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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Not right to focus on bumiputera alone, says Hadi

It is not right for any economic aid to be chanelled to the bumiputera community alone, but rather, must be distributed equally across all races, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang said today.

"It is not right to deliver aid under the name of bumiputera rights and leaving other races behind," he said during a press conference at PAS headquarters today.

Abdul Hadi reiterated that PAS subscribes to the welfare state ideology where all races get equal aid depending on the necessity.

"It is understandable that the bumiputera community has the most amount of people who are being left behind (economically)," he said.

"But at the same time the concept has to be equal for all," he added.

When probed by a reporter who opined that the government's initiative for bumiputeras is according to the constitution, Abdul Hadi said that the rights of all Malaysians are also important.

"The constitution is based on a reality on the ground nowadays. But the rights of the people and basic human rights are also very important," he said.

Meanwhile, Abdul Hadi reiterated that PAS still considers its alliance with PKR and DAP to be one that is still very strong, and in fact stronger than BN at the moment.

This was in response to proposals by some PAS members that the party re-look into its cooperation with PKR and DAP.

"We are still in Pakatan, and our alliance is stronger than BN. We are stronger, that is why Umno is subtly gesturing for friendship (with PAS)," he said.

By Ram Anand

1 comment:

  1. They Umno are in fact incapable, inefficient, without the right policy trying to blame the non-malays for their own failures..which we seen all these years.

    the only way is to bring down umno and we will see a brighter future, not for one race but for all races
