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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sabah RCI: Yong & Eric testifies on illegals

Yong: 'Putrajaya can keep the illegals in its own backyard'

KOTA KINABALU - If Putrajaya adamantly refuses to act against immigrants illegally granted citizenship in Sabah, it can keep them in peninsular Malaysia, where the federal government is based, says SAPP president Yong Teck Lee.

Testifying at the royal commission of inquiry on immigrants in Sabah, Yong (right) said this could be done with a Sabah identity card (IC) to identify genuine Sabahans.

"If the federal government insists the illegal immigrants are citizens, so be it. They can stay in the peninsula and be subjected to the laws there.

"If you want to come in to Sabah, you must prove that you are Sabahan (with a Sabah IC)," Yong said.

Ex-MP: Filipino immigrant stole my father's name

Former Sepanggar MP Eric Enchin Majimbun today told the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on immigrants in Sabah, that a Filipino immigrant had stolen his father's name.

"A construction worker had entered Sabah using a passport, but I was later informed that the Filipino was using my father's name.

"In 2007, I wrote to the Special Branch  asking for action to be taken and the special branch later sent me a copy of the man's identity card," he testified at the Kota Kinabalu High Court complex this morning.

To his surprise, Eric (right) said that the man's identity card had stated his name to be ‘Jerome Majimbun', and yet no action was taken by the authorities.

When informed by conducting officer Azmi Ariffin that the RCI investigator had run a check with the National Registration Department (NRD) and the identity card was found to be false, Eric appeared to lose his patience.

"If it was fake, then why was there no reply to my letter of complaint and why no action was taken againt the man who held the identity card? Is this how Sabahans are treated?" he asked.

It is noted that the Majimbun family is a well-known and respected name in Sabah.

Nigel Aw


  1. "A construction worker had entered Sabah using a passport, but I was later informed that the Filipino was using my father's name."

    Apakah yang berlaku? Passport palsu juga dikesan.

  2. "If it was fake, then why was there no reply to my letter of complaint and why no action was taken againt the man who held the identity card? Is this how Sabahans are treated?"

    Penggunaan dokumen palsu adalah penjenayah yang serius.

  3. Pihak berkuasa harus betindak dan tidak harus membiarkan isu ini berpanjangan dan merebak.

  4. RCI harus membuat siasatan jika adanya laporan berkenaan penggunaan dokumen palsu.

  5. Pihak imigresen harus lebih berhati-hati semasa menguruskan kelulusan kemasukan orang asing ini.

  6. This issue should not be prolonged. The longer it is, the more harder it is to solve this issue.

  7. Authorities should take legal action against those who use false document or even make a fake document.

  8. Might as well send these illegal immigrants to the west malaysia since they refuse to deport them back.
