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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Injustice.... Arbitrary detention and deportation

Bourdon's deportation against natural justice'

The Bar Council today criticised the "arbitrary detention and deportation" of French civil rights lawyer William Bourdon as "contrary to natural justice".

"The reason reportedly provided by the Immigration Department - that the lawyer had violated the conditions of his social visit pass - is vague and wholly inadequate," said its chairperson Lim Chee Wee (left).

The unclear charge, Lim said, hampered Bourdon's ability to answer the charges levelled against him, and that this was against the "principles of natural justice in administrative law".

Legally, the basis for deportation should have been furnished to Bourdon so that he could have defended himself against the allegations and in this, Lim referred to the 1987 Supreme Court case of JP Berthelson vs the director-general of Immigration, Malaysia, & others.

In that case, Berthelson's lawyer argued that the rules of natural justice require that a person who will be affected by an administrative body's decision must be given the opportunity to be heard.

Bourdon (left), Lim said, has a legitimate expectation to defend himself, as it would be unfair to condemn anyone, or to deprive anyone of a right, without hearing what he or she has to say.

The Bar called on the government to publicly justify its grounds for deporting the French lawyer, and to cease such actions of arbitrary detention and deportation.

"This incident is another negative mark on the government's record on rights and fundamental liberties, which on this occasion involves a foreigner," Lim said.

Irregularities surrounding the Bourdon's deportation, he added, would only reinforce public perception that the deportation came as the result of his talk on alleged corruption in the Malaysian government's purchase of submarines from a French company.


  1. That "Man" became too 'power hunger' and still continue his routine to play fire-grap law in his hands.
    Believe he will soon be burnt!

  2. Bourdon boleh mendedahkan hasil penyiasatannya menerusi saluran yang lain.

  3. Bukan kali pertama perkara seperti ini berlaku.

  4. Satu lagi projek kerajaan barisan nasional utk rakyat. salah guna kuasa, salah guna dana awam, salah guna harta kerajaan, salah guna peruntukkan undang2, salah guna media perdana, dan salah guna semuanya. itulah kerajaan barisan nasional yg dibangga-banggakan oleh segelintir penyokong tegar umno/bn. selepas ni apa pula penjelasan kerajaan bn. adakah mereka mempunyai alasan lain atau hanya menegaskan bahawa kuasa jabatan immigration mempunyai kuasa mutlak terhadap keluar masuk warga asing tanpa campur tangan kerajaan pusat bn.

    Tindakan bodoh ini nyata menggambarkan yg mereka semakin terdesak utk kekal berkuasa seperti kata yg diungkapkan oleh najib sendiri, 'at all cost' sebanyak dua kali bermaksud, akan mempertahankan kedudukan umno/bn sebagai pemerintah dan jawatan PMnya dengan "cara apa" sekalipun. Ini adalah salah satunya.

    Apa kata penyokong umno/bn? sila komen......

  5. ada alasan tersendri kenapa dia dihalang.

  6. Mungkin Bourdon tersesat jalan mungkin. Kita tidak tahu kebenaran lagi, pastikah dia dihalau pulang?

  7. sebaiknya jika penjelasan mengenai pekara ini dibuat.

  8. apapun caranya Bourdon perlu mendedahkan kebenaran tersebut.

  9. Junta,

    Apa alasan tersendiri tersebut? Mahkamah yg adil tidak akan menerima alasan/hujah yg ditakrif sebagai "tertentu" tanpa ada hujah sokongan yg konkrit.


    Adakah presiden majlis peguam ini berbohong dlm hal2 sebegini?

  10. the case raised by William Bourdon will be brought to the France court.. so let them find the truth without intervention from Malaysia government and political parties..

  11. Just wait for court decision.
