Former Sabah chief minister Harris Salleh has appealed to the police to cease action against the Suluk community in Lahad Datu and Semporna.
Harris, who is now president of Yayasan Islam Sabah, was reported as claiming that Suluk community leaders have urged him to make this appeal, and has written a letter to Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein on the matter.
"Suluk leaders have reported that police are taking identity cards, and IMM13 documents (of the Suluk people) and destroying them.
"This is unbecoming of the Malaysian police force. This behaviour is against any known civilisation, and the religions, laws and policies of the Malaysian government," he was quoted as saying in the Sabah-based daily Daily Express.
Harris (left) pointed out that the police have no powers to destroy federal government documents except with confirmation from the National Registration Department, and doing so would only breed animosity between Sabah and the Sulu people.
In addition, he reportedly pointed out that Suluks are also human beings and not all have ill-intentions, unlike the self-proclaimed ‘royal Sulu army' hiding in Lahad Datu.
On March 9, the Philippine-based online news portal Philippine Inquirer carried a report claiming that hundreds of Filipinos are fleeing police crackdowns in Sabah, which involved destroying legitimate identity documents.
Lahad Datu assemblyman Datuk Datu Nasrun Datu Mansur advised the Suluk community not to be offended by the action taken against the armed intruders at Kampung Tanduo.
ReplyDeleteHe was confident that the Suluk people, as well as the other communities, are against the intrusion and described the incident as a violation of humanity.
DeleteAccording to Nasrun, racial sentiments do not arise from this incident, thereby proving the unity of the people.
ReplyDelete“I hope the Suluk people in the state will not be offended by this incident.
ReplyDelete“Although we are of the same race, we need to be reminded that the culture and the morale of the intruders and the Suluk people in Sabah are different,” he said.
He said there was a need to emphasise that the community wanted the incident to end soon and prayed for the safety of our security forces.
Tragedi ini harus ditamatkan, rakyat perlu teruskan kehidupannya.
DeletePihak berkuasa akan memastikan keselamatan terjamin juga.
ReplyDeleteHe said the people, especially the Suluks would not involve themselves in this incident and would support the efforts of the government to solve the issue.
This is what we want, whoever hold the identity as Suluk but as a Malaysian, i am sure they will give fully support to Malaysia Security.
Identiti mereka juga harus dikenal pasti terlebih dahulu.
DeleteKetua-ketua etnik Suluk Sabah mengecam keras tindakan tidak bertamadun pengganas yang menceroboh Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu dan tidak mencerminkan ciri sebenar etnik itu yang amat menghormati orang lain
ReplyDeleteMalah kaum Suluk di negeri ini turut membidas tindakan kejam yang dilakukan kumpulan pengganas itu terhadap orang lain terutamanya yang seagama.
ReplyDeleteTindakan mereka ini memang tidak berkemanusiaan.
DeleteAncaman yang menyebabkan kematian adalah keji. Tidakkah semua ini boleh dibawa runding dengan cara yang lebih baik?
DeleteMereka juga menegaskan bahawa lebih 300,000 etnik Suluk di Sabah tetap teguh dan setia tanpa berbelah bahagi kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Yang Dipertua Negeri Sabah, Perlembagaan Persekutuan, negeri serta negara.
ReplyDeleteEtnik Suluk Sabah walaupun serumpun tidak pernah menyokong atau membantu tindakan jahat pengganas itu seperti yang ditohmah segelintir pihak tidak bertanggungjawab.
ReplyDelete"Kerajaan negeri dan seluruh rakyat Sabah sentiasa mendoakan keselamatan dan kejayaan pasukan keselamatan kita dalam mempertahankan kedaulatan negara.
ReplyDeleteUsaha untuk mempertahankan keamaan dan ketenteraman amat dihargai.
DeleteYang telah terkorban, usaha dan jasa mereka untuk mempertahankan negara amat dihormati.
DeletePembunuhan sudah bermula, jadi, pihak berkuasa harus bertindak tegas juga.
ReplyDeleteHarus membalas jika penceroboh ini bertindak tidak berkemanusian.
DeletePencerobohan pengganas Sulu di Lahad Datu membangkitkan kemarahan rakyat di seluruh negara dan tiidak terkecuali masyarakat Suluk Sabah yang menerima tempias daripada insiden itu kerana pengganas ialah sebangsa dengan mereka walaupun dikenali sebagai Tausug di Filipina.
ReplyDeleteSetiausaha Persatuan Rumpun Etnik Suluk Sabah (PRESS), MOHD. ZAKI HARRY SUSANTO ketika diwawancara wartawan Mingguan Malaysia, SAIFUL HAIZAN HASAM di Tawau, menegaskan seluruh masyarakat Suluk Sabah berasa amat terhina dengan pencerobohan itu yang dianggapnya suatu tindakan bodoh dan tidak bertamadun.
ReplyDeleteEtnik Suluk Sabah itu juga menjelaskan kepada perdana menteri bahawa mereka turut terkilan, terkejut dan sedih dengan kejadian pencerobohan militan bersenjata itu.
ReplyDeleteMereka menentang sekeras-kerasnya dakwaan dan tuntutan pihak-pihak tertentu bahawa negeri Sabah ini adalah sebahagian negara jiran dan menyokong tindakan kerajaan Malaysia membanteras kumpulan itu.