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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

FMU has proven critics wrong

FSC Senior VP Dr Robert J Hrubes presenting
certificate to Sabah Forestry Director
KOTA KINABALU, June 29, 2011: The implementation of Sustainable Forest Management practices during 1997 has helped Sabah to remarkably improve the way it manages its forests.

Sabah now has about 400,000 hectares of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified forest areas and the largest in Malaysia.

Similar to the certification of Deramakot Forest Reserve in July 1997, which is now the world’s longest certified tropical rainforest.

Through FMU, Sabah has also been able to safeguard the interests of local communities whose lives depend on the forest.

Furthermore the implementation of Sustainable Forest Management practices helped Sabah manage its forest improve remarkably, particularly in terms of phasing out short term logging licences which did not adhere to sustainability principles.

Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman admitted that the bold decision to push for a sustainably harvested forests in 1997 (during the tenure of former chief minister Datuk Yong Teck Lee) has passed the litmus test and has proven the naysayers wrong.

“In fact, Sustainable Forest Management is now accepted and the goal of the Sabah Forestry Department to attain full certification for forest reserves by 2014, is starting to bear fruits,” he said.

FMU proven successful and vital


  1. YTL's far sighted vision on FMU is now justified by the FSC Senior Vice President Dr Robert J Hrubes.

  2. FMU's success is attributed to YTL's foresight and true, sincere effort to see that Sabah can see and achieve its that is evident, we should therefore unite and show our support.

  3. YTL, you have proven them all up for SAPP
