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Thursday, August 4, 2011

'They' manipulated postal votes!

Ex-army man: I was ordered to vote for others

A former army personnel stepped forward today and told a PAS-organised press conference that he was involved in manipulating postal votes while in service under orders of a superior officer.

Nasir Mohamad, who identified himself only as having been “a clerk” at an army camp in Sandakan, Sabah, said the incident occurred during the general election of 1986.

“I, along with another clerk, was ordered to open the (postal) votes bag ... (We) were ordered by a higher officer to open the votes bag, and (we were) ordered to mark the ballots. There were about 900 ballot papers including those meant for the army (personnel) and their spouses.

“I was told to divide (the votes) into two, (the other batch was handled by) my friend, whose name is Ayub Mat. He took more than 400 (ballots), I took 400. I was asked to vote according to my inclination," he told the press conference held at a hotel in Ampang this morning.

Nasir's claims mirror an earlier incident that allegedly occurred in October 2009, in which one Abu Kassim then-ranked 'Sargent' admitted to having voted for other army personnel in two general elections.

Adapted from Jimadie Shah Othman


  1. Harap ini tidak akan berlaku lagi dalam Pru-13.

  2. kena pastikan undi pos tidak dimanipulasikan.

  3. sejauh mana kebenaran pekara ini?.,

  4. harap pekara ini akan diteliti dan pastikan pengundian tidak dimanipulasi.

  5. Statement only will not change anything. Prove it with evidence.

  6. SPR has to improve their voting system. Don't keep in denial.

  7. demi untuk kuasa dan kedudukan mereka sanggup memanipulasi apa2 sistem yang ada.

  8. mereka ini hanya akur dengan apa yang telah diarahkan oleh pihak atasan mereka..harap kejadian sedemikian tidak akan berlaku lagi.

  9. tidak hairanlah kaedah undi pos ini senang dimanipulasikan oleh pihak tertentu

  10. UMNO benci BERSIH, jika BERSIH, umno tidak akan menang. UMNO suka main KOTOR! Allahku tahu kerja2 dosa UMNO.

    Kepada semua kaki pengampu UMNO. Jangan kamu memperbodohkan Allah lagi.

  11. bukankah undi pos dibuat di hadapan wakil calon yang bertanding??
