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Monday, August 22, 2011

Sabah BN rejects call for increased petroleum royalty

Queville To

KOTA KINABALU: A motion asking the Umno-led Barisan Nasional state government to demand increased payment of the petroleum royalty to Sabah has been rejected by the State Legislative Assembly Speaker, sparking accusations of cowardice from an opposition member.

Luyang state assemblywoman Melanie Chia took the state government to task for failing to protect the rights and interests of Sabah, now the poorest state in the country.

She said this was evident from the rejection of her motion requesting the state government to review the agreement on the petroleum royalty and demand it be increased to 20% from the current 5%.

“I feel disappointed and am not satisfied with the rejection based on the reasons given by the State Assembly speaker.

“The motion which I intended to bring to the state assembly was based on the pleas of the people of Sabah to ensure that their rights and interests are defended.

“The rejection of this motion also confirms that the BN government is not serious about the claim on the rights of the people of Sabah,” she said.

Speaking to reporters at a news conference held at her office here, Chia said she submitted the motion to the Speaker on Aug 12 for it to be tabled at the State Legislastive Assembly sitting on Aug 22 and 23.

However, on Aug 19, she received a reply in writing signed by the secretary of the state assembly informing her that the motion has been rejected by the Speaker with two reasons.

The first is that national oil company, Petronas, is currently investing billions of ringgit in development projects in Sabah, which give tremendous benefit to the people of Sabah either directly, or through their spin-off economic activities.

Natural resources

Among these projects are the Kimanis oil and gas depot, the gas power plant at the POIC in Lahad Datu, and the Ammonia and Urea Project in Sipitang.

The second reason is that the agreement on the oil royalty is in accordance with the Petroleum Development Act 1974, which is under the jurisdiction of the federal government.

Chia contended that the motion calling for the review on the petroleum royalty rate from 5% to 20% has no connection with the proposed projects and developments to be implemented by Petronas, or its agents.

“The projects and developments to be undertaken and implemented by Petronas and its agents are investments by the corporation and is not the same as petroleum royalty, which is a state’s revenue.

“The profit (from Petronas investment) goes to the corporation, but oil royalty paid by Petronas is money to the state government, which can be used for direct social economic project to benefit the people,” she said.

Chia, who is also Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) women’s wing chief, reminded that Sabah is still one of the poorest states in Malaysia and it is therefore fitting that Sabah should benefit further from the natural resources that it is endowed with.

“Its revenue and economic status can be strengthened in the long run for the benefit of the state and its people.

“Natural resources like oil and gas, once exploited, is gone forever. If the exploitation continues, by the next generation, the money is probably no longer there, nor will be the oil and gas. By right, there should be a heritage fund arising from these natural resources,” she said.

On the claim that the change of rate of petroleum royalty is under the power of the federal government, Chia contended that such a notion is not accurate as the petroleum royalty agreement is between the state government and Petronas and does not require any amendment to the Petroleum Development Act 1974.

Changing circumstances

“Legally speaking, it is possible that the agreement be reviewed by negotiation of the parties concerned, that is, via negotiation among the state government, federal government and Petronas.

“This agreement has been in existence for the last 35 years and it is not an unreasonable act to request for a review in view of the current situation and changing circumstances,” she said.

Chia also expressed regret over the fact that such an important agreement that gave away the state’s valuable natural resources in return for a meagre 5% royalty payment was never tabled in the state assembly, which is the highest policy-making body in Sabah.

She showed reporters the Hansards of that particular year to prove that there was a state assembly meeting conducted on the same day the said agreement was signed.

“This is the Hansard of the state assembly meeting on June 14 and nothing was mentioned about the agreement that was signed on that particular day.”

The controversial agreement was signed within days of the infamous “Double Six” air crash incident, which claimed the lives of many Sabah leaders at that time, including former chief minister Fuad Stephens.

Chia said what transpired at that time reminded her of the surrender of the two oilfields found off Sabah dubbed as “Block L and M” by the Brunei government, two years ago.

“We only knew about it (the loss) by accident. There was no information to the people of Sabah that the state government had given away the two oilfields,” she said.

“It is only right that I bring this up in the state assembly to ask the government for a review of the agreement. I feel that we are in the position to ask for more oil royalty because it is an agreement signed with Pertronas.

Why can’t the state government do it in the interest of the people?

“The rejection is merely evading an important issue and that is to review the agreement to change the petroleum royalty of 5%, which was signed on June 14, 1976.”

Chia said it was a common knowledge that the people of Sabah have been shortchanged all these years despite being an equal partner with the Federation of Malaya and Sarawak and Singapore (which was later expelled) in the formation of Malaysia.

She wants state leaders to say why they are hesitant to act in the best interest of the state and its people, despite Sabah being dubbed as the “fixed deposit” that had been propping up and maintaining the Barisan Nasional (BN) federal government.

She said SAPP would continue to pursue the matter until a fairer deal is secured for the state and its people, adding that this was only appropriate given that they are the rightful owners of the natural resources found in the state.

Also present at the press conference were SAPP information chief Chong Pit Fah, supreme council member Chia Miu Lee, and vice-Youth chief Simon Chin.


  1. party malaya UMNO musang bin tidak aman only interested to fill his pocket instead of to fight for what we Sabah people deserved.

  2. Hope that Sabah BN will make an explanation about the reason they rejected the increased petroleum royalty.

  3. I'm really interested to know why they rejected it.

  4. sepatutnya mereka menyokong kenaikan kadar royalti minyak. mungkin dengan kenaikan ini Sabah akan dapat keluar dari belenggu kemiskinan.

  5. harap Sabahan bertindak bijak dalam PRU-13 nanti.

  6. The rejection by the state assembly based on the stipulated reasons defy logics.

    If Petronas comes to Sabah and drills oil it is only right that Sabah be given more commissions.They cannot make huge profits out of us and gives us so little.

    For example if I enter your land with your permission to do business and makes $1m every year,should it be proper that I only give you $50k? That means for 10 years I do by business in your land I make $10m and you'll only received $500k.Is that a good deal or a raw deal? Who's laughing to the bank?

    This is the problem if leaders are not able to stand up for what is right.It is always positions and money that count.This is what happens if the people are still blind to the trickery of their leaders and because of their money will always be able to blind them whenever they want to.

    That is why Sabahans are being called the stupid citizens of Malaysia.

  7. Sabahans are too dependent on the malaya leaders especially those Sabah DAP idiots! STOP being FOOLED by those malaya leaders and redeem on your pride and dignity. If not those malayan will never ever respect you.

  8. sabah sepatutnya mendapat hak2 mereka, royalti minyak untuk sabah harus dinaikkan.

  9. BN government is serious about the rights of the people of Sabah.

  10. detail explanation is needed from the State Legislative Assembly Speaker...
    otherwise, this issue will be politicizing by the opposition during the GE13..

  11. the decision has been made...

  12. so disappointed with the rejection.

  13. “This agreement has been in existence for the last 35 years and it is not an unreasonable act to request for a review in view of the current situation and changing circumstances,” she said.

    yes, it's been too long..there should be a review done by now

  14. BN Sabah perlu membuat penjelasan terbuka kepada rakyat Sabah

  15. kerajaan BN sepatutnya melindungi hak-hak dan kepentingan rakyat Sabah

  16. Tahniah UMNO.Memang betul lah 'kerbau cucuk hidung.'

    Tidak payah memerintah lagi lah.Bagus bersara saja dan main golf hari-hari.Sampai cucu-cicit pun wang tidak habis.

  17. an increased of the petroleum royalty, which is a state’s revenue, can be used for direct social economic project to benefit the people of Sabah

  18. yes, why can’t the state government do it in the interest of the people?

  19. Aku TAK NAK parti malaya UMNO, hanya untuk sampah sarap! Piarah Pendatang haram dari indonesia, pakistan dan pilipin. Bikin semak saja di Sabah.

  20. Mustahil juga untuk kita mengubah apa yang suda dijanjikan. Harapan kita agar Petronas memberi peluang pekerjaan lebih banyak kepada Sabahan.

  21. Tapi mungkin jika ada usaha berterusan tidak mustahil untuk perubahan itu berlaku. Apapun @ siapapun yang menyuarakan hal ini semoga berjaya.

  22. Itulah kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin lama, yang merana genarasi masa hadapan. Pastikan kesilapan itu tidak berulang.

  23. Memang sukar nak ubah jika hal tu dah termaktub dalam perjanjian tapi tak salah jika usaha utk membuat perubahan dilakukan:) Manalah tahu berhasil.

  24. Cuma dalam hal ini, kesatuan harus ada dan semua pihak harus bekerjasama. Barulah peluang lebih terbuka:)

  25. Sekarang ini, kita cuma mampu berharap agar Petronas beri lebih banyak peluang kepada Sabahan. Saya yakin Sabahan mampu lakukan yang terbaik jika peluang ada.

  26. Appaun alasan motion itu ditolak, saya yakin ramai yang kecewa termasuk saya. huhu

  27. Harap ada alternatif lain utk bantu rakyat Sabah dalam isu royalti ni.

  28. Secara jujurlah katakan: Kita diSabah ada Melayu kah? Setahu saya Bumiputera Islam adalah daripada suku Berunai,Bajau,Bisaya,Irranun,Tausug,Kadayan,Kakayan,Tidung,Sungai dan Dusun mualaf.Yang lain pakai nama Melayu adalah yang dapat IC Projek.Jadi bila parti melayu wujud,pasti top gunnya daripada yang bukan Penduduk Asal Sabah. Jadilah UMNO.

    Siapa bodoh? Saya dan kamu sebab jadi ADUN UMNO,ahli UMNO.

  29. sebaiknya jika penjelasan diberikan berhubung dengan pekara ini.

  30. Pemberian royalti ini perlulah dikaji semula kerana dengan pemberian yang lebih boleh membantu untuk membangunkan negeri Sabah ini. Harap kerajaan persekutuan dan negeri akan membincangkan hal ini.

  31. Hak Sabah perlulah diberikan perhatian. Jangan biarkan terlepas begitu saja. Royalti minyak perlu untuk Sabah ini hak mereka.

  32. whether govt are not serious to increase the royalty or you actually unable to understand the complexity to amend to the Petroleum act..

  33. sabah sepatutnya mendapat royalti minyak yang lebih. sabah mempuyai hak kerana sabah antara pengeluar utama minyak negara.

  34. Im sure the BN will do the best to adjust the loyalties to fulfill all Sabahan. We just wait for their good announcement.

  35. Harap kepentingan dan hak milik orang Sabahan dipertahankan. Loyalties memang harus dibuat kajian dan dipertingkatkan lagi semata-mata untuk perkembangan ekonomi dan status Sabahan.

  36. Hope the state government can strike the best for the local people.. Its a right time to make adjustment as petrol and gas consider the bigger resource for all Sabahan..

  37. Napa asyik kena reject je?

  38. I think the state government has made a clear explanation on this.

  39. Sabah memang berhak mendapat lebih baik royalti.

  40. Illegals issue should be addressed well 1st.
