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Sunday, August 21, 2011

UBF : Time to Shift Focus to Sabah & Sarawak or Change Government ....

“If united, the people of Sabah and Sarawak can change the Federal Government in Putrajaya
and force the respective State and Federal Governments to re-focus and shift the development
from West Malaysia to the Borneo States of Sabah and Sarawak” and “the present BN
Government was “saved” from downfall by the support of MPs from Sabah and Sarawak”
were keynote issues informed by the head of UNITED BORNEO FRONT (UBF), Datuk Dr.
Jeffrey Kitingan, to the residents of Kg. Telibong, Tamparuli, at a Borneo Tea Party event
held at the village.

Dr. Jeffrey had informed the enthusiastic crowd that they had the luxury of living next to the
Kota Kinabalu-Tamparuli trunk road whereas earlier in the day, the UBF convoy had to go
through a 15km. bumpy ride on gravel road from Kg. Madang in Tepokon Town, which was
just 15km from them.

The crowd had vociferously supported Dr. Jeffrey and the Borneo Agenda advocated by UBF
particularly on Borneo Agenda No. 5 which is “To Shift The Focus of Development from
West Malaysia to Sabah and Sarawak”. In the current year budget under the 10th Malaysia
Plan, only RM9 billion has been allocated for development in Sabah and Sarawak whereas
RM100 billion has been allocated for West Malaysia and separately the Greater Kuala
Lumpur Mass Rail Transit has a budget of RM36.6 billion and the proposed 1-Malaysia 100-
storeys Tower with a RM5 billion budget. In terms of land area, West Malaysia covered an
area of 130,495, Sarawak 124,449 and Sabah 73,620 and Tuaran District
alone with 1,165 was larger than the States of Penang with 1,039 and Perlis
with only 816 In terms of sealed roads, West Malaysia had 21,300 km. whereas Sabah
and Sarawak combined had a total of only 6,000 km.

Dr. Jeffrey added that it is not acceptable that after 48 years of independence and federation
in Malaysia, Sabah has descended to become the poorest State in Malaysia with 40% of all
the abject poor living in Sabah and Labuan and in many rural areas there is no piped treated
water, no electricity, unsealed roads, bad road with potholes and without other basic
amenities. Yet, Sabah is expected to contribute about RM16 to RM18 billion in revenue to
the Federal coffers in 2011 excluding a projected RM13.7 billion in oil revenue to Petronas.
Dr. Jeffrey lamented that if only the Federal Government had been fairer in revenue-sharing
and if Sabah had the right to keep say, RM8.0 billion of the revenue, RM3.0 billion in oil
royalties (based on 20% and not even 50%) with the current State collection of RM3.0 billion
totalling RM14.0 billion and an expenditure of RM3.0 billion, Sabah would be more than able
to look after the welfare of the people in Sabah.

Considering all factors, it is high time for the State Governments of Sabah and Sarawak to
demand a shift in the focus of development from West Malaysia to Sabah and Sarawak. Dr.
Jeffrey reminded the residents that the people of Sabah and Sarawak are currently
“kingmakers” and had “saved” the present Federal Government from being changed in 2008.
If people in Sabah and Sarawak are united, the Borneo Agenda can be achieved and if only
the MPs from Sabah and Sarawak had thought about the State rights and interests, a better
deal could be achieved for Sabah and Sarawak including the shift in the focus of development
to Sabah and Sarawak as envisaged in Borneo Agenda No. 5.

More importantly, Dr. Jeffrey stressed that with the Borneo Agenda as promoted by UBF, not
only will the Borneo States progress in terms of economic and infrastructure development,
the Borneo States will be restored their status as equal partners with West Malaysia in the
federation and also the resolution of the perennial problems of illegal immigrants, phantom
voters and non-qualified “citizenships” granted through the backdoor plaguing Sabah.

Dr. Jeffrey then advised the villagers to support the Borneo Agenda and if the Federal and
State Governments are not agreeable to shift the focus of development to Sabah and Sarawak
and develop and treat Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners, the Sabah and Sarawak voters
should change the Governments.

In accordance with the objectives of the “CINTA SABAH” Campaign, UBF called upon the
present State Government and the BN State leaders especially the Sabah UMNO leaders to
take the lead by seeking a shift in the focus of development from West Malaysia to the
Borneo States of Sabah and Sarawak.

“Support the “CINTA SABAH” Campaign.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey G. Kitingan


  1. c'mon dr jeffrey. what is 20%. borneo states are not beggars.anything less than 95% won't do. let malaya get 5%, that's not even theirs to begin with, shows how generous we borneo people are.

    cinta borneo, anak sarawak

  2. Rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak patut bersatu untuk kebaikan kita semua.

  3. Sokonglah kempen Cinta Sabah.

  4. How to change the mind set?

  5. UBF should be more busy now to gain vote and supports from people.

  6. Just hold on a little longer, think positive. Sabah is on the right track now.

  7. Correct, Sabah in on right track now and federal government do pay high attention to improve local economy, infra, poverty etc.. Its all about time.

  8. Perkembangan ekonomi seharusnya seimbang disemua negeri. Kerajaan sedia memberi dan berusaha untuk semua rakyat termasuk Sabah & Sarawak. Dengan perkembangan sistem infra yang sempurna, akan membawa perubahan besar kepada ekonomi di Sabah.

  9. Sepatutnya kerajaan memberi tumpuan besasr kepada ekonomi di negeri Sabah yang merupakan negeri termiskin masa kini. Projek pembangunan dan perkembangan seharus diusahakan lagi demi rakyat di Sabah yang berkehidupan susah dan bertekanan.

  10. Betul kata Joshua.. Perkembangan seharusnya seimbang disemua negeri.

  11. Kempen Cinta Sabah memang memerlukan sokongan semu apihak dan rakyat Sabah yang bertujuan memberi yang terbaik kepada orang Sabah.

  12. Macam tidak masuk akal Sabah negeri yang termiskin.

  13. Sabah tidak miskin tetapi rakyat sabah adalah termiskin sebab duit sabah semua dimakan oleh musang bin tidak aman. Musang bin tidak aman kamu tunggu saja ketulahan kamu dari Allahku.

  14. fokuskan pada pembangunan negeri Sabah dan Sarawak.

  15. UBF teruskan perjuangan menuntut hak dan kepentingan rakyat2 Sabah dan Sarawak.

  16. We should support this CINTA SABAH campaign regardless political background. If not us, then who will protect our own state? Sabahan and Sarawakian must unite. Change the mindset.

  17. Federal government should take seriously the Sabahan and Sarawakian demands. We might be the minority but we won't let ourselves being suppressed forever.

  18. Anonymous said...

    Sabah tidak miskin tetapi rakyat sabah adalah termiskin sebab duit sabah semua dimakan oleh musang bin tidak aman. Musang bin tidak aman kamu tunggu saja ketulahan kamu dari Allahku.
    August 22, 2011 11:53 AM

    tidak masuk akal pula..musa aman sedang berusaha meningkatkan kualiti hidup rakyat sabah.

  19. peruntukan yang lebih besar harus diberikan kepada sabah dan sarawak kerana hasil pendapatan negara kebanyakkannya berpunca dari sabah dan sarawak..negeri2 lain di semenanjung hanya menumpang kekayaan sabah dan sarawak..

  20. "...the Sabah and Sarawak voters
    should change the Governments."

    tidak perlu tukar kerajaan..yang perlu ditukar hanyalah wakil2 rakyat yang hanya pentingkan diri saja..

  21. sekarang ni rasanya semua pihak pun sedang memberikan fokus dan tumpuan terhadap Sabah dan Sarawak

  22. Maka BN perlulah bersungguh-sungguh untuk mendekati rakyat. Jangan biarkan rakyat memberi pendapat bahawa kerajaan BN tidak relevan lagi. Teruskan usaha untuk memperjuangkan hak rakyat.

  23. Sabah dan Sarawaklah fixed deposit untuk BN. BN perlu berjuang untuk penduduk Sabah dan Sarawak. Bila lagi? Dari sekaranglah BN perlu berjuang.

  24. Perlukah kita menukar kerajaan? Rasanya tidak perlulah. Apa yang perlu sekarang, Kerajaan BN membetulkan kesilapan yang ada untuk terus disokong oleh rakyat. Janji kosong perlulah ditinggalkan. Kotakan janji yang telah diberikan.

  25. good luck Jeffrey.. to achieve your mission, you need to unite all local political parties in this state..

  26. Betul kata Bungsu.. Kerajaan memang tiada masalah, yang menjadi masalah hanya konsep dan strategic mengendali negara. Seharus memberi lebih banyak terhadap perkembangan dan keadaan rakyat supaya kerajaan dapat memahami dan memberi yang terbaik kepada semua rakyat.

  27. Perkembangan ekonomi seharusnya seimbang di setiap negeri. Negeri Sabah merupakan negeri termiskin seharus memberti perhatian sepenuh untuk membangunkan ekonomi dan taraf kehidupan orang Sabahan. Usaha diperlukan.

  28. Jika dibandingkan, perkembangan ekonomi di Sabah adalah serba kekurangan, harapkan kerajaan menjalankan projek pembangunan yang pesat seperti industri minyak petrol & gas, pembalakan, pelacongan dll.

  29. Kerajaan memang tiada masalah, cuma sebahagian wakil rakyat yang menjadi perosak kerajaan. Jika masing-masing bersatu-padu dan berusaha sama-sama untuk rakyat, memang boleh membawa perkembangan yang tidak dijangka terutama Sabah kaya dengan sumber alam semulajadi.

  30. Kenapa orang Sabahan masih miskin walaupun kaya dengan sumber yang boleh mendatangkan pendapatan yang lumayan? Adakah kerajaan tidak memperkembangkannya? Adakah golongan yang mementingkan diri sendiri dan abaikan rakyat Sabah? Masing-masing ada jawapan sendiri.

  31. Sometimes i wonder how is it possible that Sabah is the poorest state in Malaysia..hmmmm.

  32. The government better improve Sabah before its too late.. Election is said to be held soon.
