to achieving a developed nation status. Islam should not be in the business of forceful manipulation against the will of an individual. This is wrong and this must be abolished. Religion should never be used in such a manner as captive inculcation and indoctrination of an individual into blind submission to join a particular religious entity. When are we going to respect the humans in all of us? When are we going to stop playing God? “If all men are created equal,” why do we still have men who see other mankind as lesser beings that must be forced?
Today, Corealia's family just want her back home. They want to spent time together in the comfort of the family love that they once had as a family. We often hear this UMNO government talk about 1Malaysia, but can they ever and will they ever stop such bigoted medieval theocratic practice. Can we ever trust such government?
Apparently, there are many similar stories experienced by other families. Their target is the non-Muslim natives of Sabah and Sarawak. Beware Sabahans and Sarawakians, do not send your precious child to Malaya for they have been targeted for indoctrination and conversion to Islam. I think most people would have no problem for an adult person to choose his or her religion of choice, but when power and forceful manipulation is being used then it no longer becomes a choice, but rather an abuse of power and a criminal act akin to rape. Rape is about power and force. It’s captivity, its depravity; it’s holding someone against their will. It is against the law!
By Wilfred Gaban , President of Kadu Foundation - A non-governmental organization for the health and welfare of the Momogun people.
For Malaysia to succeed as a federation nation there must equality for all, Malaysian Malaysia, and separation of state and religion.
DeleteIt is pointless to talk about equal rights when Sabah and Sarawak were shafted into Malaysia (1963) and they became new colonies of Malaya.
Colonies have no rights to talk about.
What has the last 50 years taught us?
Very little- we never stood up to even go to court and to enforce all our constitutional rights. The courts are useless to resolve these issues anyway.
This "helplessness" has given UMNO and its ultra Malay Islamic supremacists the idea they can do anything to us.
So now a young Christian woman has been literally kidnapped brainwashed and "Islamised" and the rest of the Christians will say it is the will of "ALLAH"!
You can respect other's people freedom to practice their religion but the extremist Islamists (not all Muslims are like them) have no such respect for others. They convert by force as in Mali. The Malian people were happy to have their rights restored when the western forces recently chased them out of Mali.
However, when Sabah gets forcibly Islamised neither Britain or the USA will come to your rescue as they consider Malaysia a "friendly nation" and has left UMNO alone for 50 years.
The powerful nations only act in their own interests as in Afghanistan where they even aided the Islamic extremist Taliban to take over the country in the 1990s.
This Islamisation has happening to Sabah since Mustapha's time and it is no use bemoaning the situation if nothing is done about it.
UMNO is not going to do anything about this as it suits their purpose of domination.
But if all the people of all races and religions do not unite against this type of political religious tyranny or you will be press ganged or shanghied into a new stone age of no religious freedom or any freedom.
The Momogum people are now facing their most severe challenge and it is from the UMNO engineering of mass Islamic domination of Sabah. In past some were so lacking in their own faith that they convert to Islam for financial advantage and later realising their mistake they switched abck to practising their own faith.
In order to defend your rights and faith, complaining alone will not do, you have to use all the means available. Election is one way to firstly boot out the UMNO colonisers and their alien followers as well as stop Pakatan from taking over.
Take control of Sabah and rule yourselves!
Take back your country!
My advise is to lodge a report to the Police, if it is indeed true to the happening. The teaching of the Glorius Quran does not permit Muslim to force anyone to revert to Islam. In Islam there is no compulsion in religion. Individual can only become a muslim on his/her own free will. Seek the truth in GOD religion. Read the Quran O mankind, because it does not belong to the Muslim only. Much of the Quran are directed to the Jews and Christian or the People of the BOOK/Scriptures.
DeleteYou better call Pizza Hut instead and order a large size because the brainwashing might take a while! I don't think the police will be much help, because apparently religious kidnapping and brainwashing is not against the law!
DeleteYou can't reason with faith. So how do we solve this?
ReplyDeleteIn international relations, the most important steps are often made quietly and surely. Take the Prime Minister's landmark trip to Gaza, where he boldly ventured where no Western head of government – indeed, no non-Arab head of government – has so far dared to go. As the first non-Arab national leader to visit the Palestinian enclave, Najib's gesture has reverberated around the Middle East and beyond.
ReplyDeleteWhy? you may ask. Because thanks to his efforts, Malaysia is now recognised as a role model for peaceful coexistence. And quietly and surely, Najib himself has become the global face of moderate Islam, making his trip to Gaza all the more momentous.
ReplyDeleteBecause Hamas is DEFINITELY not an extreme organization, and not regarded as a terrorist organization by many countries. Right?
It is particularly significant at a time when no other leader of a Muslim country has developed the credibility to promote the moderate nature of Islam to sometimes-sceptical audiences abroad. Najib, on the other hand, believes strongly in moderation and its power to bring different communities and religions together, and has developed the credibility to do so, through his words and deeds.
ReplyDeleteHe has pointed out that the practice of moderation is key to preventing conflicts, especially those perpetrated by extremists, irrespective of religion and political ideology. The Prime Minister's signature Global Movement of Moderates initiative, praised throughout the West and the East, offers a way forward for the peaceful resolution of conflicts and provides an alternative to extremism.
ReplyDeleteThis has been underlined by his recent success in brokering peace in the southern Philippines. The historic peace accord between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) was signed in Najib's presence, a new first for Malaysia. It was our first real effort at brokering peace in a foreign dispute, and our success has been praised in the region as well as by the European Union and the United States.
ReplyDeleteNajib has made it clear that he wants to promote peace and stability in Southeast Asia. The Philippines, for instance, has welcomed Malaysia's regional leadership and our role as an honest broker. Myanmar, emerging from decades of isolation thanks in large part to Malaysian diplomacy by Najib, has also praised the Malaysian way.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, the peace framework in Mindanao has been inspired by the Malaysian governing model. The MILF plans to follow our model of parliamentary democracy, with a ministerial form of government led by a chief minister answerable to an elected legislature and with its administration's responsibilities clearly defined in its own mini constitution. The politically autonomous Bangsamoro region will therefore have a position similar to that of Sabah and Sarawak under our federal setup.
ReplyDeleteThere can be no more sincere form of respect accorded to Malaysia and what we stand for as a nation than being chosen as a role model of governance by another nation.
ReplyDeletePakatan Rakyat's leaders may enjoy running Malaysia down in front of their foreign friends, but in reality even the West appreciates what our country stands for and the progress we have made in transforming our people's lives. This is not a matter of dispute, however much Pakatan leaders may want to belittle the Government's achievements for political reasons.
ReplyDeleteLeft to themselves, Pakatan leaders would rather destroy Malaysia's international credibility. Take for instance, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's awkward pledge last year to "support all efforts to protect the security of the state of Israel", which had contradicted Malaysia's established position and hurt the country's international image, particularly among the Palestinians.
ReplyDeleteIt is important to realise that it is largely due to Malaysia's own internal stability that we are able to exert our leadership in the global community.
ReplyDeleteIn so many ways, what Pakatan stands for – street violence, hudud, nepotism – would hurt Malaysia's global standing and turn the clock back several years, undoing all the good work done by Najib.
ReplyDeleteThe Israeli-Palestinian dispute is a particularly thorny issue that is key to peace in the Middle East. Solving this is a huge challenge, which is why most Western powers are satisfied with the status quo. Yet there is room here for an alternative voice, which is why Najib's visit to Gaza was so important.
ReplyDeleteIt shows that the lack of peace in the Middle East affects the rest of the world, and if the established powers are incapable of helping to solve it, perhaps countries like Malaysia can help. Najib's role has been vital – and unique.
ReplyDeleteHe has decried the practise of suicide bombing, making clear that it has no justification in Islam or in dispute resolution, becoming the first Muslim leader to do so. Yet he has at the same time made clear that Israel's treatment of the Palestinians is nothing less than criminal, and has brought the country's soft and financial powers to bear to aid the beleaguered people.
ReplyDeleteNajib has rightly called on the rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas to initiate talks to resolve their differences for the sake of unity. He has also urged both Israel and the Palestinians not to lose hope in reaching a peaceful solution.
ReplyDeleteHis is the correct approach, since military conflict alone cannot solve this dispute. Naturally, bringing both warring sides to the negotiating table will be a Herculean task, but Najib is ready to put his own weight behind the attempt.
ReplyDeleteThrough it all, Najib has walked a careful road, preaching justice and moderation as two sides of the same coin. As a result, ours is a strong voice advocating moderation, and coming from an Islamic country with no vested interests in the region, Malaysia is eminently qualified as an honest mediator.
ReplyDeletePerhaps this will push other countries to follow Najib's lead and encourage Israel and Palestine to learn to live together. Najib's visit may well be remembered for starting the long process of reconciliation.
ReplyDeleteOnly a worthy leader can hold the sacred office of the Kadazandusun 'Huguan Siou'
ReplyDeleteA POSTING on the social network, Facebook, over the weekend that opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was installed as "Huguan Siou", or Kadazandusun paramount leader, had many Sabahans seething in disgust and anger.
ReplyDeleteUnderstandably, they described it as grossly insensitive and a total disrespect to the culture and tradition of the Kadazandusun community.
DeleteAccording to the Kadazandusun Cultural Association (KDCA) website, the "Huguan Siou" is an institutionalised paramount leadership of the Kadazandusun.
DeleteThe power and responsibility to bestow the paramount leadership rests with the KDCA, which upon the vacation of the office of "Huguan Siou", may hold an extraordinary delegates conference to specifically resolve the installation of their "Huguan Siou".
DeleteIf no leader is considered worthy of the title, the office would rather be left vacant in respect of the highly dignified and near sacred office of the Kadazandusun's "Huguan Siou".
DeleteThe current "Huguan Siou" is KDCA president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan, who was bestowed the title in 1984 for his bravery and sincerity in championing the cause of the Kadazandusun community.
DeletePairin was installed "Huguan Siou" 28 years ago in a traditional ceremony performed by a respected Kadazandusun high priestess.
DeleteEvery year, a ceremony is held at Nunuk Ragang in Ranau, believed to be the first settlement of the Kadazandusun, to commemorate the an-niversary of the installation of the "Huguan Siou".
DeleteAnwar was reportedly conferred the coveted and sacred title of "Huguan Siou" during a political ceramah at Kg Paginatan in Ranau last Sunday, sparking a furore and strong condemnation among the Kadazandusun community, with many reportedly questioning the motive for it and demanding an explanation.
DeleteBila-bila masa sahaja dari sekarang Dewan Rakyat akan dibubarkan untuk memberi laluan kepada PRU 13 yang dijangkakan oleh ramai pemerhati politik sebagai pilihanraya yang paling sengit dalam sejarah negara.
ReplyDeletePRU-13 dijangkan akan diadakan pada bukan Mac ataupun April, baik bersiap sedia untuk menghadapinya.
DeleteDari segi rekod PRU 12 2008, memang benarlah PRU 13 ini cukup hangat dan sengit kerana ia merupakan penentu samada BN akan meneruskan kesinambungan pemerintahan ataupun gabungan longgar parti pembangkang, PR pula yang akan mengambil alih terajunya.
ReplyDeletePRU-13 mungkin lebih sengit, terutamanya jika perlawanan banyak penjuru berlaku.
DeleteNamun jika perkembangan semasa diambil kira, besar kemungkinan PRU 13 akan menyaksikan BN mengulangi kejayaan yang hampir sama seperti yang dicapai pada PRU 11 2004 sebaliknya PR pula bakal berdepan nasib buruk seperti dialami Barisan Alternatif (BA).
ReplyDeleteKita akan melihat sendiri keputusan PRU-13 setelah undian telah dibuat.
DeleteTambahan pula, sejak pentadbiran negara diambil oleh Perdana Menteri, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak pada April 2009, sedikit demi sedikit BN telah kembali ke landasannya semula. Manakala dalam tempoh itu pula populariti PR semakin merosot terutama sekali selepas kegagalan projek lompat 16 September 2008.
ReplyDeleteDalam satu pengajian, didapati bahawa Datuk Najib Razak lebih popular berbanding Anwar Ibrahim.
DeleteBermula awal tahun 2010 hinggalah sekarang menyaksikan hasil dari kepimpinan Dato’ Seri Najib, BN terus memacu momentum kebangkitan sebagaimana terbukti dalam beberapa siri pilihanraya kecil yang lalu.
ReplyDeleteSemoga Datuk Seri Najib Razak akan diberi mandat semula untuk memimpin negara ini selepas PRU-13.
DeleteMalah dari segi populariti diantara Dato’ Seri Najib dengan pemimpin PR khususnya Ketua Umum PKR, Anwar Ibrahim memang jauh langit dengan bumi, ini termasuklah data-data hasil dari kajian-kajian semasa yang dilaksanakan oleh pelbagai pihak.
ReplyDeleteDemikian halnya kedapatan yang diperolehi dari kajian terbaru yang dilakukan di UPM yang mana Presiden UMNO itu terus unggul di hadapan dengan merekodkan populariti 67.4% sekaligus menjadi pilihan utama sebagai PM selepas PRU 13 kelak.
ReplyDeleteManakala Anwar pula berada di tempat kedua dengan catatan 52.2% dan Presiden PAS, Hadi Awang hanya mencatat populariti 31.3% sahaja. Dengan kata lain, responden yang ditemubual agak meragui kedua-duanya dalam menggalas tanggungjawab sebagai PM.
ReplyDeleteJika dikira pula dari segi rekod jasa bakti kedua-dua pemimpin utama PR itu yang hanya tahu berceramah siang dan malam menjelajah sana sini, lagilah tak termampu menandingi rekod kerjabuat Najib yang sudah terbukti besar jasanya dalam membantu rakyat jelata.
ReplyDeleteApatah lagi bila diukur dari segi kesungguhan dan sikap cakna Najib dan BN yang serius membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan rakyat, jauh bezanya bila dibanding dengan Anwar dan Hadi yang hanya bijak berkata-kata ketika menabur janji tapi kerap gagal dalam menepatinya.
ReplyDeleteApapun, yang pentingnya dalam mana-mana sahaja kajian yang dilakukan samada oleh pihak bebas, pro BN mahupun oleh PR sendiri, satu kesimpulan yang sama diperolehi – BN akan meneruskan kesinambungan pemerintahan negara ini.
ReplyDeleteisu2 sensitif tak baik dimainkan.
ReplyDeleteIsu agama kebelakangan ini semakin diperbesar dan dipolitikkan.Ini pasti akan menggugat keharmonian rakyat berbilang kaum dan agama di negara ini.
ReplyDeleteDiharap masalah seumpama ini akan dapat diselesaikan dengan terbaik dan tidak mewujudkan masalah yang lebih besar.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Seri Najib Tun Razak intends for the 1Malaysia concept to be translated into something tangible which can benefit the people and not just remain a mere slogan or political rhetoric.
ReplyDeleteThe Prime Minister emphasised that more 1Malaysia services and products are needed to help ease the current rise in the cost of living.
"When 1Malaysia services and products are introduced, the list has no 'full stop' only 'comas', there's no end. But we cannot allow the 1Malaysia brand to be used indiscriminately.
"There're many who apply to use the brand, I agree to some and reject some. The important thing is that the 1Malaysia services and products must help the people," he said at the launching of the Kedai Kain Rakyat 1Malaysia (KKR1M) or the 1Malaysia People's Textile Shop, here today.
Also present at the launching of the shop at No 1, Jalan Lagenda Suria, Taman Lagenda Suria, here were Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob and Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Noh Omar.
On July 8, Najib announced the setting up of the shop as another Barisan Nasional government initiative to help ease the people's burden.
Najib listed the three criteria needed for the approval of the 1Malaysia brand.
"First, the services and products must be for the people; second, they must be of good quality, as we'll not compromise on services or products which are inferior.
"Third, the services and products must be cheaper than market rates. If all three criteria are fulfilled, then we'll allow (the 1Malaysia name to be used)," he elaborated.
He noted that in the past three years, the BN government had introduced various 1Malaysia services and products to assist the people, such as 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M), which was warmly received.
Najib, who is also Finance Minister, remarked that the Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) shops received encouraging response and managed to chart good sales.
He described the 1Malaysia People's Clinic as a big help in easing the burden of the citizens, especially in the lower income group, as it offered cheap but quality service.