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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

RM675M ICSB reinvestment queried

Luyang: Assemblywoman Melanie Chia questioned why the State Government reinvested a huge sum of money back into Innoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd.

Debating the First Supplymentary Supply (2011) Enactment 2011, she brought the House's attention to the Government using RM675 million for equity investment in Innoprise Corporation.

The amount, she said is actually dividend that the Government received and reinvested back into the government-linked company.

"So, I am asking what is the need for the State Government to reinvest such huge amount in Innoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd?"

She said the additional expenses in the supplementary supply enactment are also very high. The amount is close to half the expenses for this year and that the figure is quite phenomenal.

The additional expenses came from the consolidated fund and according to the 2011 Expenses, the estimate balance from the Consolidate Revenue as of Dec 31 this year was RM2 billion.

"I would also like to ask, how much would be left in the Consolidated Fund after the additional expenses has been presented today, not forgetting the RM544 bond that has been taken into account in the Estimated Revenue for last year" She questioned.

On other developments, Chia hoped a portion of the assitional allocation of RM59.25 million under the Draignage and Irrigation Department (DID) would be utilised to address flood and slope issues in her constituency.

A total of RM3 from the RM59.25 million would be used for rehabilitation of the drainage by floodswhile RM8.955 million for maintenance of the main draignage system.

Luyang, according to Chia, also experiences frequent floods especially in housing estates including main roads and roads in housing areas during heavy rain.

"The floods occurred because the drains and culverts are not maintained resulting in these being be blocked," she said.

Meanwhile, Chia also asked why the new railway track from Beaufort to Tenom have not been completed yet?

She said the project has been delayed for more than 3 years already.

"Who is contractor and has penalties been taken against them? Ans what is the State Government's next course of action towards this delay and when can we expect it to be fully completed?" she asked.

Written by Bernard Yaang


  1. Sabah UMNO government is BANKRUPT!

  2. Innoprise accounts are not scrutinised in the assembly so put all the money there lah.After all the CM is the Chairman of Innoprise.

    Can invest here and there who knows?At the end of the day just say company makes a loss lah and pump-in money again.

  3. Mungkin kerajaan boleh membuat penjelasan mengenai keputusan mereka untuk melabur semula di Innoprise.

  4. Isu penangguhan lantasan kereta api Beaufort-Tenom perlulah diselesaikan secepat mungkin.

  5. Should get the reply by today...just wait for the explanation la, but you are free to make any assumption...

  6. Then the responsible man should come forward and explain!

  7. We need to know the truth as the people also questioning the same.

  8. I can't hardly wait to know...

  9. harap ada penjelasan dari pihak kerajaan secepat mungkin sebab rakyat Sabah pun ingin tahu

  10. "So, I am asking what is the need for the State Government to reinvest such huge amount in Innoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd?" - jadi apa jawapan dari pihak kerajaan negeri?

  11. harap penjelasan bagi hal ini akan diberikan.

  12. I think the government should explain to avoid misunderstanding from rakyat.

  13. tunggu sajalah penjelasan dibuat berhubung pekara ini.

  14. Siapa ini pembangkang minta penjelasan? UMNO berhak untuk tidak menjawab kerana UMNO adalah kerajaan.

  15. tetapi kerajaan berhak memberi penjelasan kepada rakyat. wajarkah kerajaan berdiam diri sahaja?

  16. Bagus beri penjelasan awal2, nanti lagi banyak spekulasi timbul. PRU 13 mahu dekat sudah..

  17. hal ini mmg harus diperjelaskan sebelum ia menjadi makin besar.

  18. kalau ada yang tidak kena dengan jumlah pelaburan itu, mesti akan terdedah juga nanti..

  19. Kerajaan pasti merancang sesuatu dengan teliti. Setiap orang ada kelemahan maka kita harap kelemahan yang kerajaan ada dapat diperbetulkan sebolehnya.

  20. apa2 perbelanjaan yang dikeluarkan oleh kerajaan dan rancangan2 pembangunan yang dibuat, rakyat berhak untuk mengetahuinya.

  21. "So, I am asking what is the need for the State Government to reinvest such huge amount in Innoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd?"

    May be it is a good idea for the state government to give the explanation before the people start to judge negatively about the government.

  22. "The floods occurred because the drains and culverts are not maintained resulting in these being be blocked," she said.

    Hoping the government can improve the drainage system that causes floods.. Floods are really damaging..

  23. "Chia also asked why the new railway track from Beaufort to Tenom have not been completed yet?
    She said the project has been delayed for more than 3 years already."

    Wow, very long delay.. what causes such delay? Any bad consequences for such delay? Who should responsible?

  24. Semua urusan berkaitan dengan duit seharusnya diuruskan dengan berhati-hati dan jelas.. Semua document diperlukan. lagi-lagi ini berjumlah billion-billion..

  25. Can't do much but just wait for the explanation..

  26. there's never gonna be an answer.

  27. Surprise that project (railway track from Beaufort ~ Tenom) delayed but no further action or improvement from the government? Developer should responsible for such delay and penalties should be charged.

  28. Agreed to Khoo.. why there is no action taken about the delay in project that already pending for 3 years?

  29. "So, I am asking what is the need for the State Government to reinvest such huge amount in Innoprise Corporation Sdn Bhd?"

    Government should be able to explain about their plan about such investment so that people will not misjudge about their intention.

  30. Lets wait for government explanation about the investment! Whether or not the explanation is acceptable still the question mark..

  31. "Who is contractor and has penalties been taken against them? Ans what is the State Government's next course of action towards this delay and when can we expect it to be fully completed?" she asked.

    hairan juga kenapa tiada tindakan atau cara penyelesaian terhadap kelewatan projek tersebut. Seharusnya projek ditamatkan dalam tempoh.. Harap masalah diselesaikan secepat mungkin..

  32. "The floods occurred because the drains and culverts are not maintained resulting in these being be blocked," she said.

    Address the problem not and resolve it soon.

  33. Na jawab cepat sebelum fikiran rakyat dipenuhi dengan andaian yang bukan2. hehe

  34. Walaupun saya yakin kerajaan pasti ada sebab untuk melaburkan wang itu, tapi kalau banyak projek pending susah juga. Nanti apa pula kata rakyat. huhu

  35. Sebaiknya hal ini diperjelas bagi menjawab segala persoalan yang bermain difikiran.

  36. Sementara itu, rakyat juga harus menilai hal ini sebaik mungkin sebelum membuat kesimpulan.

  37. Apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah perkembangan isu ni nanti.

  38. harap rakyat diberi penjelasan secepat mungkin

  39. semoga kerajaan dapat menyiapkan projek2 yang tertangguh sebelum PRU-13.

  40. Lets deal with real deal now.

  41. Tidak hairan jika rakyat ingin tahu hala tuju duit itu.

  42. CM has given an explanation about this.

  43. Banyak lagi pembangunan yang lebih penting tu.
