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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oil-producing Terengganu the poorest, not Sabah

Thomas Pi

Sabah which has the highest number of urban poor is not the poorest state in Malaysia, according to FT Minister Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin.

SANDAKAN: Oil- and gas-producing Sabah is not the poorest state in the country, according to the Ministry of Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing.

In refuting the findings of the World Bank Report which noted that 40% of the country’s poor were sited in Sabah, minister Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin said it was Terengganu which had the highest number of poor.

He said Terengganu had the highest number of families falling into the three cateogry of “hardcore poor, poor and near poor” with 12,193 families.

Overall in the 13 states and three federal territories there are 2,016 families identified as hard-core poor, 21,909 poor and 38,330 near poor.

He said according to statistics published by the ministry, there are 540 Sabahans living in urban areas who have been identified as hard-core poor. Sabah has the highest number of urban poor with Kelantan second.

“This statistic does not indicate Sabah as the poorest state in the country.

“Other states have a higher number of people who fall into this category, but the registration process is far too slow compared to Sabah as the population here is more centralised compared to other states,” Raja Nong Chik said.

He said that the registration process for the poor was faster in Sabah than in other states and thus the confusion.

“This is just an update on poverty in urban areas and we still need time to have a complete report. We believe we need to do more for Sabahans in our effort to eradicate poverty in the country,” he said.

Skills enhancement

Under the ministry rules, an urban family with a total income of below RM750 per month is classified as hard-core poor, while those under RM800 fall into poor category and below RM1,500 near poor category.

According to Raja Nong Chik, the ministry last year allocated RM581,808 for 391 families identified as ‘hard-core poor” and “poor” in Sabah. Each family was entitled to RM124 per month for house rent under the PPRT scheme, to ease their burden.

This year, the ministry increased the quota to 525 families statewide, and allocated RM781,200 for the same purpose.

The ministry has also taken into account that there are hard-core poor and poor people who owned houses but were unable to do repair and improve their homes.

“We made another allocation to help these poor people to repair their house… houses found beyond repair will be torn down and rebuilt.

“In Sandakan in Kampung Batu Putih, 16 families are the first in Sabah to benefit from this. Seven of the houses were repaired while the rest were given three-room concrete houses.

“The total cost amounted to RM444,000,” he said when officiating the handing-over of the houses and allocations to the poor.

The ministry is now also providing more courses under its skill enhancement programme to those identified as poverty-stricken to help them increase their income and living standards.

The main course is in preparing local cakes and providing with necessary tools to enable participants to begin their business after they have completed the course.

Also present at the ceremony were Bum Bum assemblyman Zakariah Idris, Sikong assemblyman Shamsudin Yahya, Sandakan Municiple Council deputy chairman Mohd Hamsa Supian, the ministry deputy secretary Adnan bin Mohd Ikshan.


  1. Sabah is the next.

  2. the oil producing get the poorest, why this happen?

  3. Good to know. at least Sabah not the bottom last.

  4. Hopefully the gov could solve this poverty issue.

  5. There is NO MORE HOPE for SABAHANS if still under Pariah asssno regime as proven for the past 47 years. Vote for change!

  6. Whatever it is the effort will be continuously to make sure that the poverty eradication programme successfully achieved.

  7. Imia, yeah to achieve in your dream. hope not a nightmare for you and your family.

  8. efforts to eradicate poverty should always be done.

  9. Ingatkan Sabah lagi miskin rupanya ada lagi negeri miskin pengeluar minyak. Apa pun kerajaan harus memberikan yang terbaik untuk masalah ini.

  10. Kaki pengampu syaitan amino kata bersyukurlah sabah bukan termiskin tapi ganu walaupun sabah lebih teruk dari negeri yang langsung teda minyak. Kepala otak kau lah syaitan amino. Bodoh punya makluk.

  11. hhmmm... bila lah negeri di Malaysia ni bebas dari gelaran negeri termiskin. huhuhu

  12. Harap usaha akan terus dilakukan untuk memastikan Sabah semakin bertambah maju dan begitu juga dengan pemimpin negeri lain. Berusahalah majukan negeri masing2.

  13. various action has been taken by government:

    To ensure all the programs under the ‘Skim Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Rakyat’ (SPKR) are properly executed, the living skill training courses are to be upgraded, the houses of the poor are to be improved, to provide measures to eradicate poverty through the setting up of ‘Focus Group on Eradication of Poverty’ in the national level, state and district level,
    setting up national data bank on the poor with the ‘e-Kasih’ program, to identify the areas with high poverty rate in order to provide strategic land development to boost the economy, like the Projek Lonjakan Mega Agropolitan in Pulau Banggi, Sabah, and the Projek Ladang Sejahtera Bangkoka, Sabah... etc..

    pembangkang buat apa?? kehulu kehilir berpolitik merayu2 minta sokongan sambil disokong kuat oleh penyokong fanatik..

  14. The opposition is to find out all the corruption done by assssno. To check and balance!

    Paquin, wait till the opposition form the next government then u comment. What is the point you barking at opposition which they not even a government yet? You bark at the wrong tree, buduh!

    E-kasih is suppose to help the poor but the evil asssno use e-kasih to threaten the poor kampung folks to vote them, if not they cannot get e-kasih eventhough they are qualify. God's know.

    UMNO, Just GET LOST from Sabah. Sabahans are SICK of UMNO. Bring your ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT back to Putrajaya since UMNO loves them so much!

  15. Siapa paling miskin bukan apa yang penting. Yang penting adalah membangkitkan negeri yang miskin daripada kemiskinan.

  16. faktor-faktor kemiskinan itu perlu diselidiki supaya cara yang lebih efektif untuk membantu mereka dapat dilaksanakan.
