KOTA KINABALU - Around 6,000 students have benefited from the student assistance programme under Eco World Foundation since its inception three years ago.
The assistance programme is carried out in Perlis, Kedah, Penang, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Johor, Pahang and Sabah.
Eco World Foundation chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said the foundation forked out between RM4 million to RM5 million every year to assist around 3,000 students under the programme in eight states.
Of the 3,000 students, 2,600 are primary pupils, 400 are secondary students while 32 are public higher learning institution (IPTA) students.
“In Sabah, a total of 200 pupils from six primary schools in Kota Kinabalu have come under the programme,” he said in a press conference after officiating at the closing ceremony of Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) motivational camp organized by Eco World Foundation here.
Under the assistance programme, primary pupils are allocated between RM900 to RM1,000 a year, secondary students between RM1,000 to RM1,600 a year while tertiary students between RM8,000 to RM14,000 a year to support their education fees and daily expenses.
However, Lee said the funds were not given directly to the students nor their parents.
“We pay for their basic educational needs such as extra school uniforms, school bags, tuition fees, computer fees, stationery or food provided by the canteen.
“We tell students that if they want anything, we will pay for it.”
As for university students, Lee said the foundation would bear their tuition fees regardless of arts or science courses.
“Our programme is unique in the sense that we assist students from primary school to secondary school and IPTA so long they score good results in examinations.”
For instance, he said pupils who scored a minimum of 2As, 2Bs and passed all subjects in UPSR would continue to receive support from the foundation as they enter secondary school.
Lee said a total of 14 students under the assistance programme have graduated from universities.
“The graduates come from Perlis, Penang, Johor and Selangor,” he said, adding that he hoped to see Sabahans enrolled in IPTA under the assistance programme one day.
On the other hand, Lee said 42 pupils from SK Kepayan, SK Tanjung Aru 1, SRK Sacred Heart, SK Stella Maris, SJK(C) Chung Hwa Kota Kinabalu and SJK(C) Yick Nam took part in the three-day-two-night UPSR motivational camp at Palace Hotel, Karamunsing here.
He said the camp provided an opportunity for the participants to interact with each other while at the same time, prepare them for the UPSR in September.
“We teach the pupils techniques in answering questions and boost their self-confidence in order for them to pass UPSR with flying colours.”
The motivational camp incurred a cost of RM25,000, which was fully funded by Eco World Foundation.
Also present was Eco World Foundation chief executive officer Datuk Liew Siong Sing.
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