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Thursday, February 28, 2013

'I processed thousands of ICs for Sabah illegals'

A former ISA detainee has claimed she and her group had helped process thousands of ICs for Sabah illegal immigrants in the early 90s to help topple the PBS state government.

Sixty three-year-old Siti Aminah Mahmud who was detained under ISA in 1995 for two years for her alleged involvement in the IC project.

Speaking at a press conference today, she described how she had been tasked with collecting information for the illegal immigrants’ IC application and handing the issued ICs to village chiefs throughout Sabah, to be issued to foreigners who were mostly Indonesians and Filipinos.

Aminah said she had been instructed to process the ICs for the foreigners as part of a plan to help Umno take root in Sabah.

Zulaikha Zulkifli


  1. Fiduciary is not a political word.

  2. Proof BN/UMNO is full of liars and crooks! KICK THE BASTARDS OUT OF SABAH

    1. We can't assume all are like that. If its not because of Najib, RCI will not be formed in the first place and we will not find out about the truth.

    2. I don't assume them to be all corrupt. But they keep the corrupt system alive whether they realize it or not. The corruption even reaches ALL THEY WAY TO THE TOP.

      When you need RCI, it means you CANNOT TRUST the government. It means the government HAS FAILED and the people require outside help fighting the government. It's like you get bullied in school and you have to call mommy to come and save you, except now you are an ADULT. It is not something anyone should be proud of, especially NAJIB. So if he says he is proud for allowing it, he is a fool. If it weren't for this RCI, this issue would have be left buried forever.

      I believe Najib only agreed to the RCI because a lot of BN leaders in Sabah started to defect due to the government's reluctance to solve Sabah's immigration problems. He is NOT a champion of the RCI. He is only afraid of the consequences of not allowing it. Notice HOW LONG it took for the RCI to be allowed. BN is more afraid of losing power than letting a few of its mostly retired underlings go down if needed. BN believes this will not effect their power too much. Slowly, I hope they will begin to regret this RCI.

      I don't have time or patience to deal with corrupt bastards. I just want them locked up like the animals they are. I am not interested in anything they have to say.

  3. Scepticism over the integrity and independence of the RCI to investigate an extraordinary increase in the population of Sabah has so far been proven wrong.

  4. witnesses who had testified thus far have given evidence and statements with ease and without fear or favour

  5. all parties should hold on to their opinion as their comments could intimidate incoming witnesses and prevent them from giving evidence without fear or favour.

  6. No one should make any conclusion at this point in time because there are still many more witnesses to come and members of the RCI need to be given ample space and time to complete their investigation

  7. one could only give a fair comment and opinion once the RCI has completed its public inquiry, saying the report is written and made public

  8. the establishment of the RCI was not a mere slogan but implemented with vigor within the underlying theme of transformation, namely political transformation, government transformation and economic transformation.

  9. the Najib Administration represent a new and transformed government

  10. Najib was genuinely implementing political transformation as evident in the Government's decision to abolish several laws which have been described by various quarters as draconian such as the Internal Security Act (ISA) and the University and Colleges Act and the like.

  11. the challenges are understandable because the extraordinary increase in the population of Sabah is historical in perspective all of which happens during the tenure of two previous administrations

  12. All quarters, including the opposition, should welcome the setting up the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah

  13. Baguslah kalau sudah mengaku. Memang orang ini patut dikenakan tindakan.

    1. hopefully more people who are involved in the project IC will come out bravely to exposed the truth.

  14. Harap perkara ini akan terbongkar tidak lama lagi.

  15. Siapa dalangnya masih tidak pasti lagi. Yang pasti BN menafikan semua tuduhan yang dilemparkan oleh pembangkang.

    1. The culprit behind project IC must be punished heavily regardless who is that person.

  16. Banyak perkara yang perlu dilihat dalam hal ini. Kita harap sangat RCI akan dapat menyiasat perkara sebenar.

    1. Lets hope RCI will be able to solve this issue once and for all.

  17. Tidak perlulah terpedaya sangat dengan khabar angin yang diberikan.

  18. Tidak hairan kalau semua itu berlaku. memang itulah permainan pembangkang yang cuba untuk memburukan kerajaan BN.

  19. Tapi kita patutnya berterima kasih kepada kerajaan persekutuan dan Datuk Najib kerana beliau berani menubuhkan RCI untuk mencari kebenaran.

  20. Bukan mudah untuk melaksanakan semua ini. Kerana sudah berpuluh tahun dipohon akhir Datuk Najib orang yang meluluskannya.

  21. Ini membuktikan yang mana kerajaan BN benar-benar prihatin dengan masalah yang dihadapi.

  22. Apa-apa pun tidak perlu kita terlalu mempercayai dengan sumber yang tidak pasti.

  23. Apa tidk...

    Fitnah Kini Penyambung Hayat Pembangkang Untuk Berdepan PRU 13

    o_O Pakatan Pembangkang dilihat menggunakan pelbagai cara dan pendekatan termasuk menjadikan fitnah sebagai talian hayat mereka dalam usaha untuk menyerang Barisan Nasional dan UMNO secara berterusan sehinggalah menjelang Pilihanraya Umum ke 13 yang akan tiba tidak lama lagi.

    o_O Dr. Amini Amir Abdullah. ... Jika diperhatikan isu-isu yang dibawa oleh Pakatan Pembangkang, kebanyakkannya adalah isu-isu yang tidak dapat dipastikan sejauh mana kesahihannya, malah ada sesetengahnya secara terang-terang merupakan satu fitnah dan pembohongan -

    “Saya berpendapat bahawa Pakatan Pembangkang hari ini begitu terdesak untuk memburuk-burukkan imej kerajaan, sehingga terpaksa berbohong dengan menggunakan isu-isu yang tidak berpaksi kepada fakta yang sahih.

    “Apa yang kita lihat, mereka berkempen dengan cara menimbulkan isu-isu sebegini tanpa mempedulikan kebenarannya, hanya semata-mata bertujuan untuk mempengaruhi minda rakyat di negara ini agar benci dan marah kepada kerajaan,

    perkara seperti ini berlaku lantaran Pembangkang tidak lagi mempunyai isu-isu yang kukuh untuk digunakan sebagai modal untuk menghentam kerajaan, memandangkan kerajaan hari ini telah melaksanakan segala program demi kebaikan negara serta menunaikan janji-janji mereka kepada rakyat.

    Kita boleh lihat apabila mereka menimbulkan isu-isu sebagai contoh, isu kapal selam Scorpene, isu Altantuya, isu pampasan buruh landasan maut ketika penjajahan Jepun sedangkan perkara itu telah dinafikan oleh negara Jepun sendiri, dan banyak lagi isu yang tidak mempunyai fakta dan bukti yang sahih.

    “Bagi saya, mereka cuba menipu rakyat tetapi saya yakin rakyat negara ini tidak mudah tertipu dengan segala fakta putar belit mereka itu. Mereka boleh bercakap bohong pada setiap masa tetapi mereka tidak boleh membohongi rakyat sepanjang masa,”

    o_O Selain itu beliau turut mengkritik isu pemilihan jawatankuasa tertinggi Pusat DAP (CEC) yang disifatkan beliau sebagai satu permainan politik yang cuba untuk mengaburi mata rakyat, khususnya pada orang Melayu.

    “Saya hairan macam mana sebuah parti yang begitu lantang mengkritik SPR, tersalah kira undi hanya dalam sebuah pemilihan sekecil itu. Bahkan jumlah undi tersebut bukan sikit, masakan mereka terlepas pandang. Kesilapan mengira undi sebegini tidak pernah terjadi dalam mana-mana parti politik di tanahair sebelum ini.

    o_O “Ini semua bagi saya adalah permainan politik Pakatan Pembangkang, khususnya DAP. Mereka sengaja mengubah jumlah undi tersebut dan memberikan kepada calon Melayu agar parti itu dilihat sebagai sebuah parti terbuka untuk semua kaum, sedangkan hakikatnya tidak - Dr. Amini Amir Abdullah.

  24. siasat lagi hal ini hingga ke akar umbi

  25. It is just matter of time everything will be exposed.

  26. We should be thankful to Najib. Because of him, RCI is formed and more and more people are coming out bravely to tell the truth about the project ic.

  27. Im sure even Anwar is involved.
