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Monday, May 9, 2011

PKR is selfish

PKR criticized for being selfish

KOTA KINABALU: A veteran political activist has taken Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail to task for keep on harping on her party's stand that there should be only a one-to-one fight with the ruling Barisan Nasional in Sabah in the coming general election.

Fredoline Edwin Lojinki, who served in the now-defunct UNKO in the 1960s, said that PKR was too preoccupied with this one-to-one fight for its own selfishness of only wanting to enhance its chance to be in Putrajaya, and for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to be the Prime Minister.

"They do not know that by insisting on this formulae, they are usurping the rights of political parties and individuals in Sabah and Sarawak to contest in an election which should be respected by PKR and all," he said in a statement Yesterday.

Fredolone added the call for one-to-one fight with BN of course would enhance the possibility of BN losing since it has been in power for a very long 50 year time and given its current deteriorating clout among voters.

But PKR should also learn to approach this issue by way of respecting the views of sabah and Sarawak and the two states' inherent special autonomy rights within Malaysia.

PKR has tested it in Sarawak where they failed miserably by winning only in three seats out of as much as 50 they contested in the recently-concluded state election. Even the trio won because of their own personal strength rather than PKR clout, if any, in the state.

Actually, he said. PKR can help achieve the one-to-one fight with BN by containing itself to the 11 states in the Peninsular, and help the state based parties in East Malaysia as their allies.

"Aren't 11 states enough for PKR and Wan Azizah and Anwar. Your arrogant approach by merely 'offering' only three out of 71 seats to SNAP in the sarawak recently speaks volume of your similarity with the people's so-called common enemy, the arrogant Umno.

"If PKR is sincere, PKR and its allies DAP and PAS should stay away from Sabah and Sarawak and let our people have the peace of mind to elect from among our state-based parties who should represent us in Parliament and State Assembly.

"We can always be your partner at the Federal level. Why must a Peninsular party be always wanting to be controlling East Malaysia? This isn't the prayer of our forefathers when they agreed to form Malaysia with Malaya and Singapore back in 1963.

"In Sabah, we already see PKR-DAP-PAS' ill intention to field candidates in all the 60 state constituencies and all 25 parliamentary seats. Most likely PKR will 'offer' SAPP one or  two seats as enticement to partner with them," he said.

Fredoline added it is like SAPP going for all seats in Peninsular states and trying to offer PKR to contest in only two to three places.

"Is this acceptable to PKR? I think they would brush this aside as nonsense and illogical. But what about you doing this to Sabah and Sarawak parties and leaders.

"If you can hegemonise us now while you are still not a Federal Government, what more if you already occupy Putrajaya? You cannot be more arrogant than Umno, can you Wan Azizah?

"But having said that, since it is now a two party system, a sitting government will surely lose power if they don't listen to the people and offer them what they wanted.”

Source: The Borneo Post


  1. Is fredoline trying to imply that Pakatan stays out of Sabah and let SAPP alone face UMNO/BN? If Pakatan comprising of PKR,DAP,PAS stay out then there is no longer any opposition party except SAPP.Is that it? Is this a guarantee that in the absence of Pakatan all its members will vote SAPP and not BN? Thats making SAPP the 'kingmaker' and what assurance can Pakatan get that it is on its side after the GE after having won many seats?
    SAPP cannot win a single seat,state or Parliament on its own without the support of Pakatan but Pakatan is able to do that without SAPP support.The best thing therefore in such situation is for SAPP to be less confident and arrogant and discuss with Pakatan the strategy and pact of a one to one contest against BN.

  2. Sabah PR only manage to win 1 ADUN seat from the total 60 seats at past GE12 in Sabah eventhough 1 Vs 1 with BN.

    SAPP is holding more seats than all Sabah PR combined and this is fact.

    STOP talk cock sing song to exegerate and bullshitting about your PR. PKR has contested in Sabah election for many terms but till today never ever win a single seat in Sabah.

    PKR Sarawak almost LOST all their seats contested and you people should learn from the lesson and accept the fact that East Malaysians do not like party malaya.

    The anonymous comment above seems like he/she is still drunk and living in a denial mode.

  3. Party from Malaya should stay away from Sabah and work with SAPP to topple BN in the coming GE13.

    Why party malaya are so greedy to fighting for seats in Sabah with local-based party? Why can't they co-operate with SAPP? You people are no difference from umno. Both are from malaya with arrogance attitude.

  4. SAPP won their seats while contesting under BN flag and that did not determine their actual strength.I repeat that on its own SAPP will not be able to win a single seat.

  5. That speaks volume for Sabahan.

  6. They came, they tried and they failed. it is time for Sabah to run itself again. For those who disagree that is only beacuse you are croonies of Party Malaya.

  7. People of Sabah must realize that PR is only dreaming of taking over Sabah. See how they were rejected in Sarawak..whilst the people of Sarawak still want the status quo of running the state by themselves ie. political autonomy, and not pulled by the nose like in Sabah.

    Sabahans should go for local opposition parties with full support and don't the Malayans forked tongue politicians dictate your votes.

  8. Why can't Sabah run itself? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?

    Only Sabahan has the determination to solve PTI problems because we live here and we sufferer here every god forsaken day. OUR OWN PEOPLE BEING KILLED ON THE STREETS WITH FIRE ARMS AND THEY HAVE TO REFER TO KL.

    They only come here with promises and lie. Behaving high and mighty because they can use PTI as their fixed deposit to hold our life at ransom with their feeble.

    Did we go there and argue about putting our candidates and taking their seats? Don't be folled by their INSOLENCE.

    To say SAPP is the only Sabah Party is short sightedness. What about the other Sabah Party and even those in UMNO who are tired of their misdooing and abuse?

    Those who disagree are penny wise pound foolish by happily accepting their empty promises but loosing the whole future.

    For those who play down on his own Sabahan are traitors.


    Enough is enough.

  9. we tried them you know?

  10. ????????????????????????????????The best thing therefore in such situation is for SAPP to be less confident and arrogant and discuss with Pakatan the strategy and pact of a one to one contest against BN.????????????????????????


  11. Arrogance was shown by PKR and Dap in Sarawak and Batu Sapi elections. Evidence of their Taiko attitude is just proven beyond doubt.

    If they want to take over Putrajaya, it is only logical to concentrate their efforts in West Malaysian states, don't come to Sabah or Sarawak to meddle our local affairs.

    Don't be greedy, arrogant and selfish as the writer of this topic had precisely stated which I agree fully.

  12. Give US a truly Sabahan Party that sincerely wants to fight for Sabahan Rights base on the ORIGINAL 20 POINTS, solve the problems of Sabah and drive away UMNO from Sabah and we will VOTE for it!....If SAPP is the party, then, let it be.

  13. I do agree that PR are no better but umno/bn are worst. so both PR n umno/bn block are quite same actually. semenanjing based party that only good in making promise and spread lies throughout the country especially to those who are less educated/uneducated mainly the orang kampungs and the people that fool enough to eat what they give during election campaign. As a citizen of malaysia originally born from interior, a Rungus sub-ethnic bumis, i cant see what is the difficulty only to give us a proper road. Its a simple work since they can give a five star road at semenanjing and a billion ringgit MRT and an instant project titled "email 1malaysia" which cost 50million. Whatever it is, now i realize that they are actually not sincere to help us but to grab our natural resources such as petrolium, give our state land to their super wealthy cronies and replace us with the 'warga pilak@warga penyu mee segera'. who knows, one day, 20 years, 50 years, 100 years from now, our children, great3 grandchildren maybe became a 'pendatang' already at our homeland if not totally varnished.

  14. What guarantee that PR can unseat UMNO by themselves also. Looking at your record based on GE and Sarawak Election recently PR has failed. So dont talk sweet if PR record on East Malaysia worst.SO SO WORST!! PR just like UMNO are arrogant, sellfish and lastly opportunist. What makes you think that peninsula based party could protect Sabahan right. ONLY local people knows and only local party like SAPP could stand defending Sabahan. Listen PR cockies...I TELL YOU NOW...GO BACK TO PENINSULA AND SABAH DON'T NEED YOU.

  15. PKR sendiri perlu memperhatikan kelemahan diri.

  16. PKR perlu menerima kritikan yang diberikan..

  17. peluang PKR dilihat makin tipis.

  18. PKR macam tak da peluang lah untuk SABAH. Di Sarawak sendiri pun PKR tidak dapat mengulingkan BN apa lagi kalau di SABAH. DAP lebih hebat dari PKR.

  19. why do we need Peninsular leaders/party to be here? why do these leaders have to lay a hand on the overall interest of the people in this state?

    we must be cautious of their election strategies. their leaders are behind all strategies and they are the greatest enemy of the people in this state.

    It is all because they are good with the Peninsular-style of threatening and keeping people in the dark. they are here to suppress us and hence we must fight them.

  20. all Sabahan must reject all peninsula opposition parties in the coming general election as they don’t have the state’s interests in their hearts. they interest only go to our resources and power..

  21. People of Sabah must reject UMNO, PKR, DAP, Gerakan and MCA in the coming election.

  22. sapp n PR sould find a solusion so that a 1 by 1 wit BN. thers noting wrong working 2gether 2 face d BN. state DUN may b sapp gven 40 seats and PR 20 wher as Parlien PR 17 and sapp 8 seats. sapp dfnetly not going to take over putra jaya. sapp only interested the state where as PR is aiming for the putra jaya so let sapp led the state colision wit PR and of cos if the PR fom the pederal gomen ofcos sapp wil dfnitly give the sapp seats 2 greedy please.

  23. Why so hard for SAPP to join Pakatan Rakyat ???? If SAPP really for the good sack of rakyat then SAPP should join Pakatan Rakyat and not to split the vote and keep on telling Sabahan to reject Party from Malaya, this is BN style to split the vote....

  24. I think it should Pakatan Rakyat to join SAPP for Sabah.

  25. PR is already in sabah for the last 3 PRU as an opposition and have members where as sapp is only sept.2008 as an opposition.if d PR don stand the nex PRU 13 I don think their members will vote for sapp, they rather vote for BN becaus we ar arrogant. how can we say go back to malaya, sabah don need you? this is not the way to win the heart of the voters

  26. PR is a TAMAK party. Federal government they want and the state government also they want.

    PR should wake up from their fantasy world. PKR contested 49 seats and only won 3 seats which clearly indicated people of Sarawak rejected party semenanjung.

    If PR still being arrogant like umno, PR can forget to be the next federal government. They are merely a bunch of opportunist as clearly indicated in the last GE12 in Sabah.

  27. PR Sabah doesn't have good leader in Sabah. Look at them like a bunch of lose canon. They only rely on their bosses from Malaya to teach them what to do. Do we need such stupid dumb dumb PR Sabah as our government? hahahahahaha

  28. PKR is just not for Sabah.
