By Yong Teck Lee
I know, as a matter of fact, that the Malaysian armed forces and police have the capability to repel the 100-odd armed intruders at Tungku Lahad Datu because the Malaysian armed forces have long prepared for this and other similar possible sea borne invasions by foreign forces against Sabah.
I had witnessed, as the then Chief Minister, a full scale military exercise conducted in 1997 by paratroopers and ground forces in the same locality at Tungku with the specific strategic objective to evict a foreign armed invasion. That is why a few days ago, I said that the people should have every confidence in the security forces of Malaysia to eventually repel this intrusion.
But the lack of decisive action so far by the authorities has exposed the absence of political will at Putrajaya to defend Sabah and Malaysia's sovereignty. As a result, Malaysia is fast losing credibility in the eyes of the people and our international neighbours.
Whether the intruders are militants or Abu Sayyaf or some kind Royal outfit is irrelevant. The fact is that an organised armed group has openly challenged Malaysian sovereignty and declare war on the Yang Di Pertuan Agung and on Malaysia. These intruders are now saying "so what are you going to do about it?" Our armed force is being humiliated by a meagre force of 100 men just because the military's hands are tied by the politicians. So much money have been spent on training, equipment, logistics and manpower to face this type of intrusion, and yet when it happened, Malaysia can do little about it.
If the intruders are seen to have got away with this blatant challenge to Malaysian sovereignty, then the Malaysian government must be ready to face "copy cat" intrusions in the future.
On the longer term, the government, the armed forces, the police and other security agencies will lose moral and political authority over its own people.
Yong Teck Lee, ex-Chief Minister 28 May 1996 to 27 May 1998
Ini link asal gambar2 fitnah tersebut d ambil.
CM Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman said the security forces were in full control of the situation in Lahad Datu.
ReplyDeleteBaguslah jika pihak sekuriti menjamin keadaan masih dalam kawalan.
Delete(From a comment in Borneo Herald)
It is surprising that the Malaysian Police is so efficient in stopping 3 journalists from going to Tanduo BUT were asleep when 300 armed men in many boats could slip past their watch!
Can we trust Malaya to protect us from invasion which they promised to do in 1963 to entice us into Malaysia??
They failed to perform all their promised from the 20 Points Agreement to "security and prosperity"
The Brunei Malay Sultanate did not trust UMNO and decided wisely not to "join Malaysia".
We are paying for our foolish mistake!
CM confident that the relevant authorities are on top of the situation
ReplyDeleteCM said this was the result of coordinated efforts among the police, the military and the marine coast guard, who have shown a high degree of professionalism and discipline.
ReplyDeleteIn the last few days, we have seen how the authorities, especially the police, have exercised great restraint in dealing with the foreign intruders in Kampung Tanduo
ReplyDeletethe restraint was not a sign of weakness but rather a deeper understanding of the complexity of the issue.
ReplyDeleteMusa, however, urged the foreign intruders to return to their homeland to avoid any untoward incident, including bloodshed, in the event that the Malaysian security forces have to take action.
ReplyDeleteThey must realise that they have clearly breached international laws and Malaysia’s sovereignty. What is at stake here is our sovereignty and rights, which will not be compromised
ReplyDeleteTindakan harus diambil agar mereka ini tidak membawa kekecohan dan bertindak sesuka hati.
DeleteKerajaan akan memastikan keselamatan penduduk di LD akan terjamin.
DeleteCM appeal to the intruders to be rational and give up the futile attempt and return to their homeland peacefully
ReplyDeleteThe Philippine Government should no longer revive its territorial claim to Sabah, amid a tense standoff between Malaysian forces and followers of Sultan Jamalul Kiram of Sulu.
ReplyDeletethe Philippine Government should already shelve its claim
ReplyDeleteKerjasama kedua pihak amat diperlukan.
DeleteWe dont really know the motives behind this territory. I heard and saw there are many assumptions surrounding. Are they trying to politicize this issue? Errrrgggg.... dont know...
ReplyDeleteBut the gov says...
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman said the security forces were in full control of the situation in Lahad Datu.
“As chairman of the State Security Committee, I am confident that the relevant authorities are on top of the situation,” he said.
The Chief Minister said this was the result of coordinated efforts among the police, the military and the marine coast guard, who have shown a high degree of professionalism and discipline.
“In the last few days, we have seen how the authorities, especially the police, have exercised great restraint in dealing with the foreign intruders in Kampung Tanduo,” he said.
He added the restraint was not a sign of weakness but rather a deeper understanding of the complexity of the issue.
Musa, however, urged the foreign intruders to return to their homeland to avoid any untoward incident, including bloodshed, in the event that the Malaysian security forces have to take action.
“They must realise that they have clearly breached international laws and Malaysia’s sovereignty. What is at stake here is our sovereignty and rights, which will not be compromised,” he said.
“Once again, I appeal to the intruders to be rational and give up the futile attempt and return to their homeland peacefully,” he said.
Why the news keep changing?
ReplyDeleteLosing its saga or it's actually been doing its part in protecting the nation?
ReplyDeleteIn fact I think they have been making efforts to do so
ReplyDeleteAnd it is fair to recognise their efforts.
ReplyDeleteMasih dalam kawalan.
ReplyDeleteSAPP ni nak puji ka kondem?
ReplyDeleteGo beyond the dream.
ReplyDeleteSekiranya semua batalion askar malaysia di Sabah sudah di kerah ke Lahad Datu, bagaimana dengan Rakyat Sabah,di Kota Kinabalu,Ranau,Kudat,Keningau,sekiranya yang BERATUS RIBU rakyat sultan Sulu di seluruh Sabah MERUSUH.....??...
ReplyDeleteThis is so much to do with the so called freedom
ReplyDeleteJangan la bangkitkan isu yang tak penting langsung.
ReplyDeleteJangan pertikaikan kuasa tentera.
ReplyDeleteKritikan untuk memajukan lagi prestasi amat diperlukan.
DeleteKawalan dan permantauan telah di buat oleh pihak berkuasa. Tidak perlu risau.
ReplyDeleteKemelut pembahagian kerusi antara Pakatan Rakyat (PR) dan parti komponen pembangkang di Sabah dijangka akan memberikan kesan positif untuk Barisan Nasional (BN) di negeri berkenaan.
ReplyDeletepertelingkahan antara PR Pusat dan parti komponen seperti Parti Maju Sabah (SAPP), Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS), dan Pertubuhan Pakatan Perubahan Sabah (PPPS) itu juga akan digunakan sebaik mungkin kerana ia merupakan kelebihan untuk BN mengekalkan kuasa mereka di negeri di bawah bayu itu.
ReplyDelete“Memang kita ada kelebihan ... tetapi kita (BN) mengambil ketetapan untuk tunggu dan lihat,” kata Setiausaha BN Sabah, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahalan.
ReplyDelete“Ia turut bergantung kepada isu dan tempat,” tambah Ahli Parlimen Kota Belud itu lagi.
ReplyDeleteAhli Parlimen Silam, Salleh Kalbi turut bersetuju dengan kenyataan Abdul Rahman, dan menegaskan BN seharusnya tidak mengambil ringan berkenaan perebutan kerusi tersebut.
ReplyDelete“BN jangan ambil ringan isu ini ... Kita akan memanfaatkan perkara ini,” katanya.
ReplyDeleteJelas Salleh, perebutan itu sama seperti apa yang berlaku kepada Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) satu masa dahulu, yang mana ketika itu turut berlaku perbalahan mengenai kerusi di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKetua Penerangan PBS, Datuk Johnny Mositu menegaskan, daripada perbincangan formula kerusi antara PR dan rakan komponennya itu jelas menunjukkan pembahagian yang berat sebelah dan SAPP hanya memperolehi beberapa kerusi.
ReplyDelete“Saya rasa pucuk pimpinan SAPP boleh menilai, ia berlaku sama seperti PBS dulu, SAPP mungkin akan merasai nasib yang sama seperti PBS suatu masa dulu,” katanya.
ReplyDeleteJelas Johnny, sebelum ini PBS telah beberapa kali berbincang dengan Presiden Parti Datuk Seri Wan Azizah mengenai pembahagian kerusi semasa pilihan raya sebelum ini, namun isteri kepada Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim itu jelasnya tidak mengendahkan tuntutan mereka.
ReplyDeleteRundingan kerusi PR dan SAPP telah dihentikan buat sementara waktu, menurut sekutu PR Datuk Seri Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing, satu lagi petunjuk kegagalan pembangkang untuk bersatu dalam menghadapi BN dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13.
ReplyDeletePembangkang tidak mungkin bergabung, masing-masing ada agenda untuk dicapai.
DeletePemimpin dari kedua-dua parti itu mendakwa “pintu sentiasa terbuka” tetapi drama di belakang tabir menunjukkan sebaliknya.
ReplyDeleteMenurut Ketua Penerangan SAPP Chong Pitt Fah, ketua partinya Datuk Yong Teck Lee sebelum ini berkata Sabah rundingan kerusi dengan PR masih berjalan dan belum mencapai kata putus.Akan tetapi apabila ditanya kepada bekas penyokong kuat BN mengenai perkembangan rundingan, Bumburing menyatakan sebaliknya.
ReplyDeleteDifahamkan PR tidak bersedia untuk menyerahkan kerusi kepada SAPP walaupun parti tersebut lebih dekat dengan penduduk tempatan di negeri Malaysia timur itu, menegaskan mereka adalah sebuah parti yang didominasi masyarakat Cina.
ReplyDelete“SAPP adalah parti berasaskan Cina … jadi siapa yang akan mewakili KDM (Kadazandusun dan Murut)? Sudah tentu mereka mendakwa sebagai parti berbilang kaum.. tetapi, asas mereka adalah Cina,” kata Azmin.
ReplyDeleteMalaysian government is still open for negotiations to find the best suitable solutions for this matter.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Hishamuddin said, there is always room for negotiations and for the relevant quarters to help us in finding the best solutions to the issue. However this does not mean that we are nodding to any quarters.
ReplyDeleteIn any situations, our focus is to solve the issue in the best possible way. Room for negotiations was opened to ensure that the issue would not lead to any untoward incidents, bloodshed or death.
ReplyDeleteIf certain or other quarters feel that they can help those involved in the issue, be rational and cooperate with us, the sooner the issue will be solved.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Hishamuddin said he would also like to ask all quarters to allow the security forces to do their jobs.
ReplyDeleteAhli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Gum-Gum, Datuk Hj Zakaria Hj Edris menyeru rakyat di Sabah agar tidak membuat spekulasi yang tidak tepat mengenai pencerobohan warga asing yang bersenjata dan berpakaian lengkap ala-tentera di Felda Sahabat, Lahad Datu, baru-baru ini.
ReplyDeleteRakyat di negeri ini khususnya di daerah Lahad Datu dan Sandakan tidak perlu bimbang kerana kita mempunyai pasukan keselamatan seperti Polis, Tentera, Navy, Polis Marin dan Maritim kerana mereka sentiasa mengawal perbatasan negara sekalipun pesisir yang luas.
ReplyDeleteuntuk menyelesaikan kes ini biarlah kita serahkan sahaja kepada pihak kerajaan untuk mengadakan rundingan dalam keadaan baik tanpa menimbul sebarang perkara yang tidak diingini.