The navy says this is to prevent more followers of the Sultan of Sulu entering Sabah.
MANILA: The Philippine Navy has sealed off the so-called southern backdoor to prevent the followers of the Sultan of Sulu province from traveling to Sabah, where a standoff between the sultanate’s followers and Malaysian security authorities persists.
The naval blockade was one of the measures taken by the Philippine government to prevent the escalation of the already tense situation, meant to ease the tension in and around Lahad Datu, where hundreds of Filipinos were holed up.
Lt. Commander Gregory Gerald Favic, Navy spokesman, on Thursday, said that six ships and an islander plane have been patrolling the Sulu Sea after Malaysian authorities reported the presence of loyal supporters of the sultanate. The group is headed by Raja Muda Azzimudie Kiram, a brother of Sultan Jamalul Kiram 3rd of Sulu.
The Manila Times reports the Navy patrol team is keeping a close watch on the vicinity of the provinces of Sulu, Tawi-Tawi and Basilan, home provinces of Kiram’s mostly Tausog warriors.
The naval patrol, he said, is for “security and stability of the situation.”
“We are avoiding the escalation of the issue,” the Navy spokesman added.
Favic clarified that the Navy’s patrol and reconnaissance mission on the vast Sulu Sea was not requested by Malaysia. He added though that the Philippine Navy is ready to conduct joint maritime patrol operations with the Malaysian Navy within the disputed area.
The Sulu Sea is a large body of water in the southwestern part of the country.
Favic said that no one has been arrested trying to cross the southern backdoor going to Sabah so far.
Heirs of the Sultan of Sulu said that their followers will stay put in Sabah, which they claim as theirs. The Filipinos are staying in the village of Tanduao, surrounded by Malaysian forces.
Emissaries of the Philippine government continue to negotiate with the leaders of hundreds of members of the sultanate of Sulu, who rejected Malaysian demands to return to the Philippines.
Government sources said that there is a plan to fly a Philippine Air Force C-130 transport plane to Sabah, or a naval boat to fetch Azzimudie’s group and bring them back home.
But whether such plans will be carried out “depends on the situation on the ground,” a source, who is privy to the negotiations with the sultanate leaders said.
Two weeks into the standoff, Malaysian officials are now calling for a drastic action against the sultanate’s followers.
Sabah’s Daily Express quoted Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein as saying that there will be no compromise on the rights and safety of its people in resolving the intrusion of the Filipinos, some of them armed.
“Since they had guns, it is important our action does not lead to bloodshed,” he said.
Malaysian security forces have surrounded the village, where the sultanate members are seeking refuge.
“The issue is not political, not racial, no connection with the stand on sovereignty but in our context this is our land and this is something that can jeopardize the nation’s security. This is why we are trying to handle wisely without bloodshed or loss of lives in our land,” he said.
He said that Malaysia is working closely with the Philippines to resolve the standoff.
- Agencies
So what happen now?
ReplyDeletelet just hope there be no bloodshed.
DeleteSemoga keadaan dalam kawalan yang baik.
DeleteThe incidents is yet to solve?
DeleteHarap tiada apa2 berlaku.
ReplyDeleteBukan isu namun jadi isu sudah.
ReplyDeleteHow is it not an issue in the first place? This is a serious matter. Sabah may fall into the hands of Sulu.
DeleteJangan biarkan unsur ini mengancam ketenteraman.
DeleteDemi kepentingan diri, isu ini sengaja dimainkan.
DeleteHarap apa yang berlaku jadi iktibar.
ReplyDeleteApa juga diorang mau ni?
ReplyDeleteCome back to ur place
ReplyDeleteThey cant claim Sabah
ReplyDeleteSabah is belongs to Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteWow, now the Philippines has come finally.
ReplyDeleteAnd hopefully there is a progress by now.
ReplyDeleteWhy only now they want sabah badly??
ReplyDeleteThey won't be able to get anything at the end.
Deletethe Lahad Datu incident could turn out to be a positive thing for BN in the coming elections if the government could continue managing it well and consequently bringing about the best solution to the problem. Aquino said his government had been talking to all parties, including the Sultan’s family, to find a peaceful solution
ReplyDeleteWell, it has its bearing, whatever happens in the state would surely have an impact but what we are grateful that the matter has been and continue to be handled wisely by our security forces
ReplyDeleteWhat was important for the issue to be resolved the best way possible without involving any casualties and in accordance to country’s laws and policies in handling conflicts.
ReplyDeletethe state and federal levels were trying to tackle this sensitive issue the best way possible
ReplyDeleteSuccessfully managing and consequently resolving the problem calmly and wisely would let the people know that the government is capable of managing whatever problems that may arise without creating a negative impact to Sabah or the country.
ReplyDeleteThis is the most important thing government are giving attention, avoiding unnecessary negative impact
ReplyDeletePolice are still investigating the recent SMS rumours about a group of foreigners out to create trouble in the state following the failed negotiations between the band of Sulu gunmen in Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu and the government.
ReplyDeleteinvestigations were ongoing to identify those irresponsible for spreading the rumours via SMS.
ReplyDeleteMereka harus bertanggung jawab atas perbuatan sendiri.
DeleteApakah tindakan akan dikenakan jiak disabit merebakkan khabar angin yang tidak benar?
DeleteState Police Commissioner reminded the public not to believe any rumours that could threaten the country’s security as the police are on top of the situation
ReplyDeletethe situation was under control and the security forces and relevant parties were doing their best to resolve the issue without creating any untoward incident.
ReplyDeleteSemoga pihak berkuasa berjaya menghalau unsur keganasan ini.
ReplyDeleteJangan lepaskan penceroboh ini agar kuasa mereka tidak merebak ke tempaty lain.
ReplyDeleteKita berharap agar isu ini dapat diselesaikan dengan segera kerana isu ini amat sensitif dan mengancam keselamatan kita semua.
ReplyDeletePenceroboh kalau nak di ikutkan kita tembak sahaja mereka, namun untuk mengelak berlakunya perkara yang tidak diingin berlaku @ untuk mengelak keadaan bertukar menjadi lebih teruk, adalah lebih baik jiak hal ini diselesaikan dengan cara yang baik.
DeleteJanganlah kita mempersoalkan apa yang berlaku adalah atas kelemahan keselamatan kita, namun percayalah bahawa semuanya dalam kawalan dan gengaman tentera Malaysia.
DeleteKita menharap yang terbaik untuk mereka menyelesaikan masalah ini.
DeleteHarap perkara seperti ini tidak akan berlaku lagi di masa akan datang.
DeleteUnsur yang merosakkan ketenteraman dan keharmonian harus dikenakan tindakan.
DeleteSix Philippines naval ships have been deployed to the seas of Sulu and Tawi Tawi to prevent possible spill over from the standoff between Malaysian forces and the self-proclaimed Sulu Sultan's gunmen.
ReplyDeleteThe ships are only conducting patrols within the waters of Tawi Tawi islands, less than half-hour speed boat ride from the seaside village of Tandau where the Sulu group has been holed up since Feb 9.
Philippines navy spokesman Lt Comm Gregory Fabic was quoted as telling the media in Manila that the naval vessels would not dock in Sabah waters but were there to help make the situation stable.
ReplyDeleteHe stated that there were also no instructions given for the evacuation of the Sulu group led Raja Muda Azzimudie Kiram, the brother of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III.
"We are hoping that this will be resolved peacefully. If they are retreating, we are not there to help them because we need instructions if they can be picked up,' Fabic was quoted as saying.
"If there are conflicts, we cannot help them. We will (only go there) if it is resolved peacefully and are given instructions to repatriate them,' Fabic added.
The Sulu group of about 100 have insisted on staying put in Tanduo although a Friday deadline for them to be deported appeared to fade.
ReplyDeleteThe Malaysian security forces, who have thrown a tight land and sea cordon around the group, are reportedly in a position to deport the group anytime but are holding back pending efforts to resolve the standoff through negotiations without bloodshed.
Meanwhile, Philippines President Benigno Aquino reportedly said in Manila that the Sulu gunmen, who claimed that North Borneo was part of the Sulu Sultanate, should give up peacefully.
"Going there with arms is not the way to resolve this. When you brandish arms naturally the other side has only one way to respond to such a challenge,' Aquino was quoted as saying in his first public comment on the incident.
ReplyDeleteAquino also stated that his government had been talking to all parties, including the Sultan's family, to find a peaceful solution.
Philippines Foreign secretary Albert del Rosario stated in a separate statement that Aquino had ordered his government authorities "to do everything' possible to try and urge them to peacefully withdraw and to do this as quickly as possible.
eh bro, kalau takeover btl btl jadi, kita jadi bus conductor laini kan? hahah jk :)
ReplyDeleteKerajaan Filipina telah menghantar sebuah kapal dalam misi kemanusiaan untuk membawa pulang kumpulan 180 anggota, termasuk 30 pengawal bersenjata, yang bertahan di Lahad Datu, Sabah sejak 12 Februari.
ReplyDeleteKapal yang bernombor AT296, belayar dari Bongao, Tawi-Tawi ke perkampungan Tanduo di Lahad Datu dan berlabuh di tepi pantai sementara rundingan dengan kumpulan itu berlangsung malam Ahad.
ReplyDeleteJabatan Hal Ehwal Luar (DFA) Filipina dalam satu kenyataan berkata pemberitahuan mengenai penghantaran kapal itu telah disampaikan kepada Kedutaan Malaysia di Manila, Sabtu.
ReplyDeleteSetiausaha Hal Ehwal Luar Filipina Albert F. del Rosario dalam satu kenyataan menggesa seluruh kumpulan itu agar pulang ke rumah mereka dan keluarga, "sekalipun pada masa yang sama kami sedang berusaha menyelesaikan isu-isu utama yang mereka timbulkan".
ReplyDeleteMengenai kapal berkenaan, Rosario berkata: "Kami amat mengambil berat tentang kehadiran lima wanita dan beberapa orang awam dalam kumpulan itu, dan kami menggesa mereka segera menaiki kapal dan pulang ke tanah air.
ReplyDeleteMenurut kenyataan itu, di atas kapal berkenaan ialah pemimpin Islam-Filipino, serta sukarelawan dan petugas perubatan. Pada 12 Feb, bot yang mengangkut lebih 100 lelaki bersenjata yang memakai pakaian celoreng tentera mendarat di pantai Lahad Datu. Kumpulan itu menuntut supaya mereka diiktiraf sebagai Tentera Diraja Sultan Sulu, dan tidak mahu warga asal Sulu di Sabah dihantar pulang ke Filipina.
ReplyDeleteAskar itu telah bertahan di kampung itu sejak dua minggu lepas, dan Kerajaan Malaysia memberikan mereka masa hingga Jumaat lepas (22 Feb) untuk meninggalkan negara ini. Bagaimanapun, tarikh penamat itu dilanjutkan selama 48 jam selepas kerajaan Filipina memohon lanjutan empat hari hingga Selasa atas alasan Manila sedang berusaha memujuk kumpulan itu supaya membatalkan pendirian mereka.
kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) menyerahkan kepada Wisma Putra berhubung permohonan kerajaan Filipina meminta lanjutan tempoh pengusiran kumpulan penceroboh Lahad Datu Sabah.
ReplyDeleteMenterinya, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, bagaimanapun berharap jika permohonan terbabit dipersetujui, tempoh lanjutan itu tidak terlalu lama kerana pihaknya tidak akan berkompromi dengan anasir yang boleh menjejaskan kedaulatan negara.
ReplyDeletePihak berkuasa negara sedang memujuk kumpulan itu supaya segera meninggalkan Sabah bagi mengelak sebarang kejadian tidak diingini berlaku
ReplyDeleteRakyat Malaysia seharusnya bersyukur kerana pasukan keselamatan negara masih dapat menangani secara bijaksana isu pencerobohan warga Filipina sejak 12 Feb lepas di Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu, bahagian pantai timur Sabah, kata Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
ReplyDeleteTimbalan Perdana Menteri berkata apa yang penting sekarang ialah insiden itu diharap dapat diselesaikan dengan cara baik tanpa berlaku pertumpahan darah.
ReplyDeleteInsiden di Lahad Datu mempunyai kesan dari segi apa sahaja yang berlaku di negeri ini tentu ada impaknya.
ReplyDeleteTapi yang kita rasa bersyukur ialah bahawa soal itu telah dan masih ditangani secara bijaksana oleh pasukan keselamatan dan polis kita, dan ini telah dijelaskan dengan nyata oleh Perdana Menteri (Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak) semasa beliau berada di sini dan kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein (Menteri Dalam Negeri) dan IGP (Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Ismail Omar),” kata timbalan pengerusi Barisan Nasional itu kepada pemberita ketika diminta mengulas perkembangan terkini isu pencerobohan itu.
ReplyDeletekerajaan Malaysia akan melakukan yang terbaik bagi menangani isu pencerobohan itu seperti yang diharapkan rakyat.
ReplyDeleteKalau itu dapat kita lakukan, Insya-Allah, rakyat di negeri Sabah terutamanya akan rasa bahawa keselamatan sentiasa terpelihara.
ReplyDeleteMereka dapat menyaksikan kepimpinan di peringkat negeri dan juga pusat telah berusaha menyelesaikan masalah sensitif itu dengan keadaan yang baik dan impaknya adalah baik.
ReplyDeleteMaknanya rakyat tahu kita boleh urus apa sahaja masalah yang timbul dan tidak membawa kesan buruk kepada negeri ataupun negara,” katanya sambil menambah bahawa kerajaan akan memberi perhatian yang paling utama soal keselamatan rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeleteDalam UU antarabangsa, wilayah Sabah telah secara sah menjadi miliki Malaysia. Sebelum Sabah menjadi milik Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak dan juga Singapura menjadi koloni Inggris.
ReplyDeletePada 31 Agustus 1963, Inggris yang menguasai Borneo Utara (Sabah) telah bersetuju untuk melepaskan wilayah tersebut dan menyerahkannya ke Malaysia yang sebelumnya dikenal dengan sebutan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.
ReplyDeleteWilayah Sabah yang menjadi kedaulatan Inggris diserahkan ke Malaysia melalui transfer kekuasaan yang mana Persekutuan Tanah Melayu sebelumnya juga menjadi koloni Inggris.
ReplyDeleteInggris menyerahkan Sabah ke Malaysia melalui penyerahan wilayah yang sebelumnya menjadi miliknya (kedaulatan Inggris), “nemo plus juris transferre potest quam ipse habet”. (Tak seorang pun dapat mengalihkan lebih banyak haknya daripada yang ia miliki).
ReplyDeleteMalaysia memperoleh Sabah atas penyerahan Inggris kepada Malaysia yang mana sebelumnya Inggris memiliki wilayah atas Borneo Utara (Sabah).
ReplyDeleteKedaulatan Malaysia atas Sabah bukan melalui referendum di wilayah tersebut, namun melalui penyerahan (pindah milik) dari kedaulatan Inggris atas Sabah yang kemudiannya diserahkan kepada Malaysia.
ReplyDeletePantat lah sy mau jadi org suluk.
ReplyDeletemimpilah si kiram diiktiraf sebagai sultan di sabah..