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Thursday, September 29, 2011

‘Not much difference between DAP and Umno’

Luke Rintod

United Borneo Front president Jeffrey Kitingan also warns Sabahans to beware of Barisan Nasional which is bent on moving towards extremism to perpetuate its hold on power.

KOTA KINABALU: Peninsular-based DAP is bullying local opposition Sabah Progressive party (SAPP) just like how they (including PKR) thumbed Sarawak Nasional Party (SNAP) in the runup to the polls on April 16, said United Borneo Front president Jeffrey Kitingan.

According to Jeffrey, DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang had started on a wrong footing in Sabah with his arrogant attitude and by pitting local (opposition) parties against each other.

“Judging from this new development among the opposition parties, we can see clearly that there is not much difference between DAP and Umno too.

“Definitely they are not thinking of the Borneo agenda.

“I expected DAP to be more understanding regarding our dreams as Sabahans, but obviously DAP is too much engrossed with trying to get the Sabahans’ votes to the point that it feels it can come to Sabah and push us around although we are all in the opposition,” said Jeffrey, a former PKR vice president.

Jeffrey had cited PKR’s arrogant rule of Sabah as the reason for quitting PKR early this year.

He called on Sabahans to reject DAP’s attitude and reminded them that only local parties can best serve their interests.

“Let’s do away with relying on Peninsular parties to defend our rights. The people of Sabah and Sarawak have been tolerating this problem for 47 years now and have been hoping that the federal leaders would change their attitude but they never seem to change.

“We can see that the Peninsula leaders and parties are in Sabah to serve their own peninsula agendas … pushing their own political games at the expense of Sabahans.

“And, the worst thing is that the Pakatan Rakyat component parties are obviously trying to outdo each other in Sabah and Sarawak.

“Recently DAP and PKR bullied SNAP in Sarawak and now they are bullying SAPP in Sabah,” he said in a statement.

Third Force needed

He said the best thing for Sabahans and Sarawakians to do now under such circumstances is to take charge of their own future rather than rely on peninsula-based parties.

“We need to form the Third Force, the coalition of local parties outside the BN and the Pakatan.

“This is the best approach because this will enable us to pursue our own agenda.

“We must also beware of the current trend in which BN is bent on moving towards extremism to perpetuate its hold on power, at all cost.

“Even the Pakatan is using extreme measures to fight the BN, and both are not too concerned about what all this will do to the country,” he said.

Jeffrey called on the leaders in Sabah and Sarawak to be very careful with what they do and who they link up with in their bid to oust the Barisan Nasional (BN) government.

“They may make the grave mistake of destroying the country instead of steering it to progress and prosperity.

“We need to formulate better policies and draw up more effective programmes.

“Our most important objective here is to save Sabah because we can clearly see that Sabah is going fast down the drain.”


  1. DAP+UMNO = MALAYA+PKR+PAS= Semenanjung Malaysia
    PBS+LDP+PBRS+UPKO= Tukang angkap beg Najib

    SAPP+ Sabah untuk Sabah+ Malaya boleh datang tapi jangan besar kepala-PATI.

    Apa macang kawang (apa macam kawan?)_

  2. I wonder what is party import from malaya like UMNO and DAP doing in Sabah?

    Are they really come here to help the poor OR come here to steal and rob our natural resources?

    Why today Sabah became the POOREST in Malaysia even though party malaya has been given a mandate to govern Sabah for the past donkey years?

    Why today Sabah possessed with the MOST ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS state and WORST STILL the population of LEGALISED PATI have been increased SHOCKINGLY but never reduced under party malaya regime? There is NO SUCH PROBLEM in Sarawak running by local party PBB.

    Why we need OUTSIDER to dictate and decide our future and destiny? Is our Sabah people really behave like a donkey and simply incompetence?

    Ask yourself......

  3. Rakyat sendiri perlulah pandai membuat pilihan.

  4. Harap rakyat akan mengundi dengan bijak bila kedatanganan PRU 13.

  5. rakyat tau jg mana yang terbaik untuk mereka.

  6. apapun, setiap parti kena lakukan terbaik untuk menambat hati rakyt.

  7. jikalau parti tempatan seperti SAPP menang dalam PRU akan datang, harap semua PATI samada yang memegang MYKad atau tidak, dihalau balik ke negara asal mereka!

  8. Sabah seharusnya dipimpin oleh parti tempatan dan bukannya parti import dari Semenanjung!

  9. harap komponen BN Sabah akan terus berjuang membangunkan Sabah dan kepentingan rakyat terus dijaga

  10. memang ada sesetengah ahli pemimpin UMNO yang bersikap racist dan bongkak yang dibencii ramai, harap parti BN di Sabah tidak bersikap seperti mereka ini..

  11. rakyat Sabah undilah dengan bijak di PRU-13 nanti

  12. ya.parti tempatan Sabah lebih memahami keadaan rakyat di Sabah. tapi mampukah parti tempatan menandingi parti import dari SM?

  13. rakyat Sabah harus bijak memilih parti yang boleh diharap dan dipercayai

  14. “We need to form the Third Force, the coalition of local parties outside the BN and the Pakatan."

    mungkinkah UBF akan bergabung dengan SAPP kali ini untuk berjuang demi kepentingan Sabah?

  15. nampaknya tidak juga ramai pemimpin2 Sabah ni yang nampak bersungguh2 memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan Sabahan. yang sering didengar,Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan dan Datuk Seri Wilfred Mojilip...

  16. DAP selalu tidak ngam dengan sapp.

  17. biarlah rakyat membuat pilihan mereka sendiri, rakyat pasti tahu apa yang terbaik untuk mereka.

  18. Yup DAP and PKR so arrogant.

  19. Nampaknya Jeffrey seperti berpihak kepada SAPP, apa lanjutan dengan gambaran ini.

  20. Memang ada segenlintir kaki pengampu umno dari pbs, upko dan pbrs akan terus menjual Sabah sama bos mereka dari malaya untuk menjaga nasi periuk mereka dan tidak peduli kesusahan orang tempatan.

    Sudah banyak kes tanah2 orang kampung dirampas oleh musang bin tidak aman dan PATI yang dapat IC dari umno.

    Yang kaki pengampu umno di sabah adalah pembelot kepada bangsa dan negeri sabah.

  21. No matter what u say, in the end its up to the people to decide which party to vote.

  22. I see no different to all parties in Malaysia.. All targeting to seats.. When come to election, all critics, personal attacts surrounding the entire Malaysia. If there can make changes and put more efforts to the peoples, naturally the seat is belong to them.

  23. Sebenarnya rakyat tidak peduli asal-usur parti tersebut, parti yang sanggup membawa berubahan ekonomi, perkembangan berterusan dan masalah internal diselesaikan. BN, DAP, SAPP, PR, UPKO, PBS, PAS sebenarnya tiada masalah langsung.

  24. Jeffrey, such attack doesn't bring much impact actually. The people know who to vote and certainly vote for changes. We don't believe on "candy" story anymore.

  25. Adakah parti komponen BN kekal di PRU akan datang, susah untuk diramal terutam aterasa juga rakyat melompat parti. Walaubagaimanapun, PRU seharus lebih bersih dan adil. Klaau nak saing, biar lah saing dengan adil dan terbuka.

  26. Berjaya ke SAPP + UBF menghasilkan buah di PRU akan datang?

  27. Tidak hairan juga parti Malaysia ini selalu menunjuk jari terhadap yang lain. Tiada manfaat pun sebenarnya.

  28. Nobody who actually care about the background of those parties.. any party that could bring changes, improve limitation, economy development etc.. He is the one that people who love and support.

  29. Pasti PRU 13 ini susah untuk diramal. Agak-agak ramai yang akan melompat parti?

  30. SAPP dah tukar strategy akhirnya. SAPP bergabungan denagn UBF. Sedia menanti perkembangan dan misi gabungan ini.. adakah gabungan ini dapat membawa negeri Sabah ke arah yang lebih bermaju.

  31. Rasa-rasa BN menghadapi juga saingan giat dari parti lain. Walau bagaimanapun, jangan lupakan tanggung jawab dan tugas terhadap rakyat.

  32. Sabah people should stay united to reject all the party import from malaya which is only good in by using religion and race to Divide and Rule us as publicly known.

    Only those opportunists from Sabah would desperately need to rely on those party import from malaya like UMNO, PAS, DAP and PKR name in vain but in fact they are NOTHING if without their party malaya leaders.

    Do we expect such opportunists to fight for Sabah rights? Do they got gut to fight against their bosses from malaya?

    Come one people, you think we are still living up the tree like those days with a slave mentality today?

  33. UNDI LAH JUMAAT IDRIS pada PRU 13 bagi P.171.Dia pandai buka cawangan,dia pandai main jackpot.Diada bari orang susah tapi UMNO sahaja 30 keping zinc dan plywood.Ini baik.

    Suruh Jummat jadi Iman pada sembahyang Jumaat.Boleh?

    Gonzales Lasak
    Ex 21 Katak Puru

  34. Wahai hamba Allah yang bernama Musa Ibni Aman,ingatlah kisah Qarun (Karun) manusia angku,manusia yang suka membolot dan mengumpul harta termasuk hak hak pribumi Sabah.Ingat Qarun mati ditelan bumi - harta nya hilang.

    Ingatlah wahai Musa Ibni Aman,rakyat Sabah akan tuntut hak meraka di Padang Masyar nanti.

    Musa,kamu tidak akan AMAN DUNIA DAN AKHIRAT.Damn your soul AMAN.


  35. There ARE alot of differences...

  36. Semalam saya datang KK dan terjumpa Jumat Idris,wah segak betul,sudah jadi orang besar,kereta besar dan binipun besar besar.Saya juga mahu tahu apa rahsiah dia begitu cepat jadi besar.

    Dulu dengar dengar dia suka bowling dan main jackpot saja tapi rupanya dia pandai juga simpan sana sini.

    Jumat sudah jadi Pengarah Bahagian Sepanggar.Betul betul bertuah.... rupanya ada jambatan setengah siap dia simpan atas sebelah tebing sungai dan sebelah jambatan lagi masuk poket.

  37. kenapa tidak cakap saja semua pemimpin2 politik sama saja.. semua hanya berminat dengan jawatan kabinet, semua mahukan kuasa untuk mengawal kekayaan Sabah..

  38. kepada black,

    Kenapa SAPP keluar dari BN dan sanggup jadi pembangkang? Semua orang politik sama kah?

    Sabahans should just stay united to kick all the party import from malaya be it UMNO or PR out from Sabah for good and show them the EXIT DOOR in this coming GE13.

    I believe 99% of total Sabah problems will be solved.

  39. The only difference between UMNO and DAP is UMNO championing for malaya race and DAP championing for Chinese race.

    DAP owned by FATHER and SON. Lim Kit SiaL and LGE, karpal sigh and son.

    We do not need race-based party in Sabah.

  40. If i given a choice UMNO or DAP..I will choose UMNO because i don't like DAP..

  41. rakyat tau membuat pilihan sendiri..tau mna parti yg boleh membantu rakyat

  42. Political quarrels and blah blah blah..I'm not interested.

  43. DAP and UMNO banyak perbezaannya. Satu ada duit dan yang satu, takde.

  44. There are lots of differences. One is a YES , one is a NO.

  45. Not an important issue at all.

  46. Apa pun,selesaikan masalah Sabah yang tak pernah surut.

  47. Kedua2 pun dari malaya. Apa tujuan mereka di Sabah jika bukan sebab HASIL BUMI Sabah? Kamu fikir kita orang Sabah BODOH kah?

    Tidak menafikan ada segenlintir orang kita memang bodoh terutama kaki pengampu dari parti2 import dari malaya UMNO dan DAP.

  48. Bukan semua parti dari seberang itu sama....ada juga yg masih memahami citrasa rakyat Sabah. Jeffrey Kitingan sukses dlm perjuangan nya....namun kita jangan terlalu taksub sangat dgn sentimen simpat yang bukan saja merugikan negeri Sabah bah kan kita sukar mengubal dasar di Parlimen. Mahukan anda terus di cekam rejim Umno ini? Sentimen anda tidak akan sampai ke mana juga akhirnya Pru13 semua dapat TELUR.....LOST DEPOSIT......

  49. Saya masih ingat ceramah Jeffrey 4 tahun yg lalu di Keningau kata nya "UNTUK MELAWAN PARTI BESAR ...KITA PERLU GUNA PARTI NASIONAL "....Tidak kah beliau terfikir kembali apa yg beliau katakan 4 tahun yg lalu ? Sampai sekarang pun beliau masih berhutang dgn kami ! Elaun masa PRU12 yg lalu sampai sekarang beliau di hebat betul lah...kalau sudah keluar parti ni...Dengar2 lagi mahu sertai PBS.

  50. In order for Sabah to change for better, we have to change from within which is starting from Sabah but not malaysia.

    Why we need party import from malaya presence in Sabah? They should mind their own business in malaya.

    Jeffrey is right by quitting party malaya because he knew party malaya leaders decision making all will be favored for malaya but not Sabah.

    I wonder why few of those party malaya followers in Sabah cannot see the simple logic?

  51. For the SAPP supporter here,

    Stop the "import party" antics! Bare in mind that SAPP has been formed with the help of these import party such as UMNO...

    Of course, your party has parted away from UMNO & "repented"...but bare in mind that SAPP was formed to counteract PBS influence among Chinese voter back in 1994-95...

    Bare in mind that SAPP assemblymen & MP win their seat on BN capacity, not don't be too arrogant lar...

    Can some SAPP supporters tell me on what reason SAPP was formed 16 years ago, out of no where?
