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Monday, August 22, 2011

Rubber tappers victims of inefficiency of board

KOTA KINABALU: Despite a recent revamp in the in the management of the Sabah Rubber Industries Board (SRIB), it still failed to safeguard the interest of rubber tappers in Sabah, with the latter continue to face financial hardship.

Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Information Chief, Chong Pit Fah said SAPP had received numerous complaints from the smallholders that the SRIB now was only buying their rubber based on the cash in its pocket.

Once SRIB run out of cash, it would turn down the rubber tappers' produce resulting in them turning to the middlemen who are buying at a much lower price.

"Under the new management SRIB no longer owe the rubber tappers like before but now it is buying the amount of rubber according to the cash on hand. The rubber tappers would not be able to sell their produce once SRIB have no more cash in hand.

"So these rubber small holders from the kampung have nowhere and still have to go to the middlemen to sell at a much lower price. They are forced to do so because they have to make ends meet," he explained.

In a statement issued here today, Chong thus said rubber tappers in Sabah continued to be victims of inefficient management of the SRIB.

Under the previous management, SRIB had to owe rubber tappers and payment was delayed for months leaving the kampung folks in a quandary.

In fact, Chong said rubber smallholders in Sabah were facing a double whammy, since even if they do get the SRIB to buy their produce but it would still be at a lower price as compared to Semenanjung and Sarawak.

"There is something wrong with the present management (of SRIB) and handling of the commodity in Sabah, and it's affecting a great deal of the rural community who depends on it to make their living," he said.

He thus said the stark difference in prices between the three areas in the country showed that the 1Malaysia slogan of the Barisan Nasional (BN) was a mere rhetoric.

"How come in one country there are three different sets of prices for the same commodity?" he asked.

At the end of the day, the people in Sabah remained on the losing end since raw materials from the state were being purchased at a very low price but they have to buy finished products such as tyres for the vehicles, at a much higher price than other states in the country.

Chong reminded that rubber used to be Malaysia's top commodity and revenue earner, which not only responsible for developing the country's economy but also put Malaysia on the world stage when comes to rubber trade, research and cultivation.

"But why now the rubber industry is not being properly taken care of by the State Government? The interest and rights of the people especially the smallholders are not being safeguarded and look after," he charged.

He thus said SAPP wants the State government to seriously review the SRIB terms of reference, which is to assist the people involved in the rubber industry.

"Looking at the present situation, SRIB is actually doing the opposite leaving the rubber tappers continue to face hardship despite their involvement with one of the most lucrative commodities," he said.


  1. Musang bin tidak aman makan semua duit kerajaan. Mana ada lagi duit dari kerajaan mahu bayar pekebun getah?

    Tukahlah kerajaan UMNO yang palui!

  2. Hal ini harus diperjelaskan. Kalau tak nak bagi penjelasan pun taka tapi buatlah apa yang patut.

  3. Soal tukar kerajaan pula terpulanglah pada rakyat untuk membuat keputusan.

  4. Kita nantikan saja apa yang akan berlaku next GE nanti.

  5. Kesian. Harap hal ini dapat perhatian daripada pihak yang ada autoriti utk menyelesaikannya.

  6. hal sedemikian tidak sepatutnya terjadi..semoga kerajaan lebih prihatin terhadap kesusahan yang dihadapi oleh rakyat Sabah.

  7. "Looking at the present situation, SRIB is actually doing the opposite leaving the rubber tappers continue to face hardship despite their involvement with one of the most lucrative commodities," he said.

    memang menyedihkan jika kerajaan membiarkan keadaan sedemikian berlarutan..

  8. In fact, Chong said rubber smallholders in Sabah were facing a double whammy, since even if they do get the SRIB to buy their produce but it would still be at a lower price as compared to Semenanjung and Sarawak.

    "There is something wrong with the present management (of SRIB) and handling of the commodity in Sabah, and it's affecting a great deal of the rural community who depends on it to make their living," he said.

    kerajaan negeri harus masuk campur dan tangani masalah di atas, tidak patut ada 'double standard'

  9. "..rubber tappers in Sabah continued to be victims of inefficient management of the SRIB."

    harap ada siasatan ke atas SRIB jika ada penindasan/penyelewengan berlaku

  10. tidak hairan keadaan seperti ini menjadikan rakyat negeri Sabah semakin miskin.

  11. harap kerajaan dapat memberikan penyelesaian terbaik kepada masalah yang dihadapi oleh para penoreh getah.

  12. apa pun masalah yang berlaku, harap penyelesaian terbaik akan dapat dilakukan.

  13. masalah ini harus diselesaikan, jgn biarkan para penoreh getah dalam kesusahan.

  14. Mereka patut memastikan bahawa harga getah Sabah adalah setaraf dengan harga pembekal getah dari semenanjung.

  15. SRIB patut merombak jabatan mereka dan memantau sistem mereka.

  16. once you received the complaints from smallholders, you should ask SRIB to give an explanation and solution instead of using this complaints for your political interest..

  17. harga getah meningkat, tapi taraf hidup para penoreh getah tak meningkat.

  18. Rasanya mungkin lembaga perlu mencari jalan untuk menangani masalah sebegini. Jangan biarkan para pekebun getah jadi mangsa keadaan demi keuntungan lembaga itu sendiri.

  19. "SRIB now was only buying their rubber based on the cash in its pocket."

    Ini memang satu keadaan yang memang merugikan semua penoreh getah. Harga SRIB yang control dan bukannya ikut harga pasaran. Siapa yang rugi? Faham je lar.

  20. "rubber tappers in Sabah continued to be victims of inefficient management of the SRIB."

    Apa yang berlaku dengan SRIB? Masalah kewangan SRIB tidak seharusnya membeban dan merisikokan para penoreh getah.

  21. SRIB seharus menyelesaikan masalah internal mereka sendiri dan bukannya control harga getah mengikut harga yang ditetapkan oleh SRIB berdasarkan financial status mereka sendiri. Kerajaan seharus memberi perhatian sebab ini akan merugikan banyak pihak dan keluarga.

  22. Kalau mengalami masalah kewangan, biar lar pihak yang lebih berkemampuan mengambil alih supaya SRIb boleh terus berfungsi dengan effisen dan semua penoreh getah tidah terdesak dengan harga getah yang merugikannya.

  23. Rugi.. rugi... rugi... Kerajaan seharus mengambil tindakan wajar untuk selesaikan masalah sebab pendapatan rakyat mengalami masalah. Kaji kaedah supaya tidak merugikan rakyat yang sering mengalami masalah pendapatan.

  24. Betul kata Josh.. masalah kewangan SRIB tidak seharusnya mengorbankan pendapatan pekebun untuk menyelesaikan masalah syarikat sendiri.

  25. SRIB should resolve their own management and financial problem but not to put the burden to the farmer. They need to survive also. When SRIB earn a lot of money, any benefit to the farmer by offer them higher price?

  26. Let other well-established company to take over SRIB if they have serious financial difficulties. Win-win-situation.. SRIB solve their problems, the farmer get the right price.

  27. "But why now the rubber industry is not being properly taken care of by the State Government? The interest and rights of the people especially the smallholders are not being safeguarded and look after,"

    Im sure the state government will improve their limitation and come with their strategic plan to take care the people welfare and interest.

  28. No standard pricing for Sabah rubber? Its all control by SRIB?
