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Saturday, February 15, 2014

DAP Junz Wong sued for libel over false allegations

KOTA KINABALU - Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) President Datuk Seri Yong Teck Lee has served four suits on Likas Assemblyman, Wong Hong Jun and his party, DAP for libel allegedly committed during the run-up to the 13th General Election last year.

In the suits, Yong and SAPP are seeking a total of RM4 million in damages (RM1 million for each suit) from the Likas Assemblyman who is also known by the name Junz Wong and DAP as well as exemplary charges, among others.

The first, second and third suits were filed on Dec 30, 2013 while the fourth was filed on Jan 13, 2014 at the High Court here.

Wong and DAP had been named as first and second Defendants, respectively while Yong and SAPP as the first and second Plaintiffs, respectively, in all four suits.

In the first writ of summons, Yong said Wong, as a representative of a political party, DAP had issued a statement published in the Borneo Post on Jan 24, 2013 entitled “Sabahans are no fools – DAP.”

He said the statement contained grave and serious allegation, imputations and innuendoes that amounted to very serious libel against him and his party, SAPP.

Yong said the statement had accused him as one of the leaders of SAPP that participated, was involved, instrumental and caused illegal votes and illegal immigrant voting.

Yong also said that the statement issued by Wong in his capacity as the national DAP Sabah Youth publicity secretary at that time also accused him of being the mastermind of the migration of illegals into the country for unlawful purpose.

Yong said that Wong’s statement also implied that he had won all his elections prior to 1999 with the help of illegal votes and illegal immigrant voting, hence accusing him to be a dishonest man and his party, SAPP a cheater.

Despite demands for Wong to issue a full apology and unqualified retraction of the said statement in the Borneo Post, it was not done so.

In the second suit, Yong had referred to the same contended statement in the first suit but which was published in another newspaper, the Daily Express, entitled “SAPP also relied on illegals: DAP” on January, 25, 2013.

Similarly, Yong said a demand for a full apology and unqualified retraction of the statement in the Daily Express have failed, been refused or otherwise neglected by Wong and DAP.

In the third suit, Yong was suing Wong for a posting made in the United Borneo Front (UBF) Facebook group page that reads:

“A good fren of mine and a good fren of SAPP president, just called me out of the blue and ask me to join SAPP with candidacy offer n some cash. He told me that SAPP has worked out a 50million deal agreement with Najib to split Sabah votes. Now SAPP is still looking for 30 more calibre candidates to stand in coming election. “Anyone else heard this “rumours?”

Yong said the posting or statement had amounted to serious libel as in its “natural and ordinary meaning connotes” that he (Yong) had abused his authority as SAPP president, to direct, encourage, promote and induce in working out a RM50 million bribery deal between SAPP and the Prime Minister of Malaysia to split votes in the 2013 general election.

It also suggested he was a corrupt, dishonest person who without any bribery would not have won any election.

Yong said the posting further suggested that SAPP had encouraged and induced Wong to join SAPP and beside cash money also guaranteed a candidacy for him in the 2013 general election.

The posting was a bitter, malicious, unfounded and unjustifiable attack on him and SAPP, which had been published and widely circulated in Malaysia, especially Sabah, as well as several parts of the world, because Wong knew or ought reasonably have known that he and SAPP would contest in the 2013 general election, he said.

Wong made the posting because he (Wong) knew or ought to reasonably have known that it would affect his (Yong) and SAPP’s chances of winning the general election, said Yong.

The posting, Yong said had hurt his personal feelings, cause embarrassment, distress, mental anguish since he and SAPP were then subjected to investigations, enquiry and explanations resulting in sensationalised news as well as gossips.

Yong claimed that despite demands for a full complete retraction and apology in the Facebook, Wong had failed, refused or neglected to do so.

The fourth suit filed against Wong was for the half-page newspaper advertisement titled “Believe DAP, Don’t Be Cheated again” in See Hua Daily News and Overseas Chinese Daily News on May 4, 2013, which was one day before the 13th General Election.

The advertisement, which Yong claimed were caused to be published by Wong connoted Yong had been dishonestly inconsistent on the issue of Sabah’s illegal immigrants problem and had been covering up the alleged “Project M” to issue dubious citizenship document to illegal immigrants, among others.

Yong said the statement or the advertisement was wholly inaccurate, untrue and highly defamatory against him.

He said Wong and DAP had caused and made the said statement with an intention of causing him to be lowered in the estimation of right thinking general members of society.

The content, gravity, venom and scale of the said statement by Wong and DAP had gravely damaged his reputation, said Yong.

Similarly demands by Yong for an outright apology and retraction in the two Chinese newspapers as well as written undertaking not to further publish the said statement from Wong and DAP were futile.

In all four suits, Yong and SAPP also sought for an injunction to restrain Wong and DAP or others from the party from further publishing the said statements or similar against them.


1 comment:

  1. SAPP should not learn dirty, under the belt, unprofessional tactics employed by Dap and Junz Wong...His RM50 million lie is enough to super glue his mouth so it would Not be able to blub again.
