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Sunday, January 5, 2014

JAIS should be reprimanded

"If Jais is allowed to escape any consequence for this illegal action, it will embolden other Islamic authorities to embark similar fanatical orgies of Christian harassment and persecution," said assemblyman Baru Bian.

KUCHING - The latest raid on the Bible Society Malaysia (BSM) and seizure of Al-Kitabs meant for Borneo has raised questions over Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s actual powers and authority.

Holding to the 10-point solution promise by Najib to Borneo Christians back in April 2011 and reiterated following the contentious Court of Appeal ruling on the Allah term,  Southeast Asia’s Anglican Archbishop Bolly Lapok said Thursday’s raid by the Selangor Religious Department (Jais) was “treason”.

He said Jais had shown no respect for Najib’s 10-point solution assurance to Christians in Borneo and the federal constitution.

“If an action assumes such arrogance that violates the Federal Constitution and pays total disregard to the Prime Minister, is it not treason?

“The word ‘Allah’ is poisoning our fledging inter-religious harmony and fracturing the fabric of our plural society,” he said.

In April 2011 the Federal Cabinet issued a 10-point solution to address the Bahasa Melayu/Indonesia Bible and other related issues.  The document was signed by Najib and was accepted by Borneo Christians as the stamp of authority.

Najib further reiterated assurances that the contentious  Oct 14 Court of Appeal ruling on the Herald ‘s use of the Allah term in its Malay publications had no bearing on Christians in Borneo. The Court of Appeal decision over-ruled a December 2009 verdict favouring The Herald. The decision saw  raging anti-Christian sentiments including arson against churches in the early days of January 2010.

Najib’s reassurances post Oct 14 ruling came against widely held views that the “flawed” ruling would not only apply to the contents of the Herald but that Muslim religious authorities “would use the Herald judgment to extend their insidious and strangling tentacles over other aspects of Christian and non- Muslim practices.”

The Jan 2 raid by Jais appears to have confirmed these fears.

Said Lapok: “How Jais had the audacity to do what it did to Bible Society Malaysia which resulted in the arrest of its two officials, seizure of 320 copies of Al-Kitab and 10 copies of ‘Bup Kudus’ is baffling?”

“Islamic authorities do not have the authority in law to enter the premises of non- Muslim religious establishments for inspection, search, or raid.

“Respect, honour and abide by the religious freedom that are guaranteed under Federal Constitution and which was agreed to when Sabah and Sarawak joined Malaya to form Malaysia Federation in 1963.”

Reprimand Jais

Meanwhile Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian, who is also Ba Kelalan assemblyman has called for action against Jais.

“If Jais is allowed to escape any consequence for this illegal and brutal action, it will embolden other Islamic authorities to embark similar fanatical orgies of Christian harassment and persecution.

“This raid and seizure was a clear breach of the 10-point solution that the PM promised.”

“What excuse are they going to offer us this time? The Bibles seized, including the Iban Bibles, confirmed to the requirements set out in the point signed by Najib himself.

“What justification was there for the raid?” he asked.

Baru also expessed his concern about the planned demonstrations tomorrow by Umno Selangor and Muslim groups in the peninsular.

“The demo are potentially dangerous and explosive.  As Prime Minister, Najib must not allow groups of extremists to harass people who will be performing their religious obligations, as they are entitled under Federal Constitution,” he said.

by William Mangor

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