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Friday, May 13, 2011

PBS misleading the people again?

Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Secretary-General Datuk Richard Yong We Kong told PBS to stop making excuses, finger-pointing and no more ugly rhetoric all intended to mislead the general public when it comes to the issue of illegal immigrants,

"PBS must stand up to their duty and obligation to resolve the Sabah problems particularly the illegal immigrants (PTI).

"Whenever this issue of illegal immigrants was brought up PBS leaders would try to blame others for their own failure, repeatedly saying solutions are on the way. PBS has been repeating the rhetoric for years while having the post of Chief Ministers for nine years, post of Deputy Chief Ministers and Federal Ministers and cabinet ministers yet they cannot provide a straight answer to the PTI problem.

"Datuk Herbert Timbon Lagadan said Datuk Yong Teck Lee was beneficiary of PTI phantom voters is a lie. In fact Datuk Yong Teck Lee was the victim of the phantom voters.

"Saying Datuk Yong Teck Lee proposed a border pass for Filipinos to enter Sabah easily was another lie. In fact the Border Pass was proposed by Malaysia/Philippines Joint Border Committee but later rejected by State Cabinet in 1997," Richard stressed.

"Saying only during Chief Ministership of Datuk Yong Teck Lee newly born PTI children were given birth certificates is yet another lie by Datuk Herbert. Birth certificates are issued for all births in any country, then and now. The certificates will show parents’ nationality. And for birth certificate of non citizen, it is stated in the birth certificate that the new born has no nationality.

"Datuk Herbert being an Assistant Minister hurling wild allegations, giving distorted information again and again does not reflect well on his holding a high position in the government.

"But now UMNO/PBS BN is giving even Mykads to foreigners, can Herbert deny? Why are all the Ministers so very silent on such gravely serious issue? Don’t they know at the rate it goes, some day the foreigners will outnumber the locals?

"Herbert knew who created the phantom voters yet he still doing stooge work for UMNO. Who does Datuk Herbert represent, UMNO or the people of Sabah?

"PBS must explain why they have refused or stopped Dr Chong Eng Leong from bringing up the illegal immigrant issues when Dr Chong was a PBS member.

"The disclosure of Dr Chong Eng Leong that PBS did not want him when he was a PBS member to be vocal on the illegal immigrants issues implied that whenever PBS touches on illegal immigrants issues is only lips service and their ministers are powerless and only good for window dressing. PBS announced at its 24th congress that PTI issues are expected to be resolved by year 2012, PBS must tell the people of Sabah what if come 2012 the issue is still not resolved but got worsen instead. What will PBS do next? " Richard asked.


  1. You can call it Parti Badul Sabah

  2. Herbert is a perpetual the hell he can be a minister? BN politics of Sabah?

  3. You can call them idiots for not making own research before opening their mouths..there are many in PBS including Johnny Mositun...the so-called spokesman of PBS and the stooges of UMno. Am I right?

  4. Herbert can be named the master of distortion. My advice to Herbert, don't be so cocky. You will be accountable for what you said, unless you are just a clown or pawn to be played with..there is nothing more to comment here.

  5. Dimana kah maruah PBS sekarang? Pemimpin nya macam betul ketara sudah kena 'pegang leher' olih UMNO.Tak sayang kah dengan negeri sendiri?Atau pun nak kumpul banyak wang dan sampai masa nya bawa semua keluarga berhijrah ke luar negara dan lupakan Sabah.
    Kalau masih mahu anak cucu tinggal di Negeri Sabah kenapa tidak bertindak untuk menentang PTI yang sudah jadi rakyat Malaysia bermastautin diSabah.Apa kah peluang mereka masa itu untuk mencari kehidupan yang baik kerana terpaksa bersaing sengit dengan anak cucu PTI yang sudah jadi orang Sabah.
    Tahu kah PBS bahawa PTI gemar menyara keluarga yang besar mungkin satu keluarga 6 anak keatas dan berapa banyak mereka sekarang di Sabah.Purata 6 anak kali 500,000 PTI adalah 3,000,000 anak dan dalam masa 25 akan datang setelah mereka mendirikan rumah tangga tambah lagi 3,000,000 kali 6 anak jadi 18,000,000.Kiraan ini berasas kan hanya 500,000 PTI.Kalau lebih pandai-pandai lah kira.
    Saya tanya sekali lagi pada PBS.berapa banyak pemimpin PBS yang sampai masa nya 'retire' dari politik bertujuan untuk tinggal kan Sabah dan tinggal diluar negara.
    Saya tanya soalan ini kerana sekiranya ada niat untuk terus tinggal diSabah maka masalah PTI harus ditangani kerana satu masa nanti mereka ini akan manjadi satu 'force' yang kuat dan mengatasi semua rakyat Sabah yang tulin.
    Sekiranya PBS masih lagi 'main wayang'dalam hal ini maka rakyat khasnya kadazandusun patut tolak PBS dan beri sokongan kepada parti pembangkang untuk menjadi kerajaan yang baru.

  6. Duit yang penting untuk Herbert, projek banyak, banyak duit boleh dapat banyak girlfriend gold digger type. Bohong, bohonglah dia bilang..asal boleh dapat kekayaan saja.......

  7. Pbs is trying to please its boss uMNO WHILE also trying to make itself relevant. so this makes it more conflicting ...both ways

  8. Herbert yacking without checking his facts again.

  9. Did Herbert goes to school? Why he talk like an idiot?

  10. Harap rakyat sendiri pandai menilai sendiri.

  11. Orang yang berfikiran seperti ini sememangnya orang yang hanya pandai menilai negative sahaja. Kebaikkan yang dilakukan oleh PBS langsung tidak dipandang.

  12. Jangan hanya pandai melihat keburukan dan kelemahan orang lain tetapi anda sendiri tidak melakukan apa2.

  13. sepatutnya isu PATI diselesaikan dengan kerjasama. bukan satu pihak ja jalankan tanggungjawab.

  14. Parti Bohong Sabah

  15. It's wholly depend on how the people view PBS.

  16. There must be a good explanation on why they have refused or stopped Dr Chong Eng Leong from bringing up the illegal immigrant issues when Dr Chong was a PBS member.

  17. SAPP sama juga. Pandai cakap orang tidak pandai tengok diri sendiri.

  18. untuk menyelesaikan masalah PATI semua pihak haruslah sentiasa kerjasama.

  19. kita hnya harapkan satu pihak sahaja untuk selesaikan masalah PATI, yang pembangkang ni tau buat bisng ja, tapi tiada tindakan dan beri kerjasama untuk selesaikan masalah ini, jika semua bekerjasama, masalah ini pasti akan selesai.

  20. Bilalah agaknya masalah ini selesai. Tapi apa kata kita tanya Anwar Ibrahim berkenaan PATI ini. Mungkin beliau lebih tahu akan masalah ini. Anwar merupakan orang lama, pasti ada kaitan sedikit tentang kes ini.

  21. PBS had never abandoned the issue and that the state government was discussing the management of foreigners in Sabah. Pairin had brought up the problem several times with top BN leaders and at the most recent meeting of the highest BN decision making body. two years ago, Pairin led a high powered PBS delegation to deliver a memo to the PM seeking his commitment to resolve the illegal immigrants issue in Sabah. PBS is one of the main BN coalition parties apart from Umno that is feeling the heat from the fallout of the issue.

  22. PBS = Parti Bankrupt (Idea) Sabah.

    PBS dari pembangkang (9 tahun) sampai masuk BN (9 tahun) masih mecari-cari cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah PTI di Sabah.

    parti buruk Sabah masih boleh dipercaya kah?

    Hanya kaki pengampu pbs macam "black" yang palui masih percaya mereka.

    PBS adalah perdehaka dan pembelot kepada bangsa KDM Sabah. Sebab kepaluian mereka, penduduk KDM menjadi pelarian di tempat sendiri.

  23. Anonymous said... May 24, 2011 3:43 PM

    jadi apa konon parti yang boleh dipercayai? 100% sempurna? kalau ko tidak tau, maknanya ko lagi palui + bangang..

  24. Its up to the people whether they believe it or not.
