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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ibrahim Ali an idiot or agent?

Perkasa or Ibrahim Ali, a so-called NGO, commonly seen as sponsored by Umno, on the pretext of fighting for 'Malay rights' has now step up its move to thwart Bersih 2.0's rally scheduled to be held on 9th July 2011.

To any right thinking Malaysian, Perkasa strong objection and waging war against Bersih 2.0 has finally run awry in their original direction, irrelevant to their so-called 'cause'.

Bersih's rally is just about justice, free and fair elections for Malaysia...what has this got to do with Perkasa...unless Perkasa is an agent of Umno.

Obviously, we see that the setting up of Perkasa was just a tool by Umno to create racial and religious issues, then turn these ugly so as to make the Malays phobic of their rights being trampled (rubbish), their political supremacy diluted (rubbish) and non-Muslims' threat to Islam (also rubbish).

Well, all these are churned out for few things...for their political purpose, ambition, power and Umno's survival.


  1. Ei... that's my word.. I supposed to say this too. commonlah man. not fair la like this.

  2. Ibrahim Ali speak truly.
    Then how many out there can challenge him?
    Not even Najib or anyone in BN to keep him silent!
    He said:
    "I am a malay malaysian"-true
    "I am helping to stop those who abuse the nation"-true
    "Chinese seldom dare to voice and they will just keep away and may store food"-true because no one can challenge him and he has seen the weakness.
    He is really true to loudly tell you he is really a malaysian Malay.So what so wrong whereby other or many may just keep silent about themselves!!!

  3. What about the 'making Malaysia a Christian Country'? Is it true? This old crap even proposing Jihad against Malaysian Christian. please answer.

  4. Perkasa never stop creating racial and and religious issue. Is this how they fighting for Malay's right?

  5. Ibrahim Ali ni sering menimbulkan kotroversi, sebab itulah ramai yang tidak menyukai beliau.

  6. Jangan jadi bodoh sombong. Racist.

  7. Ibrahim Ali dipersilakan undur diri kerana anda sudah tidak relevan.

  8. ibrahim ali is an idiot...

  9. Si Ibrahim Ali ni kan makin lama makin ramai yang benci oo. adii, bikin panas!!

  10. Wahai IA berhentilah daripada menimbulkan kontroversi. Bawa2 lah berehat, jangan asyik buat hal saja.

  11. Ibrahim, hentikan buat perkra yang menyinggung perasaan orang lain.

  12. Ibrahim lagi.. Harap Ibrahim jangan membuat kekecohan dalam perhimpunan BERSIH ini dan jagalah kata-kata Ibrahim untuk dikatakan.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. It does not matter what he is.

  15. penganjur Bersih patut tambah satu lagi dalam agenda mereka iaitu bersihkan parti2 racist macam Perkasa..

  16. hmm.. definitely an idiot.

  17. I just don't understand why Ibrahim Ali is still in politics.
