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Monday, August 22, 2011

Most MPs oppose lists of e-kasih recipients

by Adrian Nandu

Labuan: Most members of parliament (MPs) in the country are opposing the lists of e-kasih recipients due to their doubtful backgrounds, said Labuan member of parliament Datuk Yussof Mahal, yesterday.

Speaking before handing over donation to 42 women at the Labuan Women Development Office, Yussof said the most suitable persons to identify those in need in the villages were the village chiefs.

"Some of the names provided by e-kasih were doubtful. Even those who hold IMM18 documents were listed in the e-kasih name list and this matter can anger the locals, especially those in dire need. This matter is denying their rights as the country's citizen." he said.

Yussof said the Barisan National (BN) had never neglected all parties in its development agenda and those who were neglected must be identified for assistance.

"This month we are targeting to help around 1000 people in need here and would involve several institutions such as Baitulmal, Labuan parliamentary, Labuan Corporation and UMNO." he said.

The women who received Aidilfitri hampers and household goods from Yussof were single mothers, the disabled, orphans and those from the lower income group.

Among those present were Labuan Women Development Office director Mohamad Bukhari Che Man, corporate leaders and several women leaders.


  1. Hope that those e-kasih recipients are those who truly needed help.

  2. Make sure that more hardcore poor and disadvantaged people will get help and not those who does not deserves it.

  3. Ya. i agree that the village chief is the person to handle the name list.

  4. There must be a team to monitor the name list to make sure that there's no problem in the future.

  5. penerima e-kasih memang ada yang diragui. kadang2 ada juga yang menipu semata2 untuk mendapat bantuan tersebut.

  6. yang penting pastikan mereka yang benar-benar layak mendapat bantuan e-kasih.

  7. jadi perlu siasat dahulu latar belakang penerima. ketua kampung sila beri kerjasama untuk kenalpasti penduduk yang memohon benar2 layak sebelum borang permohonan dihantar.

  8. kena pastikan adakah penerima E-kasih benar2 layak untuk mendapt bantuan.

  9. Ketua Kampung memainkan peranan penting dalam memastikan bahawa si penerima bantuan itu benar2 layak menerimanya.

  10. Mereka yang memohon untuk menerima bantuan pun perlu mengisi latar belakang mereka dengan tepat.

  11. macam mana murnipun program itu, kalau pelaksanaannya tidak betul dan meragukan, bukan sahaja tidak berhasil malah memburukkan lagi keadaan.. cuba la pihak yang terlibat melaksanakan tanggungjawab ini dengan jujur, teliti dan bersungguh2..
