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Monday, August 22, 2011

Perkasa: Why bother with Christian votes?


"IT IS reported in today's Malaysiakini that the Secretary General of PERKASA, Syed Hassan Syed Ali said that Muslim leaders in the country are 'starving' for Christian votes, as a result of which they have to compromise their dignity as Muslims.

He added that, "there are only 9% Christians, why bother with their votes?. At the same time, he also demanded that Christian teachers should not be allowed to teach in national schools."

I am skeptical as to the statistics that there are only 9% Christian voters in Malaysia. Whatever it is, a democratic country must not allow prevalence of the majority's interests at the expense of the minority, otherwise democracy would be used as a tool by the majority to oppress the minority.

In our multi racial, multi religion and multi cultural society, if all communities are racial supremacists who only care about their own interests and nothing else, we will not lose dignity as Muslims, Christians, Buddists, Taoists or Hindu, but we all will lose our dignity and pride as Malaysians.

It is simply ridiculous to suggest prohibition of Christian teachers in national schools as that will work against national integration.

You will recall the incident that 8 Ketua Kampung in Kudat were sacked without my knowledge as the Tanjong Kapor State Assemblyman last year. After pursuing the matter, 4 of them were reinstated, one had since passed away, another one was not able to continue his service due to health reason, the other 2 subsequently obtained my recognition. However, the little Napoleon Haji Harun Bidin still sits as the District Chief of Kudat.

I did raise this issue in the State Barisan Nasional (BN) meeting in August last year and was promised that a committee would be set up to handle it along with other issues in relation to political appointments. A year has passed and nothing has been done todate.

Sometime in June this year, this little Napoleon again repeated his stunt and caused to replace a Ketua Anak Negeri in my constituency. The new appointee is one of his boys who followed him in sabotaging BN in the 2008 General Election in Kudat.

For this ‘Little Napoleo’n to be so arrogant, I think there must be a 'Napoleon' protecting him fom behind. Whoever this 'Napoleon' is, if he sees it fit to sacrifice the BN interests for his private pleasure, then he is not fit to be a BN leader!


  1. Jangan peduli Perkasa. Mereka tu cakap tak menggunakan otak.

  2. Perkasa memang rasis, kita tidak memerlukan orang macam ini untuk merosakkan perpaduan rakyat.

  3. perkasa ni sering menimbulkan kotroversi..apa pun, kita semua perlu saling menghormati dan mengekalkan perpaduan..

  4. hentikan kenyataan yang menyinggung perasaan pihak lain.

  5. Religion issue should not be rising up. It is very sensitive as we all know about that.

  6. Even if we are different in our belief but after all, we are all the same.

  7. People who rising up the race and religion's issue should not call themselves as a Malaysian!

  8. "He added that, "there are only 9% Christians, why bother with their votes?. At the same time, he also demanded that Christian teachers should not be allowed to teach in national schools."

    Betul ke ni? Jangan lar kaitkan isu-isu politik dengan agama dan bangsa. Harap ini cuma khabar angin yang tidak betul sebab statement ini menjejaskan keharmonian dan kehormatan antara bangsa dan agama.

  9. Kenapa ada juga pihak yang sering mencungkir isu-isu sensitif terutama berkaitan dengan agama? kami dah hidup aman damai walaupu berlainan bangsa selama berpuluh-puluh tahun dan tiada masalah langsung, ada juga pihak yang mencari alasan untuk merosakkannya.

  10. We are all born and living in Malaysia for many many years. We respect everyone even tough different races among us.. All voters meaningful and respectful.

  11. "he also demanded that Christian teachers should not be allowed to teach in national schools"

    Nonsenses. Silly statements.

  12. Perkasa...perkasa..always trying to brainwash the people..

  13. "Whatever it is, a democratic country must not allow prevalence of the majority's interests at the expense of the minority, otherwise democracy would be used as a tool by the majority to oppress the minority."

    Agreed with that.. Democratic country like Malaysia should respect the majority and also the minority. All given equal opportunity and rights.

  14. it doesn't matter what religion the people is, they will vote based on the party performance.

  15. Jangan merosakkan keharmonian yang sedia ada di negara kami walaupun berlainan bangsa dan agama. Kenapa tiada tindakan diambil kepada mereka yang cuba merosakkan keharmonian negara? Bukan kah semua orang diberi peluang dan sama?

  16. Hanya 9% saja, buat apa nak kecoh sangat. Ni 9% belum dapat kasi goyah lagi mah. Buat apa mahu bising2.

  17. lets just ignore perkasa statement. Their statement is intended to brainwash and "batu api" the people.

  18. Lebih baik berkurung saja dalam tempurung. Jangan keluar. Ini barulah dikatakan rasis. Perkasa rasis.

  19. "Christian teachers in national schools as that will work against national integration".

    How?? Syed Hassan Syed Ali talk about national integration??? So, your statements are really national integration laa.. Banyak la ngko pnya national integration.

  20. Perkasa benggong.

  21. People who rising up the race and religion's issue should not call themselves as a Malaysian!

    All party malaya leaders are racist be it UMNO, DAP, PKR, PAS, GERAKAN, MCA by using religion and race as their tool to achieve their political agenda.

    Sabah people MUST REJECT all the party malaya in the coming GE13.

  22. beginilah keadaannya jika politik dicampuradukkan dengan agama.

  23. "In our multi racial, multi religion and multi cultural society, if all communities are racial supremacists who only care about their own interests and nothing else, we will not lose dignity as Muslims, Christians, Buddists, Taoists or Hindu, but we all will lose our dignity and pride as Malaysians."


  24. macam mana nak jayakan konsep 1Malaysia jika masih ada sesetegah parti yang suka mencetus perbalahan antara kaum yang berbilang bangsa dan agama di Malaysia?

  25. pihak majoriti tidak seharusnya menindas minoriti sebaliknya bekerjasama untuk menjaga keharmonian dan kepentingan bersama di Malaysia.

  26. PERKASA memang agent perosak yang hanya tahu membuat kecoh di Malaysia

  27. harap rakyat Sabah bijak mengundi parti yang benar2 layak menjadi pemimpin

  28. Semakin masa berlalu, semakin nampak kebodohan Perkasa ini. Lebih menghairankan bila masih ada yang menyokong pertubuhan ini.

  29. Kenapa ahli2 Perkasa yang rasis tidak dimasukkan ISA? Terang-terangan mereka membangkitkan isu kaum dan agama tetapi tiada tindakan diambil.

  30. Don't be so arrogant Perkasa. Stop suppressing the minority. We know your brain just like a peanut. You alone won't go far without the help of minority.

  31. PERKASA harus ingat bahawa pengundi2 kristian di sabah dan sarawak...

  32. rakyat sabah jangan terpengaruh dengan sikap orang2 semenanjung yang suka memprovokasikan isu agama dan perkauman..

  33. orang semenanjung patut belajar daripada sabahan mengenai perpaduan dan toleransi antara kaum dan agama..

  34. PERKASA memang tidak ada pendirian langsung.

  35. kalau pasal isu2 sensitif, memang perkasa la yang paling kedepan.. patutnya parti2 macam ini yang jelas memperjuangkan agenda perkauman diharamkan serta merta..

  36. I just dont understand why PERKASA brought such a sensitive issues? We should give respect to all different races too. Hope they really know what there are doing.

  37. Negara yang berdemokratik seperti Malaysia masih ada golongan yang sering mengungkit isu sensitif berkaitan dengan agama yang merosakkan keharmonian negara.

  38. Anonymous said...
    macam mana nak jayakan konsep 1Malaysia jika masih ada sesetegah parti yang suka mencetus perbalahan antara kaum yang berbilang bangsa dan agama di Malaysia?

    Betul kata anonymous, cam mane nak jayakan konsep 1 Malaysia? Seharusnya diberi "warning" supaya jangan mengungkit isu sensitif yang menyebabkan kemarahan orang ramai.

  39. Memang ini lar golongan perosak negara. Sering mencabar agama lain demi kepentingan sendiri. Sehingga kini masih ada yang tidak insaf keatas kelakuannya.


    UMNO = PENDATANG HARAM dari Indonesia, pilipin dan pakistan!

    Tiada UMNO, Sabah akan maju jaya dan aman damai!

  41. Negara kami tidak seharusnya dibezakan dengan agama dan bangsa. Kami semua digelar "Malaysian". Harap tiada golongan yang mengambil kesempatan untuk merosakkannya.

  42. YOU RACISTS!!!! SHUT UPPP.......

  43. Can't believe PERKASA is still so immature, better watch that mouth.
