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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Why Sabah rubber fetches lower?

Larry Ralon

Kota Kinabalu: The difference in rubber prices between Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia is caused by the additional transportation, processing and purchase service costs.

Deputy Chief Minister cum Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Datuk Yahya Hussin said the rubber price at farm gates offered by the Sabah Rubber Industry Board (LIGS) to smallholders in Sabah is lower than in the peninsula because the costs are much higher in the State.

"These are caused by additional transportation (logistics) cost, much higher rubber processing cost and much higher direct rubber purchase service cost," he said, in response to Bingkor Assemblyman Datuk Justin Guka.

He said the State logistics condition has caused LIGS to sell processed rubber (Standard Malaysian Rubber) to the buyers in Port Klang or Singapore at an additional cost of 36 cent per kg.

This is due to the absence of international shipping companies doing direct shipment service from Kota Kinabalu port to overseas, he explained.

He said there are no such additional costs affecting those rubber sellers in the peninsular, while for Sarawak the additional transportation cost is much lower from Sabah because of the closer distance factor.

"Because of this they can afford to pay much higher to the rubber smallholders in the peninsula and Sarawak," he said.

In terms of processing cost, he said in Sabah it is much higher by 10 cent per kg or RM100 per metric tonne, compared to the peninsula.

This is because nearly all the replacement tools, chemicals, packaging materials and so on need to be imported from the peninsula at higher prices and LIGS cannot enjoy the offpeak tariff as offered in peninsula. Thus, the frequent power outages caused it to suffer losses apart from production time.

Apart from that, he said the diesel fuel price for industries in Sabah is 7 cent higher per litre than in the peninsula.

On the rubber purchase service cost, Yahya said raw rubber produced by smallholders in Sabah is more moist, citing that the dry rubber content (KGK) for non smoked rubber sheet in the State is about 68-70pc compared to Sarawak where it is 85-90pc.

He said in order to ensure the rubber price rate in Sabah, the Federal Government will need to give price subsidy to bear with the additional cost that needs to be shouldered by the smallholders in the state.

On the move taken by Government to pay cash to the smallholders, he said the State Government has approved a RM60million loan to LIGS for this purpose.

"With this RM600million loan, LIGS will buy direct in cash from smallholders," he said.


  1. Why must send to port klang? or singapore? why not Sabah sell direct to buyer oversea...Malayan Gov. all bullshit

  2. The cabotage policy must go...enough said.

  3. Sabah dan Semenanjung sama-sama mengeluarkan getah. Kenapa getah Sabah lebih murah berbanding semenanjung?

  4. Setuju dengan Ongkol, polisi Cabotage tersebut wajar dimansuhkan. Selain itu, saya rasa adalah lebih baik jika Sabah sendiri memproses getah sendiri tanpa perlu menghantarkan getah ke semenanjung untuk diproses.

  5. If we want to fight we can but itulah orang Sabah, Takut!

  6. But if we want to fight make sure with facts....

  7. We are not going to against the Government but if anything is not right we need to voicing it out! Agree???

  8. harga getah di Sabah lebih murah berbanding di semenanjung. sepatutnya harga getah di Sabah dan semenanjung diseragamkan.

  9. Kos di Sabah pun mahal2 tapi harga getah murah2. Macam la mahu cover tu.

  10. Harap2 kerajaan tolong2 la para pekebun kecil ni.

  11. pelbagai faktor yang menyebabkan pekara ini. harap jalan terbaik akan dapat dicari agar harga getah dapat diseragamkan dengan harga di SM.

  12. di Sabah banyak sangat perkara yang tidak seragam dengan Semenanjung. saya pasti rakyat Sabah sedar akan perkara ini.

  13. harap kerajaan dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi oleh pekebun kecil ini.

  14. The difference in rubber prices between Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia is caused by the additional transportation, processing and purchase service costs.

    tidakkah kerajaan boleh memberi bantuan jenis subsidi kepada mereka yang terlibat dalam urusan getah ini?

  15. Cabbotage policy is the mother of all evil apparently used to sabotage the economic development in Sabah and Sarawak. It makes the economy of the two state slow, expensive and uncompetitive. The reason to why this policy is not abolished is simply due to majority of the shippers either belong to UMNO or MCA cronies. Sabahan must vote out BN/UMNO in the next coming election.

  16. harap bantuan dpt diberikan kepada para penoreh getah di Sabah.

  17. sudah lama isu cabotage policy ini tidak disentuh oleh pemimpin2 pembangkang. sekali sekala isu ini perlu dihangatkan kerana sudah sekian lama dasar ini menyusahakan rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak..

  18. Harga perlulah dikaji semula. Kenapa boleh penoreh di Sabah mendapat harga yang rendah berbanding dengan harga semenanjung. Mungkin penoreh di Sabah tidak begitu berpuas hati dengan perbezaan harga ini dengan kos yang lebih.

  19. yahya husen sudah pun mengaku kerajaan umno yang tiada guna untuk memajukan kemudahan asas macam jalan raya, lektrik yang berputus-putus dan kabotaj polisi.

    Lebih baik kita sokong SAPP dan percaya sama parti pembangkang tempatan kita daripada harap pemimpin dari seberang sejak dari parti malaya umno di sabah selama 16 tahun!

  20. Why is the cabotage policy still here, it shouldn't be applied anymore.

  21. Its unfair for sabah. I hope the government would come up of a way to solve this problem.

  22. Cabotage policy is for the malaya people continue to rob Sabah people money @ we pay MORE!

    I wonder why some Sabah people still vote for party from malaya be it PR or UMNO?

    I would rather vote SAPP this time.

  23. dasar kabotaj ini memang memberi kesan harga getah yang tidak seimbang antara Sabah dan Semenanjung, harap pemansuhan dapat dipertimbangkan.

  24. ramai menggesa Kerajaan Persekutuan untuk menghapuskan sistem Kabotaj yang tidak membawa apa-apa faedah kepada rakyat di Sabah ini

  25. semoga kerajaan dapat mencari penyelesaian yang berkesan untuk membantu mengatasi masalah dilemma para penoreh getah di Sabah.

  26. semoga pemansuhan 'Cabotage Policy' dapat pertimbangan dan persetujuan dari kerajaan

  27. May be is good idea to standardised the market price too..

  28. The difference in rubber prices between Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia is caused by the additional transportation, processing and purchase service costs.

    Government should help by offer "subsidy" to help the people.

  29. "Thus, the frequent power outages caused it to suffer losses apart from production time."

    The government should pay high attention to Sabah infra system especially electricity supply etc.. These directly causes huge losses to the manufacturer..

  30. "On the move taken by Government to pay cash to the smallholders, he said the State Government has approved a RM60million loan to LIGS for this purpose."

    Sound great.. at least the government pay attention and give helping hand..

  31. Im sure our government will study about the subsidy proposal.. Just wait for their good news.

  32. hope there's a solution to this soon...

  33. Betul juga kata Vinox.. Kerajaan memang dah dengar permintaan peruntukan subsidy untuk orang Sabahan. Kami menanti berita baik dari kerajaan.

  34. Kami memang mengharapkan harga pasaran getah boleh diselaraskan.. Kos pemprosesan di Sabah memang tinggi jika dibandingkan terutama dalam keadaan infra yang tidak lengkap.

  35. Hairan juga kenapa harga getah tidak standard berbanding dengan semenanjung? Kaji sama ada harga patut standard kan di seluruh negara?

  36. SESB seharus menaik taraf bekalan electrik yang serba kekurangan dan akan mengakibatkan kerugian kepada syarikat dan kilang-kilang pemprosesan.

  37. May be its a right time for the government to study and implement such subsidy to Sabahan.. We urge for it as the processing cost and delivery are much higher than peninsular.

  38. Logik juga lah penjelasan si YH. hmm, alangkah bagusnya kalau Sabah boleh proses getah sendiri.

  39. Kalau hal ini berterusan, kesian jugalah penoreh getah di Sabah. Jadi kerajaan haruslah lakukan sesuatu untuk bantu mereka.

  40. Kalau harga getah dapat diselaraskan rasanya banyak pihak juga yang happy. Tapi kalau tak dapat mungkin boleh bagi bantuan subsidi:)

  41. Saya rasa subsidi tu dalam perancangtan juga jadi kita tunnggu sajalah khabar gembira tentang hal ni.

  42. Apapun, selamat Hari Raya:) hehe
