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Saturday, June 25, 2011

KDM membership in Umno a moral surrender

Datuk John Ambrose, the Umno head for Penampang, has claimed that the Umno KDM task force has been in existence from the very beginning of Umno in Sabah, initially led by Tan Sri Kasitah Gadam and Datuk John Ghani, and yet the state Sabah BN Youth Treasurer, Bahrul Razha Chuprat does not recognize it, hence insisting that the movement be endorsed by the coming Umno general assembly, saying "We, the youth leaders, need to know whether this KDM task force has been given the blessing by party President Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak. And whether only a certain group of party leaders or all leaders can use it.” Wait, who is supposed to endorse this, the Umno assembly or the umno president? Already, there is confusion about the matter in the state BN.

Interestingly, John Ambrose, trying to justify his  membership in Umno, had implied that KDMs who are in Umno should no longer be seen as traitors to the KDM community.  And so now there is suddenly a new interest to revive the Umno Sabah KDM task force to garner more support from the KDM people. As a move in this direction Umno gave away a token gift of RM50,000 to poor students in nine schools in Papar last month, with the nice rationale from the task force's Treasurer Datuk Peter Anthony that “There is nothing wrong in wanting to help those in need” – yes, especially if you have an axe to grind (LOL)! But then, is this money for poor students taken from the government’s (the people’s) coffer, from the Umno bank account, or from the private sector? If it is from the government why is it not distributed by the Papar’s YBs under the state or federal budget, and why is this being doled out by Umno for Umno’s campaign purpose? Has Umno the right to use the people’s money for its own campaign? If it is from the private sector the Department of Inland Revenue should look into the account of this Santa Claus. I cannot help smelling a rat in the whole thing.

This sudden generousity by Umno through the KDM task force has raised several very important questions. Why this move to revive the task force suddenly after ruling Sabah for 17 years? Is Umno abandoning the BN spirit in Sabah, and now thinks that the KDM-based parties (PBS, Upko and PBRS) are no longer necessary for BN? Is Umno saying that these parties have failed to get the support of the KDMs for the BN, and now Umno is stepping in to get these KDMs to come into BN through Umno instead? Is Umno preparing to rule the state all by itself after getting the KDM support, and by that time it can say to PBS, Upko and PBRS that “Now, you can leave BN if you want!”? It looks like it. Umno has become so arrogant that it thinks it can rule the state all by itself soon, as indicated by its moves to ask for KDM and Chinese seats to be given to it in the next general election. Even Datuk Marcus Mojigoh had said, “Go ahead, take my seat!” and Tan Sri Joseph Kurup had threatened to reevaluate its position in BN if Umno insists on taking his sole and precious Pensiangan seat.

Does this mean Umno is trying to pinch away support from the KDM-based parties? But Umno itself had started whining recently accusing “other BN components” of pinching away its members! So is Umno saying it is alright for it to do this kind of thing to its fellow BN components but won’t stand for it if the other components do the same to Umno? There is a name for that kind of attitude – hypocrisy!

Another issue to the whole thing is the matter of morale for the KDM community. Let’s not forget what Umno does at every Umno general assembly. The number one emphasis is always for the future of the Malays – Malay this and Malay that – Malay future, Malay special rights, Malay privileges, Malay shares, Malay rulers, and of course, Malay superiority and supremacy. How does a KDM Umno member feel in the middle of those shouting and holding up of the kris during the general assemblies every year? Even just by watching the whole thing on TV, there is a whole lot of alienation and blatant discrimination against non-Malay members from Sabah in the whole tone of the assemblies. I can never forget the time Datuk John Ghani speaking with high spirit in one of the assemblies in his Kadazan costume because it was to incongruent and against the spirit of the KDMs. Datuk John, thankfully, has since withdrawn from the whole charade.

At one time Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek left the assembly hall saying, the whole thing did hurt his feelings. So far no KDM Umno leader had ever said anything about how they felt. I bet many are not happy, even ashamed of their own political struggle in Umno, but they are too cowardly to say it. Some may even try to psycho themselves into thinking that they are Malays. But we all know that the rationale of it all, even when using the “rumpun Melayu” rhetoric, KDMs are still KDMs, and Umno is still a Malay party from the Peninsular. Before independence there were no Malays in Sabah.

Let’s us not forget that Umno was established for the cause of the Malay history and struggle, with the unending shout of “Hidup Melayu!” and “Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia!” At one time many people suggested that Umno be change to United Malaysia National Organisation but it was rejected outright by those who believe that, do or die, Umno must remain as a Malay vehicle forever. It is only in Sabah that Umno has compromised on the terms of its membership by allowing non-Malays to become members (including Chinese!) all for political expedience. But the moment they step off the plane in Kuala Lumpur, they become anomalies among the Malays, and seen only as political instruments (or traitors) for the conquest of the stubborn Land Below the Wind.

We can see that now, because of our own weaknesses, we are splintered into so many political parties. Our own leaders who were too corrupt and easily swayed could not even unite us under own political umbrellas. The Huguan Siou has been a failure and is no longer fighting for our future. If only he had focused solely on uniting the KDM and not got himself embroiled in politics by leading another KDM party, our fate would have a lot different.

Is it too late for a revival of a true Huguan Siou leadership? Maybe, maybe not, but PBS is too much in a dilemma today to do what is right, which is to sever its ties with Umno/BN once again and start a new revolution. This is all despite the fact that it was Umno who robbed power from PBS and thereafter caused so many of our problems in Sabah. It implemented the infamous Projek IC and caused a drastic increased our population within a few years, and worse, it made Sabah the poorest state in Malaysia.

Whatever the KDMs’ excuse for being in Umno, we know very well that the arrangement will always lead to self-destruction for the community in the end. Many reason that “We need to move forward,” but joining Umno is a moral defeat and surrender for us. History has proven it, but we never seem to learn anything from the hard and painful lessons.



  1. Nunukragang, Tombiruo PedalamanJune 25, 2011 at 3:38 PM

    Pemimpin KDM yg ada dlm UMNO adalah mereka yg buta status dan halatuju sebenar perjuangan mereka, kerana perjuangan mereka lebih condong kpd "mengisi perut sampai kenyang takut dugal menyerang" sebab mereka mendakwa inilah masanya mengising "kantungan" sampai penuh.

    Mereka ini tidak peduli maruah dan mertabat KDM sudah dimamah/dikunyah habis oleh UMNO yg bercita cita besar seperti haruan buas utk menelan habis KDM diSabah.

    Buktinya...UMNO berniat sungguh mengambil alih MP Pensiangan pada PRU13 tanpa rasa hormat pemimpin KDM TS Joseph Kurup yg sdh berkerja keras diPensiangan. Sekarang ini pun Huguan Siou mereka sdh ketepikan/tdk dijemput dlm Kaamatan peringkat Nasional.

  2. Kejatuhan kerajaan Melaka kpd Portugis sekitar tahun 1511 kerana gara2 Si Kitul dgn Raja Mandaliar yg sanggup diberi rasuah dan bersekongkol dgn Portugis utk menghancurkan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka.

    Apabila Melaka diserang oleh Portugis dgn mudah saja pahlawan2 Melaka ditewaskan kerana pintu2 sulit sdh dibocorkan si Kitul dan Raja Mandaliar.

    Begitu jugalah dgn kekuatan KDM yg mudah dipecahbelahkan UMNO kerana ada juga si Kitul dan berapa banyak lagi Raja Mandaliar KDM dlm UMNO yg bakal dijadikan "khaddam" (perkakas) UMNO utk menghancurkan bangsanya sendiri.

    UMNO yg mewarisi pengalaman British "divide and rule" sdh pasti menggunakan taktik itu utk membelasahkan KDM dgn adanya Kitul dan Raja Mandaliar KDM dlm UMNO sekarang.

    Wahai rakyat Sabah keturunan KDM...bilakah kamu akan sedar "bala" yg bakal menimpa kamu ini? Masihkah kamu tak sedar sedar lagi permainan talam dua muka UMNO ini? Bilakah kamu boleh bersatu utk menentang UMNO?

    Jadikanlah PRU13 sebagai penentuannya sebagai "Judgement day" bagi UMNO-BN!

  3. Moral surrender ni apa maksudnya dalam bahasa melayu? Jual Maruah atau gadai maruah? Kalau gitu KDM sudah tidak ada maruah.John Ambrose maseh ada maruah ka atau sudah di beli dengan berbagai projek oleh Musa? Tak apa lah asalkan wang ringgit banyak,rumah besar dan kereta mewah,status ada siapa pedulikan bangsa bukan? Tak tau pula apa erti 'Pembelot Bangsa' dalam bahasa Inggeris.Boleh kasi tau?

  4. Jeorge Gapit TongodJune 25, 2011 at 6:51 PM

    Kenapa KDM menjadi perkakas Umno?...Inilah kebodohan dan ketamakkan pemimpin KDM itu sendiri, dia sudah tahu perangkap Umno sdia terpasang dia masuk, hanya kerana pentingkan diri dia sendiri! Saya setuju jikalau mereka ini digelar "Pembelot Bangsa".

  5. Jangan cakap fasal KDM sahaja. KDM memerlukan suku kaum bumiputra Islam dan Cina. Janganlah lupa KDM tidak akan dapat mengubah apa2 pun sebab ada Melayu Baru. KDM pun berpecah fasal pangkat dan project.Parti2 KDM menjadi juara perkakas UMNO. Maka itu untuk menukar keadaan Sabah memerlu satu famula iatu Bumiputra Islam dan bukan Islam dan suku Kauam Cina mesti bersama menuntut hak mereka. Jangan lah ego sangat ingat apalah jadi dengan kerajaan PBS dan macamana UMNO bertapak di Sabah. Ambil lah itu sebagai iktibar.

  6. aNAK sABAH SAYA SETUJU DENGAN PANDANGAN ITU. sebab Umno ada 32 kerus drp 60 kerusi. Mustail KDM bolih bertanding di Kawasan Bumi putra islam dibawah UMNO.Saya sangat2 bersukur kpada Tuhan kalau ini terjadi.

  7. Hairan macam mana KDM berada dalam UMNO.Bukan ka UMNO untuk orang Islam saja? Kalau KDM Islam ok la tapi ada juga KDM bukan Islam masuk UMNO.

  8. Umno ialah untuk orang Melayu saja..KDM hanya alat-alat untuk mereka....kan?


  10. Kcukakak,

    Kalau hidung saudara mancung atau tinggi mendedak boleh lah masuk UMNO Sabah.Kalau hidung biasa tidak payah lah masuk UMNO.P/raya tunggu saja terima 50 rgt.Boleh kaya ka?

  11. Daniel John Jambun kecewa ba tu...sebab permohonan dia mau jadi ahli UMNO telah ditolak.

  12. Kasian Daniel permohonan dia kena tolak.Itu orang kata,'hidung tak mancung pipi tersurung-surung.'Sabar lah Daniel,tunggu saja parti KITA buka cawangan kat Sabah.

  13. Tidak sepatutnya memainkan politik perkauman.

  14. Dalam politik apa2 pun boleh terjadi. Jadi harap sesiapa yang terlibat dengan politik boleh bersabar dan bertahan semana yang boleh.

  15. Walau apapun yang penting matlamat kita hanya satu untuk kepentingan bersama.

  16. Mana2 parti pun bulih ba..yang penting jangan lupa bagi sumbangan balik kepada kaum kerabat kita & jangan lupa daratan...

  17. pemimpin2 KDM harus bangkit dalam memperjuangkan nasib2 KDM.

  18. tidak kisah lah, yang penting kepentingan rakyat sentiasa diambil berat.

  19. UMNO bukan untuk islam saja. Sesiapa pun boleh menyertai UMNO. Jadi tidak perlu risau, kita tunggu saja apa yang akan berlaku pada PRU13 nanti.

  20. UMNO = United Malaya National Organisation.

    Bila Sabah ada melayu? Itu pendatang haram macam bugis, java, pakistan, arab, pilaks semua tukar bangsa jadi melayu kah?

    Orang Sabah sedar tetapi sebab duit haram $$$$ semua pun ok. Insaflah dosa kamu.

  21. Why have to argue about this task force?

  22. Kalau untuk tujuan baik, adakah ia berbaloi untuk bertekak?

  23. hak dan kepentingan masyarakat KDM harus diperjuangkan.

  24. It is still under UMNO somehow.

  25. KDM harus memperjuangkan hak.

  26. Stay awake for a bright future.

  27. i dont care lah, but i always sure my vote not for BN in the next PRU, that is my promise...

  28. KDM, are they been appreciate in UMNO? Or just a make up for the party.

  29. The easier way to control Sabah is to offer portfolio in the cabinet to Sabah leader.

  30. Never heard there is a KDM task force in UMNO.
    What is the role of this task force?

  31. Soon or later, KDM party in Sabah may disappear from its own land.

  32. For political sake, anything can be happen. See, UMNO accept non Malay as their member but only in Sabah.

  33. In future, UMNO may accept other races to become their member due to malfunction of MCA, MIC etc.

  34. So I think young leaders in umno who didn’t know the historical background should understand that KDM members who became umno members, are not after position or wealth..

  35. If KDM members who became UMNO members are not after position or wealth then I call the first KDM leader in UMNO,John Amrose to resign as political secretary and denounce all wealth that he got from the government.What I do understand he has nothing else to do but look for projects,see the CM for approvals and enjoy himself in various gaming clubs.

  36. agree with you Anon.. i really really hope that the leaders who has a secret agenda will definitely rejected by they people..
