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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Another example of land grab

Malaysia Independence House in dilemma

DATUK Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, the head of the United Borneo Front (UBF) called upon the State Government to protect lands in Sabah and Native Customary Rights (NCR) and to not only stop further alienation of lands to non-Sabahan natives but also to stop taking over native lands for whatever excuses.

Dr. Jeffrey had supported the reasons put forward by the Sedomon family through Nilakrisna James, UBF co-founder and granddaughter of OKK Sedomon Bin OKK Gunsanad, who had voiced the Sedomon family’s objection to the proposed takeover of the Sedomon ancestral home in Bingkor to be converted into a Warisan Budaya by the Jabatan Muzium Sabah.

The allegation by her uncle that the house become a ‘Malaysia Independence House’. He said this at a UBF Borneo Tea Party function hosted by Alex Amik held on 19 August 2011 at Kg. Sungoi, Apin-Apin, Bingkor.

“Sedomon is the icon of native rights and for the Sabah natives he will always, for all time, represent the struggle of the interior natives at the time of the formation of Malaysia where he advocated for native rights and autonomy so that Sabah’s position in this country will keep natives ahead of national development and not be wiped out into reservations if we ever joined Malaya.

“To deprive the Sedomon descendants of their inheritance and ignore the provisions in place in their land title so as to render their private property into a public property is an abuse of the law and an affront to native land rights.

“Their views are paramount and the ‘Rumah Besar Sedomon’ shall retain its majestic title and be allowed to age gracefully as a family home so that it will always serve as a reminder to this country of what Sedomon stood for.

“If we are even unable to protect an icon’s territory and respect the inheritance of natives, then it goes without saying that we are unable to protect any native territory in Sabah,” Dr. Jeffrey said in his statement.

He also stated that while there are merits to acquiring private properties for public interest the Government must also respect the inalienable rights of the Natives to private properties and the terms and conditions of titles must be respected. Such desire to turn private domain to public domain must not be forced upon the owners.

“Native land rights and NCR remain the cornerstone of what is in the Article 8 of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and the Inter-Governmental Committee Report 1962. The State Government should champion native rights enshrined in Sedomon’s Batu Sumpah and the law and they should not use the law to usurp, reduce or change the nature of those rights or ownership.

Private native land owners have a right to secure their ownership and in this respect the Land Ordinance should reflect that right. In its present form, even the Land Ordinance Sabah Chap.68 has provisions in Section 17 to allow native lands to go into foreign or non-native hands.

“Native land ownership should not have these loopholes. If native owners were to benefit from such transactions it would be different but in most cases natives are being taken for a ride and they benefit little by relinquishing their native lands into foreign hands,” Dr. Jeffrey stated.

Two other natives at the tea party complained that their application made several years ago for native lands were never approved and that their small lots would be reduced further when sub-divided between many descendants rendering future native generations potentially landless and becoming squatters in their own land.

“The State Government seems to prioritise tourism developments and other infrastructure developments when companies and non-natives are alienated lands which should be reserved for native uses. Instead of native lands benefitting natives in these developments, the companies are benefiting, which will lead to the eventual erosion of all native lands from native inheritance.

“If the State Government and State leaders are incapable of addressing this problem, we have no choice but to lodge an official complaint to the King who remains the overall guardian of natives in this country when Malaysia was formed in 1963,” Dr. Jeffrey said.

To another native’s question about opening some of the adjoining forest reserves next to existing native lands, Dr. Jeffrey opined that the State Government should be able to review the status of the forest reserve and weigh the needs of the local natives and decide on the land utilization including de-gazetting part of the forest reserves for native uses only instead of the nefarious use of non-natives or companies for wide scale developments and plantations.

He said, “Land matters have nothing to do with the Federal Government and State leaders must think as Sabahans and not the stooges of their Federal political parties when making these decisions. The State Government should not simply de-gazette forest reserves for wide scale developments as the protection of our lands and environment remains paramount. In this respect, State leaders who simply do this should be questioned by the public and be accountable for their decisions.”

“These are the scenarios that Sedomon was afraid of and fearing that laws would be abused and changed he commissioned that the Batu Sumpah be sworn upon using traditional animal sacrifices and spiritual ceremonies so that the conditions enshrined in the stone would be sacred and protected spiritually. For the natives, the Batu Sumpah is a very significant and symbolic monument that deserves the highest respect by leaders in this country,” Dr. Jeffrey added.

UBF also calls on the State Government to review all alienated lands especially to companies which are being disputed by natives and to revoke such alienations and to re-alienate such lands to the rightful natives which have been recognized since the British colonial times.

“We have already started our CINTA SABAH campaign to bring Sabahans towards a common mindset of protecting their interests in this State. If you love Sabah, you would fight to the end of the earth to protect your rights,” Dr. Jeffrey concluded.



  1. Hope that UBF will work hard to stand up for the native land rights.

  2. All Sabahans support Cinta Sabah!

  3. We should protect our land!

  4. I believe the Government have a good method to solve the land Issue.

  5. Whatever it is we should not sold or give the land to others.....

  6. I though the decision is in the landowners hand...if they against it, theres nothing the state government cand no land grab here..

  7. apa pun isu yang berlaku ianya perlu diselesaikan dengan sebaiknya dan kepentingan semua pihak dapat dijaga.

  8. Get a win-win situation.

  9. Land matters have nothing to do with the Federal Government and State leaders must think as Sabahans and not the stooges of their Federal political parties when making these decisions.

    True. Don't be intimidated by the Federal.

  10. Daripada pihak Muzium Sabah yang ambil alih dan jadikan rumah itu sebagai Warisan Budaya, mungkin kerajaan boleh salurkan bantuan dan bekerjasama dengan keluarga Sedomon untuk menguruskan rumah itu sebagai rumah bersejarah.

  11. Buat keputusan dengan bijaksana dan mengambil kira kepentingan semua.

  12. apa yang patut dipertahankan harus kita pertahankan.

  13. ada baiknya juga Rumah Besar Sedomon ini dijadikan warisan budaya. ia pasti akan lebih terjaga dan nilai2 sejarahnya dapat dirasai bersama. apapun, perlu buat perbincangan terlebih dahulu untuk selesaikan isu ini.

  14. diharap hak2 tanah rakyat di Sabah dapat diperjuangkan dan dilindungi dari pencerobohan serta rampasan oleh orang luar.

  15. this issue is getting hotter and hotter, hope there's a stop to this.

  16. we have our rights to get whatever belong to us, please do something that will not harm the people.

  17. that explains why some people quickly sold out their lands, they knew this was gonna happen.

  18. it's getting out of hands, the government should do something.

  19. i bet there's another election coming up after this.

  20. I don't understand why land grab is so damn rampant in Sabah.

  21. there is no land grab occurred here unless the land is already developed by the government.

  22. What happen that our rules and regulations seems fragile that easily to let others to take things fro granted. It's a right time to study and monitor well about our policy to safeguard the people property.

  23. Dinasihatkan para pemilik tanah untuk menyemak dokumen dari semasa ke semasa untuk memastikan harta dan milik tanah tidak titukar milik tanpa dikesan.

  24. Satu lagi sindiket penipuan rasanya. Apa yang terjadi kebelakangan ni, banyak kes rampas tanah milik orang lain. Harap kerajaan menyelesaikan masalah yang semakin hangat di Sabah ni.

  25. Pasti ada pihak mengambil kesempatan atau target kelemahan sistem dan peraturan di negara.. Harapkan mengatasi masalah dan menguatkan lagi peraturan dan undang-undang untuk melindungi harta tidak dirampas dengan tidak diketahui langsung.

  26. Hope government can quickly come out with good policy to protect the land owner. The issues seems a bit out of control in Sabah now..

  27. Kalau bukan isu pati,tanah... aishh isu-isu sebegini memang memeningkan kepala. Dari dulu tak pandai selesai.

  28. Setiap individu yang ada tanya rajin2lah rujuk di jabatan tanah dan catat semua urusan.. Simpan semua dokumen penting supaya ada bukti just in case anything bad happen.

  29. Kerajaan memang perlu pastikan hak rakyat sentiasa terjaga namun paling penting rakyat juga harus tahu jaga hak masing2.

  30. Inilah yang dikatakan kaya tambah kaya, miskin tambah miskin. huhu

  31. Rampas tanah lagi...?? Nampak senang je orang lain nak rampas tanah?? Apa yang sedang berlaku?? Kerajaan seharus ambil tindakan berkesan untuk supaya had milik rakyat tidak ditukar milik tanpa dirasai..

  32. We urge the government to take prompt action to protect and safeguard our land.

  33. Memang ada golongan yang ambil kesempatan terhadap kelemahan undang-undang negara kami untuk merampas tanah milik orang lain. Dinasihatkan supaya menguatkan lagi undang-undang negara supaya hak milik harta dilindungi dengan baik.

  34. Semak dokumen selalu untuk memastikan hak milik yang dikekalkan.

  35. Pastikan semua dokumen yang ditanda-tangani tu sah dan benar. Menyesal jika tidak semak dan pastikan kondisi and syarat itu benar.

  36. Perampasan tanah memang menjadi isu hangat masa kini.

  37. I hope the authorities are keen to solve the problem.

  38. Truly disappointing.

  39. harap tidak ada rasuah atau penyelewengan berlaku dari pihak tertentu

  40. harap tanah dapat dipulangkan balik kepada pemilik yang berhak

  41. perkara yang boleh ditangani oleh kerajaan haruslah diselesaikan dengan adil dan tidak ada isu pilih kasih terlibat

  42. masalah pengambilan tanah secara tidak sah atau perampasan tanah di Sabah semakin kritikal...harap ada undang2 melindungi mereka yang teraniaya.

  43. Yes agreed. State leaders who simply de-gazette forest reserves for wide scale developments should be questioned by the public and be accountable for their decisions.

  44. Hopefully that State Government will help protect the NCR. Please..
