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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mom conned by 'cop'

The single mother pays RM13,000 after being contacted by one 'Inspector Zulkifli' but her two sons remain behind bars.

PETALING JAYA: A single mother had paid a “policeman” RM13,000 to secure the release of her two sons from detention under the Emergency Ordinance (EO). But the brothers remain locked up.

According to Suaram, Rani Rahmah Ismail, 59, received a telephone call on April 24 from a man who identified himself as “Inspector Zulkifli”.

The latter told Rani that he could help get her sons released for the right sum.

“Zulkifli knew details of the detainees, even their MyKad numbers and where they are detained,” said Suaram coordinator Hasbee Masputra when contacted.

The brothers, Mohamad Rafe Mohamed Ali, 19, and Mohamad Ramadan, 21, were detained on March 8 in Batu Caves.

Hasbee alleged that although the arrest order was only for Ramadan, the police had also detained his younger brother for no reason.

On April 23, the police informed Rani that her sons were being held at the Rawang police station to facilitate investigations.

When the she visited them the next day, the brothers alleged that they were beaten with pipes and cables while in detention.

Hasbee said Zulkifli had initially asked for RM30,000.

“However, Rani bargained with him and paid RM13,000 by depositing the amount into a bank account,” he said, adding that the CIMB account belonged to one “Ponnan a/l Subramaniam”.

When the brothers were not released as promised on April 25, their sister Rohana lodged a police report.
Hasbee said the scam could have been carried out by those with links to the police since Zulkifli was privy to certain private information regarding the detainees, such as their MyKad numbers.

The Suaram coordinator also criticised the police for dragging their feet on the investigation into the matter.
“We made the job easier for them by providing the account number of the extortionist. The bank will not disclose details of the account holder to the public but the police can get it,” he said.

By G Vinod


  1. This is why we can't take short cut for anything. Besides, by giving money to the cops, its a form of corruption too.

  2. pekara ini perlu disiasat dan tindakan yang sewajarnya perlu diambil.

  3. pekara ini harus dijadikan sebagai pengajaran kepada semua.

  4. jika mereka bayar jaminan pun rasanya tidak juga tinggi mcm tu. harap mereka dpt cari polis penipu tersebut.

  5. Lain kali kenalah berhati-hati.

  6. We can't have cops conning the people.

  7. Make sure action will taken against this cop.

  8. Untuk mendapatkan duit orang2 sekarang semakin bijak. Tapi ada juga yang kurang bijak. tertipu. Pengajaran yang baik kita jadikan tauladan, yang tidak baik jadikan sempadan.

  9. "the brothers alleged that they were beaten with pipes and cables while in detention."

    They shouldn't be simply beaten up by the cop.. this is serious. Should really investigate this matter.

  10. bagaimana kejadian seperti ini boleh berlaku?perkara ini harus disiasat memandangkan ada unsur rasuah dan penipuan yg dilakukan oleh anggota polis.

  11. tindakan undang-undang perlu dikenakan ke atas polis yg telah menjalankan tugas dengan tidak amanah.

  12. Sehinggakan boleh ditipu oleh Cop??Memang keterlaluan sudah pihak demikian.

  13. memang ada orang dalam ni jadi orang tengah..

  14. Pendek kata tidak ada short cut di dunia ni.

  15. Harap hal ini disiasat dan jika benar apa yang didakwa, pihak berkuasa harus ambil tindakan segera.
