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Sunday, July 10, 2011

BN abused public institutions for self interest

The abuse of public institutions to protect the regime’s interest is corruption under the current law, says Ong Bon Keng of the Malaysian Election Observers Network.

GEORGE TOWN: Political activist Ong Boon Keng has accused Barisan Nasional of committing corruption by abusing public institutions to protect its interest.

Ong, a coordinator of the Malaysian Election Observers Network and one of the persons barred from sections of Kuala Lumpur yesterday, said the ruling coalition had broken the “unwritten social contract between the ruling party of the day and the electorate” in its failure to administer the public apparatus according to the rule of law and democratic norms.

He said BN, especially its dominant partner Umno, was practising outdated feudal politics despite “growing demands for people-orientated reforms”.

“By using, misusing and abusing the public apparatus for their selfish interests, the ruling party is guilty of corruption” under current legislation, he said.

Some text extracted from Athi Shankar


  1. BN Umno has always abuse their powers from day one...since independence...Their abuse in racial discrimination, religious discrimination, economic discrimination, political discrimination, education discrimination...and all other discriminations within their hidden agenda.

  2. setiap individu ada pandangan mereka sendiri berhubung dengan pekara seperti ini. jadi, pandai-pandai lah menilai sendiri.

  3. jika keadaan ini berlaku, tidak hairan jika rakyat akan bangkit memberontak.

  4. GE 13th will be a tough election for BN.

  5. pndai pandailah menilai sendiri.

  6. Semakin membimbangkan keadaan sekarang ini. 09/07/11 perhimpunan haram, pada akan datang pula kita tidak tahu lagi apa yang akan berlaku..

  7. umno tidak hormat AGONG langsung. umno adalah pengkhianat kepada negara dan Agong kita.

    Umno sengaja tidak kasih permit untuk BERSIH dibuat di stadium merdeka walaupun Agong dan najis kata OK bersih boleh buat perhimpunan dalam stadium.

    semua orang umno cakap tidak serupa bikin. Sudah anjing umno akan pupus dalam PRU13.

  8. Kerajaan perlulah berubah jika mahu kekal releven.

  9. and Pakatan using rakyat as their shields...

  10. Kalau rakyat maseh sokong BN maka bodoh sendiri lah.Goodluck!

  11. Biarlah pilihanraya yang akan datang menentukan nasib pihak kerajaan dan pembangkang.

  12. Kemenangan sesuatu parti adalah di tangan rakyat. Jadi rakyat, pandai-pandailah menilai...

  13. When GE comes, vote wisely.

  14. I hope the current government will change for the better. Listen to what the people want. That is the only key for the current government to win in the next GE.

  15. Don't let the people down!
