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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

SAPP's actions on solving illegal immigrants problem effective

Illegals menace worsened during PBS's decade in BN

KOTA KINABALU, May 9, 2011: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) President Datuk Yong Teck Lee, said in the few years that SAPP was in the state government, government ACTIONS on solving the illegal immigrants problem were effective.

"With the involvement of the National Security Council, the full force of the army, navy, police, national registration department, immigration and other agencies and foreign embassies were deployed. Bilateral efforts were made with neighbouring countries to take back the illegals.

"Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants were deported using military logistics while tens of thousands left voluntarily to escape the strict enforcement by the authorities. Legitimate foreign workers needed in Sabah with genuine employers were given work passes under the successful 1996 Regularisation Programme whereby Indonesian workers obtained valid passports at their consulates in Kota Kinabalu and Tawau while Filipino workers were issued passports by their consular officers from Kuala Lumpur. Genuine foreign workers therefore had no need for fake documents.

"Between 1995 and 1996, a police security operation known as Ops Kenal was launched to crush the fake IC syndicates. Hence, UMNO operatives like Akjan Ali (the self-proclaimed Sultan of Sulu) and many others were detained under the Internal Security Act. For once, there was real hope of a lasting solution to the illegals menace in Sabah. All these achievements are on the official records.

"But what has been happening in the last several years is the resumption of issuing Mykads to foreigners, now called "IC Najib". The population of foreigners has shot up to a million, according to the 2010 national census. Ex-ISA detainees like Akjan Ali had the cheek to "install" himself as "Sultan of Sulu" in clear defiance of Malaysia's sovereignty. And not only the suspect who murdered Joni Somudin cannot be found, even the fake Sultan is missing! Yet, PBS's Henrynus is still talking about "laboratory study on foreign workers" to be released.

"Even UPKO MPs Datuk Wilfred Bumburing and Datuk Markus Mojigoh have testified that the BN government is not serious about solving the illegal immigrant issue. On February 14, the Home Minister Datuk Hishamuddin Tun Hussein revealed that the federal government was waiting for the state response to the federal proposals on the illegal issue. What were the proposals and why has the state government not responded? PBS has senior ministers in both the State and Federal Cabinets. Surely these ministers know what is happening in the government. PBS leaders must stop misleading the people that the UMNO-dominated BN government will solve the illegals issue.


  1. SAPP, tepuk dada tanya selera.

  2. Masuk Bakul Angkat Sendiri...

  3. and any action taken during YTL time were not unilaterally decided by SAPP alone; how about PBRS?UPKO?UMNO also in the government at that basicly, YTL statement is questionable & many things were not clearly clarified....

  4. SAPP tidak perlulah menyalahkan orang lain. SAPP juga tidak berjaya menyelesaikan isu PATI secara menyeluruh.

  5. yang penting, semua pihak harus berusaha untuk menyelesaikan isu PATI ini dengan bersungguh-sungguh.

  6. He is try to divert things, he want us to know that he is the real hero... haha he must be kidding me...

  7. He is nothing without BN at that time. See what happen he having a power to do those things again? the answer is NO..he is nothing without BN... Haha Poor him...

  8. Rasanya bukan setakat SAPP saja yang sudah berusaha untuk menyelesaikan masalah PATI ini. apa yang menyebabkan isu ini tidak selesai adalah kerana strategi yang tidak berkesan, tiada kerjasama secara menyeluruh dan rasuah yang berlaku di kalangan pegawai-pegawai.

  9. semua pihahk perlu bekerjasama jika nk selesaikan masalah ini.

  10. SAPP mahu menyelesaikan PATI??Kita tunggu sajalah apa yang SAPP boleh lakukan.

  11. Kita mahu biar semua pihak serius untuk menangani masalah ini. Bukan satu pihak saja. Harap kerjasama dari semua amatlah dialu-alukan.

  12. What SAPP do is good for people. Hope Gov will take act for solve the PATI problem. PATI is the mean of Sabah problem..

  13. Wow, now Yong said his party is doing something for the illegals in the past?

  14. SAPP is not the target to be run down.Just let YTL talk and expose the misdeeds of BN.The central issue is the misdeeds of UMNO/BN for the rakyat to realise and vote out of power.UMNO/BN has overstayed its welcome in Sabah and its time to change.

  15. kesiannya YTL.. terpaksa puji diri sendiri.. entah betul entah tidak.. tidak ada pula pemimpin2 lain cakap seperti apa yang cuba disampaikan oleh YTL dalam artikel ini.

  16. SAPP has done as much as it can while its president was the CM for 2 years on the PTI issue.. only problem the following CMs did not continue the process.

  17. SAPP done a good job eventhough only given 2 years for YTL as Sabah CM. The main problems were the rest of the CMs (except CKK) keep quiet and do nothing about PATI issue especially from UMNO.

    What Musa had done to curb the influx of PATI for the past 8 years? NOTHING! The PATI population is getting more and more and till today Sabah population increase as much as 300% if compared to Sarawak.

    UMNO = Mother of all PATI.

  18. SAPP is misleading the people..

  19. no need to trust Yong Teck Lee and his SAPP..

  20. SAPP cuba mendapatkan semua kredit dari segala usaha membasmi PATI di sabah sedangkan SAPP masa berkuasa di mana YTL menjadi Km sabah, apa pun tiada..hampir bankrap sabah adalah..

  21. isu PATI harus diselesaikan..cadangan menubuhkan RCI harus dipertimbangkan.

  22. diharap isu ini akan dapat diselesaikan..

  23. Sekumpulan pemberi komen dari blok umno/bn. jika sapp teruk, umno lagi teruk. sapp mentadbir negeri hanya selama hampir kurang sepenggal iaitu kira2 2 tahun semasa berada dlm blok bn dan tempoh itu sudah tentu cukup singkat. musa aman sudah memegang kuasa berapa penggal? anda pun tahu. apa yg dia sudah capai setakat ini? dlm aspek pendatang ia hampir tiada apa2. dlm aspek ekonomi, dia cuma sedikit bernasib baik kerana menjadi km semasa keadaan ekonomi dunia pada paras sederhana. terima kasih atas keadaan ini kerana musa boleh bertindak mengumpul kekayaan dlm gelap. bagi dakwaan sabah hampir bankrupt, itu tidak berbaloi utk diperkatakan kerana ia lebih mengambarkan Tham dan sekutunnya yg terlibat dlm komplot kejatuhan SAS. Walaupun sapp berasal dari blok hitam dan kotor tapi sekurang-kurangnya mereka sedar akan kekotoran itu sebelum mereka terus terpalit dan bertindak keluar.

    walaupun ramai yg menganggap penarikan diri sapp dari bn adalah disebabkan oleh soal jawatan tapi saya memandang sebaliknya. ia berkenaan maruah dan tanggungjawab. satu2nya sebab yg paling kukuh bagi mereka utk keluar adalah kerana masalah PATI dan hak autonomi Sabah. Tahniah kepada sapp kerana berjaya keluar dari bn. hanya orang buta hati dan gila kuasa yg sanggup menggadai apa sahaja termasuk negeri sendiri.

  24. Some of the idiots here are from Sabah DAP trying to discredit SAPP. As we all knew few of the Sabah DAP leaders are working for their master UMNO.

  25. Its rude to resort to name calling especially using the word 'idiot' for it reflects the caller as a person lacking in culture and wrong upbringing.It could be worst if you are a SAPP member for it reflects badly on the party and the President for nurturing members like you.
    SAPP claims to fight for justice and democratic rights of the people and it is ironic that someone who supports SAPP is a non-believer of such cause and when people tried to voice their opinions he got agitated and lost his temper by unleashing such word.It is a total shame and I hope you are not a member of SAPP who is trying to show the true colour of the party.If you could call people an idiot I dread to think that perhaps in person you could be more aggressive and possess the behaviour of gangsterism.YTL should reprimand his party members who resorted to such ways of expression lest the party could be misconstrued as wild,immatured,bashful and vengeful against anyone that does not support it.

  26. Agree with you, SApp members should not be too emotional although I think they are very heated up by comments by the Anti-Sabah elements.

    Well, keep cool and rationalize with whoever they are..if they are truly Sabahans, they will come to your side and fight for our people's cause...there is no need for name calling.

  27. Adakah SAPP ingin menidakkan kenyataan?

  28. I wish to ask SAPP one question.Why blaming the " after life " party when you still holding the power?

  29. SAPP did voice up and done the best according to what they could inside BN for the PATI.

    Since UMNO@BN is not interested in solving the PATI issue in Sabah. SAPP has made a right move to disassociate with UMNO.

    Why SAPP did the right things but few people here still complain? I believe you live in a miserable life for the sake of complain and complain.

  30. Jadi mengapa bilangan itu bertambah?

  31. Come on Anon, it is not about COMPLAINING. It's all about dignity.

  32. purchae, those without dignity are like PBS, UPKO, PBRS and LDP who still dwelling with the Mother of PATI = UMNO.

    SAPP willing to sacrifice the lucrative perks and positions offerred by UMNO to fight for Sabah autonomy for the sake of people of Sabah.

    Are you living in a negative world or because of your upbringing that affected your thinking?

    Eventhough people do right things you also complain? lol

  33. Mestilah SAPP akan memuji diri.

  34. zul, bersyukurlah banyak saudara kamu dari pilipin dan indonesia dapat MyKad supaya dapat merampas hak hak dan tanah tanah pribumi orang Sabah.

    Zul bukan kaki pengampu umno ke? Tak berdosa ke bawa masuk saudara kamu dari luar negara untuk menindas hak2 pribumi Sabah?

    Zul, kamulah pembelot NO.1 negara kita.

  35. Since SAPP was formed, they have been consistently fighting for Sabah.

    It is just so saddening that politicians who are just for their own pockets or agenda have chosen to rebuke, never trying to solve the PTI problem, but, try to divert it and avoiding the responsible of having to rid of the GE13 Fixed Deposit Voters

  36. SAPP is the best. Cerita-Cerita terbaru politik sabah


  37. Orang SAPP memang suka fitnah.

  38. Kaki pengampu BN tidak pernah fitnah!!! Mereka adalah yang terbaik di dunia. Tiada lagi manusia di dunia ini macam kaki pengampu BN terutama dari UMNO dan parti malaya dengan sikap yang tidak pernah bohong dan tipu rakyat.

    Syaitan mengalu alukan semua kaki pengampu BN di neraka sebab kerja baik kamurang.
