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Monday, August 22, 2011

Not an acid attack: Cops

Kota Kinabalu: Police said Wednesday's "corrosive liquid" attack on a 22-year-old accountant at Taman Khidmat did not involve any acid.

However, City Police Chief ACP Ahmad Sofi Zakaria said the incident was a first in Sabah in many years, with the last known case being that of a substance thrown at a prominent lawyer in the late 1980s.

"Our initial investigation revealed that the perpetrator had used a mix of liquids that are not under the acidic group which caused the victim to sustain redness on her face," he said, Friday.

"Once we have the chemist's report on the type of mixed liquids used in the attack, we will inform you (media).

"We are still investigating the case under Section 326 for voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means."

To a question, he said the perpetrator had sprayed the liquid on the victim.

It was reported that the local woman had suffered serious injuries on her face after someone splashed the liquid on her at a parking lot in Taman Khidmat.

Fauzillah, a security guard in a supermarket in Taman Khidmat, said he saw a white MyVi being driven slowly around the area.

When the car neared the victim, he heard a scream and the car sped off.

A 45-year-old hawker immediately took a jar of water and splashed it on the victim's face several times to cool down the liquid and another shopowner rushed the victim to the Luyang Clinic before she was referred to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH).

"If any individual receives threatening messages about the use of acid or any type of liquid through SMS or any other means, he or she should immediately lodge a police report for our immediate action," Ahmad Sofi said.

Meanwhile, Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) urged the Government to come up with a ruling to make acid a controlled item.

Its Sec-Gen Datuk Richard Yong said the Government should consider controlling the item under the Poison Act in view of several acid attack cases in the country with the latest here on Wednesday.

"Several such cases have happened. The damage is irreparable as the victims will have to live with the scar for the rest of their lives," he said.


  1. Agree that acid should be considered a controlled item with immediate effect.

  2. Anyway, hope that this case will continue to be investigated to find out the culprit and the reason behind the attack.

  3. mujurlah cecair yang disimbah ke muka mangsa bukanlah asid.

  4. walaupun ia bukan asid, namun cecair itu cukup merbahaya. kita semua harus lebih berwaspada.

  5. diharap tiada kejadian seperti ini akan berlaku di masa akan datang. apa yang terjadi di Semenanjung sudah cukup mengerikan.

  6. harap kes ini akan dapat diselesaikan dan pesalah akan dapat diberkas.

  7. setiap orang perlulah mengamalkan sikap sentiasa berhati-hati demi keselamatan diri sendiri.

  8. Even though it was not acid attack but this incident is still considered dangerous and everyone has to be more extra careful from now on.

  9. Adakah simbah asid ini bermotifkan balas dendam?

  10. Harap siasatan tetap dilakukan sebab perkara ini berlaku. Apa motif sebenar simbahan cecair ini dilakukan?

  11. how to make acid a controlled item when the public always use it everyday?
