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Friday, August 19, 2011

Sabah-based BN components should call Umno’s bluff and join UBF

What is happening to the BN in Sabah? If one were to make a simple observation, it would be obvious that all is not well, and it has been so for a long time now.

While Umno is having its own internal strife, it is also embroiled in clashes with the other component parties which Umno treats with contempt. We can go back to 2008 when the then president of LDP resigned his post as Deputy Chief Minister suddenly without stating any reason, and causing a lot of speculation. Since then Umno leaders had antagonized LDP at various levels, including demanding for seats currently held by LDP. Then it demanded seats held by Upko, causing an Upko leader to retort sarcastically, “Go ahead and take it!”

PBRS had clashed with Umno as well with regard to its right to continue to hold on to the Pensiangan seat, causing the PBRS President to warn that PBRS would have to review its position in the BN if Umno takes the seat currently held by him. And then an Umno leader replied arrogantly that PBRS’s departure will make no difference to BN’s position in Sabah. PBRS was simply shown the door and thus ended the argument. PBS had its own way in showing its fangs by giving an ultimatum with regards to the solution of the problem of the illegal immigrants by a certain year. But it was more of a shadow play trying to show the KDM voters that PBS was still relevant rather than an honest effort at solving the problem. What happened to that ultimatum now? Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan has been accused of having betrayed his own people by SBS, a local group, for not defending the opponents of the construction of the Koiduan dam.

Most memorably was Datuk Salleh’s remark to a BN component that “Without us (Umno) you are nothing, and without you we (Umno) are still who we are,” which implied that “You can go ahead and leave, and it will not affect Umno in any way.” But of late LDP’s President had taken on a daring front and made a statement to say that the seats they now hold are “non-negotiable.” In the same day the Secretary General of LDP said his party “is not opposing the BN despite being seen as the opposition party in BN.” But he called for a stop to the “rot” in race relations in Malaysia, referring to various negative developments such as the promotion of the idea of 1Bumiputera, the antagonistic media attacks on Christians, the lukewarm action by the KDN against Utusan Malaysia despite the paper’s action in instigating interracial and interreligious conflicts, the finding of Merdeka Centre that Malaysians now have less confidence in ethnic relations in Malaysia (now 66% compared to 85% in 2006).

In the same day as well, the LDP Deputy President, Datuk Chin Su Phin vowed that LDP will continue to voice out the people’s needs, pledging that LDP is willing to sacrifice to fight for the people. Note that before Chin had urged for the completion of the investigation of the money laundering case in Hong Kong involving the Chief Minister. lso on the same day LDP Luyang Division Chairman, Datuk Lee Chuen Wan, said BN must walk the talk to gain the people’s confidence, and that BN also has to change its policy in order to stand a good chance of winning the general elections. “If we cannot convince the people, we will have a big problem (in the next general election),” he said very pointedly. In the same day also, the Sandakan LDP made a joint statement urging the government to handle the inflationary problem of the nation’s economy, saying that “The general Malaysians are the biggest group that has been seriously hit by the hike of commodities prices. The spending power of the people has dropped tremendously since the past two years. Life has become more and more difficult.”

All these statements came at the same day that the Chief Minister said the state Barisan Nasional, “especially Umno Sabah,” is ready for the 13th general election, while the LDP President urged his leaders to prepare for the general elections, but with a warning that “The battlefield has now changed and the mindset of the people is also changing.”

The overall tone form LDP is that it is not confident that the current trends in BN Sabah is conducive enough for a victory in the coming general election, with BN needing to “walk the talk” to gain the people’s confidence, with inflationary trends in commodities prices, with the mindset of the people changing. As much as the leaders of LDP and other BN components want to say how confident they are about winning in the GE13, they just cannot stop themselves from saying how dangerous the situation is for the BN because of internal and external problems affecting the Sabah BN at the moment.

From their statements it is very clear the BN is facing a crisis of confidence from the people. And from their own surveys, they can see clearly that all is not well for the BN. They are not dumb. They can sense that the electorate is now more enlightened and are aware of the many problems, and that they can see when a party or a leader is trying to hoodwink them. The problem is that the BN components claim to be fighting for the people while they know they can no longer achieve this objective within the BN! The people see them as fighting only for their own interests, for their positions and pecuniary benefits. They stay in the BN while at the same time fighting with Umno. They don’t know if Umno is good or bad for them.

But now the time has come for them to realize that there is only one way out of their dilemma. If they are really fighting for the people, they must make a very firm stand now, to fully side with the people by leaving the BN before the general election! They should join under the UBF to fight for the Borneo Agenda. The LDP says it is willing to sacrifice for the people, and what better way to do that than sacrificing their positions now and joining the opposition? If the KDM parties also take the same step, the state BN, and most importantly Umno, will be severely crippled. This is the only way to kill Sabah Umno and to get the party packing up and go back to the Peninsular! Umno has been telling the other components that it can stand on its own (“Without you we are still who we are”), so call this bluff, take their challenge and leave Umno en bloc, and see what happens to Umno.

Ask yourselves, will the KDM still vote for BN if the PBS is no longer in BN? Will the Chinese still vote for the BN if the LDP has left it? Umno may then decide to stand in all the 60 seats because this is what it had been wanting to do all these years. Salleh had said Sabah will continue to be a fixed deposit for the BN, but see if this is true if only Umno is left alone in the Sabah BN.

By leaving Umno now, the Sabah BN components can create what we can call a reverse takeover of another sort. The present Sabah-based BN components can group together on the other side of the political divide now, stand for the Borneo Agenda, and deliver the coup de grace that will kill Umno and change the political history in Sabah. This way they will still be the government at the end of the day, and in tune with the aspiration of the people.

They must ask themselves if the current arrangement will benefit them in the longer run. The people have lost respect for them, and they are seen as puppets trying to be heroes in a situation where they are being bullied into submission all the time.  And then there is another huge problem that they may have not seen yet. Even if the state BN can muster a victory in GE13 (with a lot ‘magic’ tricks with money and cheating), the real possibility of the Peninsular going into the opposition’s hands is looming like a dark cloud above their heads. The anti-BN sentiment in the Peninsular has reached a crescendo, has peaked, so much that even the Sabahan youths working there are calling their parents in Sabah to say their parents need to realize that the tsunami of change has enveloped the whole of the Peninsular “while you people are still blindly supporting the BN in Sabah!” This is the biggest threat to the Sabah BN components. Even if Sabah BN wins in the GE13, Sabah will most likely become an opposition state, in which case their victory will be hollow, and we Sabahans will stand to lose in the process. They need to wise up and see that the best approach in any political maneuvering is to side with the winner before the battle. Let’s create a bigger window of opportunity with courage which will be remembered forever.



  1. In Sabah, whatever policies were implemented were the work of umno sabah, the one and only..That is BN!

  2. If you want to topple BN in Sabah, topple UMNO first, the others are for your taking.,

  3. UMNO Sabah had created the seats manouevering deliberately to distract Sabah leaders so that Musa can work in peace on how to enrich himself more.Everyone has fallen into the trap.

    My advice is 'cut the head and the body will fall.'

  4. UBF cuma NGO sahaja, bukan satu Parti Politik.

  5. Terpulanglah kepada parti komponen BN macam mana nak bertindak.

  6. They must clean up the mess, and fix everything that they can.

  7. They should also not to blame to each other but they need to try to solve the problem between them.

  8. You no need offers them to join UBF, if they feel that UBF is much better than UMNO i am sure they will leave umno and join UBF.

  9. UBF tu NGO saja, bukan parti politik. Rasanya tidak banyak yang boleh dibantu.

  10. Tiada yang mustahil dalam politik, ada sahaja kemungkinan yang akan berlaku.

  11. Hope the GE13 will be "clean and fair"

  12. As long as party malaya UMNO still in Sabah, there is NO FAIR election. UMNO rely heavily on PATI to vote them into power.

    NO UMNO = NO PATI in Sabah!

  13. selagi ada party dalam komponen BN yang hanya mementingkan kepentingan diri, nescaya suatu hari ianya akan 'ditumbangkan' juga oleh rakyat..

  14. teknik kotor yang menggunakan PATI dalam PRU-13 akan mendatangkan masalah besar di kemudian hari jika ianya tidak ditangani secepat mungkin

  15. tidak hairan suatu hari nanti UBF akan mempengaruhi minda belia Sabah untuk menentang kerajaan komponen BN jika sikap angkuh UMNO masih tidak berubah.

  16. UBF bukan parti politik. parti2 komponen BN harus bekerjasama, segala masalah yang ada perlu diselesaikan dgn cara baik.

  17. rasanya tindakan LDP bukanlah menentang kerajaan tetapi sekadar 'mengingatkan' semua ahli komponen BN supaya mengutamakan kepentingan rakyat dahulu

  18. UBF bukan parti politik tetapi ianya boleh memainkan peranan untuk menentang kerajaan kotor di Sabah!

  19. harap rakyat Sabah menyokong usaha UBF walaupun UBF bukanlah sebuah parti politik. UBF boleh menjadi satu platform memperjuangkan 20 Perkara yang merangkumi hak dan kepentingan rakyat Sabah.

  20. UBF is a NGO. Didn't you know? If all the leaders are humble enough to put aside their personal interests and willingly to fight for Sabah's future, it is not impossible to see better Sabah in the future.

  21. what is happening in sabah BN?

    well, there's nothing wrong in sabah BN..all is in order..

  22. i think the political scenario in sabah is different from peninsula because of the different needs of the people..what happened in peninsula will not give a big effect on sabah and sarawak..people in sabah and sarawak still trust and confident in the current govt..

  23. UBF is not a political party but an NGO...i think there's nothing wrong if sabah BN component party such as UPKO to join and fight for Borneo Agenda..

  24. ianya terpulang kepada kebijaksanaan parti2 komponen BN sabah untuk membuat keputusan..tapi rasanya sabah BN masih kukuh lagi..

  25. adalah perkara biasa terdapat konflik di antara parti2 komponen BN..namun, konflik2 tersebut diselesaikan melalui rundingan dalam keluarga BN..

  26. terserah kepada parti-parti komponen BN sendiri..apa pun seperti komen linutau, konflik boleh diselesaikan melalui rundingan.

  27. Apa yang ada dengan UBF sebenarnya? Sedangkan Presiden UBF pun dari BN juga dulu.

  28. Usaha UBF memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan orang Sabah amat dikagumi. Harap, lebih banyak orang Sabahan mendapat manfaat.

  29. Kita tidak juga boleh paksa parti BN menyertai UBF. Baru-baru ini USBO menyertai BN. Jadi lebih baik UBF juga menyertai BN. Semakin banyak semakin mudahlah membincangkan masalah yang ada dengan rakyat.

  30. Anonymous said...
    tidak hairan suatu hari nanti UBF akan mempengaruhi minda belia Sabah untuk menentang kerajaan komponen BN jika sikap angkuh UMNO masih tidak berubah.

    Betuljuga UBF memainkan peranan mempengaruhi minda remaja secara positif dan platform memperjuangkan hak kepentingan orang Sabahan.

  31. Apakah peranan sebenarnya UBF?

  32. "the LDP Deputy President, Datuk Chin Su Phin vowed that LDP will continue to voice out the people’s needs, pledging that LDP is willing to sacrifice to fight for the people. "

    Kalau betulnya LDP boleh berusaha and memperjuangkan yang terbaik untuk rakyat, memang memanfaatkan ramai orang Sabahan. Harap ini menjadi satu realiti.

  33. Parti komponen seharusnya bersatu-padu dan bermatlamat sama.. Jika ada masalah pun dibawa bincang, yang penting tidak berpecah belah demi kepentingan masing-masing dan ini akan merisikokan rakyat sahaja.

  34. menyertai UBF akan membuatkan agenda borneo itu lebih mudah untuk dicapai.. tidak semestinya menyertai UBF untuk menjadi NGO..

  35. Politik dan NGO berlainan. Maka jika bersama UBF apa yang boleh mereka lakukan. Kerana NGO tidak boleh melibatkan diri mereka dalam politik. Mereka cuma dapat memberikan padangan dan bersuara itu saja.

  36. Syabas jika LDP sanggup bersuara untuk rakkat, berusaha dan berkorban untuk rakyat. harap ini menjadi satu realiti dan bukannya slogan untuk mendapatkan sokongan undiannnya.

  37. Pandangan dan suara UBF cukup untuk mendatangkan perubahan yang tidak terjangka, dan memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan orang Sabahan. Apa salahnya jika sering menukar pandangan dan membuat perubahan.

  38. We welcome all kind of political changes and merging.. most important work for the people.. benefit the people... we are suffering enough with low economy growth.

  39. "The problem is that the BN components claim to be fighting for the people while they know they can no longer achieve this objective within the BN! The people see them as fighting only for their own interests, for their positions and pecuniary benefits. "

    Indeed right.. any problem within the components should sitting a round table to solve it out. Anything bad happen the leading party will only risks the people.. the big loser still back to the people.

  40. The overall tone form LDP is that it is not confident that the current trends in BN Sabah is conducive enough for a victory in the coming general election, with BN needing to “walk the talk” to gain the people’s confidence,

    Very truth.. we hear enough NATO (No action talk only).. Its time for the BN to accomplish their WTT (Walk the talk).. We loose so much confident where government not doing their part to the people.
