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Monday, July 11, 2011

SAPP: Najib cannot be more wrong

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) President Datuk Yong Teck Lee, said that the Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak cannot be more wrong to claim that the silent majority support the government over the Bersih campaign for clean and fair elections.

"In fact, the huge majority of people support the Bersih cause for clean, free and fair elections. Indeed, Bersih has managed to rally ordinary people to a reformist movement without involving political parties. The millions of people who stayed at home and not joined the July 9 Stadium Merdeka rally support the Bersih cause morally and in other ways.

"The panicky handling of the Bersih protest march revealed that BN leaders are no longer confident of the peoples' support. The denial of a permit for a stadium protests after the Prime Minister himself had promised that Bersih should move their street march to a stadium makes one wonder if the Prime Minister is in charge of his government of not.

"How can the police and home minister reject all applications of Bersih on the sole ground that Bersih is not a registered society?

"If Bersih were illegal, then the Prime Minister should not have promised a stadium protest. If Bersih were illegal, then the authorities should not have asked Bersih to hold their stadium protests in Shah Alam or other stadiums outside Kuala Lumpur. And the Agung has even granted an audience to the Bersih leadership.

"All these confusions point to a panicky government that is on the verge of collapse," said Yong.


  1. Najib and his cronies musang should send to jail immediately when the opposition took over the government.

  2. BN Umno has made many mistakes in handling the Bersih issue which now the people know how BN abuses its powers to by hook or by crook to keep in power to feed their greed.

  3. Baik tunggu dan lihat.

  4. umno takut sama bersih sebab budaya umno adalah main kotor

  5. Wait the coming GE.

  6. Even a simple word "BERSIH" is sensitive!
    What kind of silly and unprofessional authority we have for righteous malaysian.

    Hope all those with the JUL09 rally even Khairy and Patriot group learnt.Those like Ali Ibrahim also must learn though not participating.And more with all true malaysian today.
    This is not a racial issue yet you all see and witness the attitude of cotinued denial by certain bad leaders and leadership.

    One 'anak Malaysia' life had been taken just like that and judge yourself from the video scene,he was ignored and handcuff by policemen!

    Who's responsibility and if the silly leader needless to mention again his name had instructed to allow the use of stadium Merdeka this man's life may not be taken!

    He denied untill today and even say mention only stadium but never say where.He fooled right people everyone yet by not respecting even the Selangor Sultan asking the rally to be held in Selangor because is ruled by oppostion.What kind of PM for all malaysian?Did he and HH takes life include any life seriously whether you are melayu,cina or indian from tragedies in MACC's two death cases and few other earlier cases?
    Are they doing it professionally to handle the issues?

    Next,What's wrong with color?
    And even now happened in Sabah another case of such so-called by them consider sensitive issue just the word 'Bersih' whereby facing a very unnecessary reaction of stupid City council - DBKK attempt to remove using a bomba for wrong job.
    See yourself here the incident at Bornion Centre during its RadioSabahTV launching day!

    We are really anak Malaysia unless you bad leaders always twist and dare not face the reality of wish for liberty.Please resign and let good leaders take over with good governance.

  7. Macam dia malas mahu layan tuntutan bersih saja tu.

  8. Malas layan UMNO.Macam korang?

  9. Quoted text-"Sharul(DBKK), however, argued that the signboard was illegal and may not be safe for the public and they were enpowered to remove it with or without notice."
    The above refer to SAPP signborad with a word "BERSIH" incident!

    Rakyat and sabahan must from now look into all signboards include any and extension allowed to put up by BN or UMNO with photos evidence.

    Make sure DBKK and present BN government of state not doing a double standard job.

    Look at it while compare to many others what is being defined so illegal or not safe with such a signboard by SAPP bearing 'BERSIH' word?Also are DBKK really comply with the building bye-laws so perfect with safety in city for all the building vs its dedicated job?Let's go after them for the corrupted attitude with more photos and videos shot!

    Never do with your bias double standard here for Sabah.

  10. apapun, kena pastikan politik di malaysia stabil dan bersih.

  11. harap tiada lagi perhimpunan Bersih diadakan pada masa akan datang. hanya menjadi bahan untuk dipolitikkan dan timbulkan kekecohan saja

  12. setiap orang ada pandangan mereka sendiri. apa pun, setiap isu perlu ditangani dengan sebaiknya.

  13. No more rally after this. Troublesome.

  14. Can't wait for the 13th GE.

  15. demonstrasi BERSIH baru2 ini menyusahkan ramai rakyat...

  16. lain kali, kalau mahu buat sesuatu, lakukan apa yang tidak menyusahkan rakyat.

  17. kita tunggu dan lihat sama ada malaysia akan mengalami tsunami politik seperti thailand pada PRU akan datang.

  18. Pelbagai reaksi timbul terhadap isu BERSIH ni...hhmm..

  19. Tak sabar nak tunggu next GE. Entah apa lah kejadiannya nanti.

  20. selapas ini pasti lebih banyak demonstrasi dianjurkan.. kalau boleh sampai negara ini hancur 100%..

  21. Itu cuma 30,000-40,000 orang saja(Orang PR) tapi jumlah penduduk Malaysia berapa? mencecah hingga 30 juta orang. Jadi nampaknya disini bukan semua pun yang menyokong bersih ini. Cuma orang yang berkepentingan saja.

  22. PM haruslah bijak menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah. Jangan biarkan perkara yang sebegini berulang lagi, ini cuma memburukkan keadaan ekonomi negar semata-mata. Kita haruslah mempertahankan keamanan yang sedia ada.
