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Monday, July 4, 2011

Bersih 2.0 not an illegal organisation

Bersih 2.0: Coalitions need not be registered

Bersih 2.0 said that it is not an "illegal organisation" as decreed by Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein on Saturday and that the coalition was not an unlawful entity.

Its steering committee member Subramaniam Pillay said that while agrees with the home ministry that it is an unregistered organisation, Bersih 2.0 is not legally required to be formally registered.

"We are not a registered society, we are a coalition of legal societies," he said at a press conference at the Bersih 2.0 secretariat headquarters in Petaling Jaya today.

Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein last week declared Bersih 2.0 an illegal organisation, on grounds that it is operating without permission of the Registrar of Societies.

This has been used for grounds to arrest several opposition politicians and activists who support Bersih 2.0 and its scheduled rally on July 9.

Subramaniam said there is no basis for Hishammuddin's claim, as coalitions are not required to register unless they intend to become permanent entities.

"Coalitions come together for a cause, and once the objectives of the cause are achieved they are dissolved."

NONESubramaniam pointed out that it is ridiculous that the authorities would consider Bersih 2.0 illegal, which only proves they are not well-versed in the laws they are entrusted to uphold.

“Something unregistered cannot be de-registered. They don't seem to understand their own laws very well.

“There are also international coalitions such as the Palestinian cause which has NGOs joining from all over the world. It (a coalition) is not something extraordinary,” he said.

Political analyst Wong Chin Huat stressed that the government's decision to ban Bersih 2.0 came with ill intentions.

“Why is it that at first two leaders (from Bersih) can sit with the inspector-general of police (IGP), and when they don't get their way they immediately declare (Bersih) illegal?

“The decision to ban Bersih is malicious,” he said.

Joseph Sipalan


  1. UMNO di ambang kehancuran. persoalannya hanya cepat atau lambat. Kerajaan umno/bn adalah sebuah kerajaan yg gagal sejak dari mula ia mentadbir. Sebab itu mereka berusaha utk melakukan apa sahaja (najib cakap 'at all cause') utk kekal berkuasa. ini kerana ditumbangkan bermaksud mereka mungkin akan dibicarakan atas tadbir urus salah yg mereka amalkan serta dipenjarakan dan harta kekayaan dirampas. itu adalah ketakutan yg paling utama sedang menghantui Mahathir dan keluarga elit najis nazak.

  2. Hope that all goes well for them.

  3. Adakah Bersih masih dengan pendirian, setelah Agong mengeluarkan statement

  4. Ambiga akan bertemu dengan Agong. Tunggu dan lihat keputusan mereka nanti.

  5. Harap perjuangan Bersih ini telus dan bukan dipengaruhi agenda pihak2 tertentu.

  6. Biarlah tuntutan Bersih 2.0 tu dapat dipenuhi dan perhimpunan dibuat di tempat yang tertutup.

  7. I have nothing against with Bersih 2.0 just as long no such havoc or riot will happen.

  8. then, what will Bersih do next?

  9. wait and see what will happen next..

  10. Jujurnya tuntutan bersih tu baik, tapi dah ada titah so tak perlulah teruskan lagi.

  11. Selebihnya biar rakyat nilai sendiri. Saya yakin rakyat cukup matang untuk menilai situasi sekarang ini.

  12. titah Agong haruslah tidak diendahkan.

  13. No more riot in this country please. Remember the slogan '1Malaysia'..

  14. Kalau pengecut dan takut cakap saja tidak payah banyak komen.Kerana Sabahan pengecut lah Sabah maseh mundur dan kerajaan boleh buat sesuka hati termasuk PATI dan sekarang Indian di Sabah pun sudah tuntut mau minta tanah 15 ekar seorang.Banyak Sabahan sendiri tidak ada tanah.
    Sabahan maseh tidur dan makan saja.Jubur kena korek orang pun tidak sedar.

  15. biarlah rakyat sendiri yang menilai...rakyat pasti tahu membezakan mana yang baik dan mana yang buruk.

  16. Memang BERSIH bukan organisasi Haram tapi gabungan perhimpunan ini yang membuat ia haram. Tidak ada salah jika penubuhan BERSIH, tapi kerana cadangan melakukan kekecohan itulah yang dilarang.

  17. tapi perhimpunan bersih yang bakal diadakan adalah haram kerana ia tak ada kelulusan dan permit. YDPA jg telah bertitah perhimpunan bersih dibatalkan.

  18. siapa2 yang sanggup jadi perisai untuk Pakatan tu pergi la.. mana la tau boleh dapat jawatan kabinet.. rajin2 la turun ke jalan raya, kerana jalan raya dan seluruh Malaysia ini Pakatan yang punya.. good luck!
