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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Sabah Claim

'Sulu claim on Sabah arose out of Sultan's Power of Attorney'

Kota Kinabalu: The Sabah claim is a matter between the respective countries and is being handled at the highest diplomatic level between Malaysia and the Philippines.

Special Adviser to Sultan of Sulu Jamalul Kiram III, Onn Ariffin, said the claim arose out of the Power of Attorney assigned by Sultan Esmael Kiram, 32nd Sultan of Sulu who gave authority to the Philippine Government to claim Sabah in 1962.

It brings back the route to recognising the position of the Sultan, as the documents played an extensive role by the Philippine Government to claim Sabah through the United Nation.

He said the Sunday column of Daily Express written by one John Gobel on June 19, 2011 seemed to suggest that anybody can become the Sultan of Sulu and can usurp the power of the Sultanate over the claim issue.

"The write-up articulately enticed the innocence of the readers' mind but, unfortunately, it is not as simple as it seems as it fell short of all the credential required to deal with the authorities concerned," he said.

"A layman can talk, infer or insinuate all sorts of things if it is not guided by facts and history.

"At the time when trading came during the Parameswara days, Jolo was a hive of trading activities. The trade triangle was then China, Malacca, Batavia and Jolo.

"Thus, it became an attraction as well as distraction and with it came the colonial disease. That is to force the colonial and external will on the Sultanate.

"While the northern part of Jolo were conquered by Spain, Sulu remained adamant and over 300 years repelled Spanish incursion," he said.

Onn said Sulu has a special reference point in history to the Philippines as it is through the Sultanate reign that the independence of Philippines occurred.

He said treaties upon treaties were made by the Sultanate as a provider of peace to the Philippines, yet still the Sultanate has accommodated the resurgence of the political expectations of the people of the South on the position of MNLF, MILF as well as the establishment of Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindano (ARMM).

"What historians were trying to establish is not so much on the rhetoric part of history, but it is by no coincidence that as responsible officials of the Sultanate we too want to help resolve the issue that surrounds the Sultanate.

"Although through recent days there were attempts made by both sides of the Government trying to re-establish quantification and re-igniting elements on the claim.

"I know that everyone is concerned on the issue. My suggestion is to let His Royal Highness The Sultan Of Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III work it out with both governments.

"The least we could do is to respect the sanctity of the Sultanate as much as the respect he has from the Sulu people," he said.

Lifted from Daily Express


  1. APA ini hohuha!!!! main politik kah. Jauah sangat kah international court.

  2. Sabah sekarang pun sudah macam negeri philippine.PATI sudah melebehi rakyat tempatan.Cerita apa lagi?
    Tinggal negeri saja belum ambil tapi rakyat semua sudah kena eskpot ke Sabah.

  3. 'Rakyat didahulukan,pencapaian diutamakan.'

  4. That's how parasite work. eat through the inside. so far now, our majority is narrowly incomparable to the immigrant. luckily not all of the immigrant were from the Philippine. but who now one day they will because their kind is proven highly productive in term of producing child. just go to anywhere of Sabah town. you will see what i meant for.

  5. Impossible for them to claim Sabah.

  6. Why not try Pakatan Rakyat as the new govt in Putrajaya and see what they can do? Lets curse this PATI away from the soil of our beloved Sabah.Orang Philippine,Indonesia,Pakistan di Sabah go to Hell!

  7. kenapa Filipina masih mahu menuntut Sabah?

  8. Pasal dorang tengok orang Pakistan jadi Ketua Menteri Sabah lol.

  9. realitinya sabah dipenuhi oleh PATI dari filipina..tinggal tunggu masa saja mereka melancarkan perang dan dengan mudah dapat menawan sabah..

  10. sampai bila2 pun sabah akan dituntut oleh filipina..pasal tu lah filipina tidak mahu menubuhkan konsulat di sabah..

  11. sabah akan reject tuntutan tersebut habis-habisan..

  12. Orang Sabah mau lari pergi mana ya Pulau Spratly boleh ka?

  13. Sabah pasti tidak bersetuju jika Flilipina menuntut Sabah.

  14. Sultan Sulu marah pasal orang keturunan Pushtun,Afghanistan jadi CM Sabah dan sapu habis kekayaan Sabah.

  15. Siapa sangka jika satu hari nanti mereka melancarkan gerakan perang dari dalam.? bukankah ia mudah utk dilakukan juka mereka punya 2 juta orang utk menumbangkan kerajaan. macam mana nak guna kapal selam kalau yg menyerang adalah dari dalam. pastinya sukar. ia ibarat mencari gunting dalam lipatan kain. ayat paling mudah ialah musuh sudah dalam selimut.

  16. kalau bagitu adalah chance ni nak jadi bandar cowboy. boleh timbak sana sini. bila lagi?

  17. mengikut sejarah, pada masa dulu hnya sebahagian Sabah hnya yang dibawah pemerintahan Sulu. sebahagian lagi di Bawah pemerintahan Brunei. jika Sulu nk menuntut pun, dia tak boleh menuntut keseluruhan Sabah. tapi apapun, saya pasti rakyt Sabah takkan setuju untuk berada di bawah pemerintahan Sulu.

  18. Mahukah rakyat dibawah pemerintahan Sulu. Tengok dan nilai sendiri bagaimana Sulu sekarang dengan Sabah di bawah Malaysia. Jadi rasanya memang rakyat Sabah akan menolak Sabah diambil oleh Sulu.

  19. siapa yang bagi ni pilak tempat tinggal, tempat berniaga, dan siapa yang beli barang yang dijual oleh pilak?

  20. Kalau dibawah Sultan Sulu kan bagus,tidak ada UMNO/BN dan Pakatan lagi.Semua boleh naik kereta lembu.Murah bayaran nya hanya beberapa pesos saja.

  21. Sultan Sulu ada kuasa mengambil balik Sabah ke?
