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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Lajim resigns as Umno member only after GE13?

BEAUFORT - Pertubuhan Pakatan Perubahan Sabah Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin, who is also PKR's candidate for the Klias state seat and Beaufort parliamentary seat, officially announced Friday that he has quit UMNO after resigning as a supreme council member in July.

Lajim, who was also deputy minister of housing and local government, said he was still an UMNO member after resigning from all posts in the party and government.

"This is only an official announcement. However, since embracing Pakatan Rakyat, I consider myself to have quit UMNO as I was only waiting for the UMNO Disciplinary Board to expel me but until now they have not done so.

"Surprisingly, UMNO members contesting as independents in this election were expelled immediately for breaching party rules.

"I did the same thing but was not expelled," he told a media conference.

Lajim said he did know until now why UMNO did not take any action against him and this might become an issue.

"I will send my resignation letter after the general election," he added.



  1. Serahkan kepada beliau untuk menentukannya.

  2. UMNO akan buat terbaik jika perlu mengambil tindakan.

  3. JIka benar nak resign, itu juga keputusan beliau.

  4. Masalah internal UMNO biar selesai dengan baik.

  5. Lajim berkemungkinan bleh bersara dan serahkan kepada golongan muda untuk mengambil alih.
