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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Apologise to Penangites too, Guan Eng told

Athi Shankar

The feeling in Penang is that Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng should apologise to the peopel of Penang for "embarrasing them'.

GEORGE TOWN: Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has apologised to the Johor Sultan but some here want him to aplogise to the people of Penang too, for “embarrassing them.”

Lim was reported to have maligned Johor during his speech at a luncheon organised by the Foreign Correspondents Association of Singapore on Aug 12

Universiti Sains Malaysia’s deputy dean of School of Social Sciences, Dr Sivamurugan Pandian slammed Lim for bringing disrepute to the Chief Minister’s Office by behaving like an opposition leader rather than the state administration chief executive.

“Lim should know that a chief minister is not a person but an institution. He has no luxury for personal views or licence to insult others, in this case Johoreans.

“He should have realised that there are Johoreans living in Penang. He has embarrassed Penangites by making unwarranted comments against another state in Malaysia.

“It’s unbecoming of a chief minister and he should apologise to Penang citizens for his short-sighted and disparaging remarks,” said the academician.

Penang Gerakan’s Legal and Human Rights Bureau head Baljit Singh welcomed Lim’s apology to Johor and their ruler.

However he also called on Pakatan Rakyat leader to extend the apology to all Penangites as well for “the damning embarrassment.”

He accused Lim of being too eager to capitalise and claim credit on the success of police force in reducing the crime rate in Penang.

But he pointed out that Lim had conveniently ignored that the police force came under the federal purview, and not the state.

Since assuming office after the last general election, Baljit said Lim had always courted controversies with his hard hitting and uncompromising remarks.

He advised Lim to learn to control his trouble shooting style because each time he opened his mouth, he invited controversy.

He quoted a Malay proverb: “Sebab mulut badan binasa” (body hurts due to bad mouth) as the best way to describe Lim’s latest exploit.

An upset Sultan

Lim had allegedly said Singaporeans would likely get “kidnapped” in Johor and took a swipe at the state for its crime rate.

When he came under heavy fire, Lim denied making such statements but today he made a complete U-turn and apologised to the Johor Sultan. He however maintained that he was misrepresented by BN-controlled media.

Umno-controlled TV3, during its Buletin Utama prime time news on Monday night, had played an audio recording of a voice that was said to be Lim’s, making disparaging statements about the public security situation in Johor.

Lim was alleged to have said: “Penang was number one last year in terms of cutting crime by 27 per cent. For the first six months… also cut crime by another 25 per cent. Whereas in Johor, a Singaporean is likely to get kidnapped, won’t have that problem when you come to Penang.”

In an interview with the New Straits Times the Sultan said politics should be left to politicians and the rulers should not be dragged into politics.

“Yes, I was offended when I got to know about that statement, but I don’t want to react, because as a ruler, I shouldn’t be dragged into politics.

“Don’t speak for me. I am capable of doing it… I have the interests of my rakyat and also foreigners living in Johor at heart,” said Sultan Ibrahim in an interview with the paper.


  1. Betul cakap Guan Eng ini.Pernah dengar berapa jumlah pelancung kena rompak,ada lagi kena culik.Ini statisti PDRM..

    Kenapa marah kalau betul...

    UMNO yang perbodoh bodohkan Sultan...

    Kita tunggu sampai kes saman ini didengar nanti.

  2. kes jenayah di Pulau pinang adalah paling tinggi di malaysia.

    Berjuta-juta dadah semua diedarkan dari pulau pinang kepada negeri2 yang lain.

    Banyak lagi kongsi gelap di pulau pinang membuat pelacuran, menghasut dan sebagainya kenapa diam saja?

    Kenapa aksi tuduh negeri2 yang lain tetapi di negeri sendiri pun bukan baik sangat?

  3. Iyakah Penang pemegang rekod jenayah tertinggi seluruh negara? nda salah ka fakta ko ni? mana statistik?

  4. Sengaja diperbesarkan supaya reputasi CM Penang jatuh. Banyak lagi kelebihan Penang selain hampir bebas jenayah. misalnya tadbir urus kewangan yg top ranking seluruh negara, pemeroleh bilangan&jumlah pelabur antara yg tertinggi, kaedah pengurusan kerajaan negeri yg teratur.... bukan setakat selamat utk didatangi. Pemimpin2 umno ni dia orang punya skill memang begini. berlagak mcm pejuang rakyat, tapi di belakang, berabis memenuhkan poket sendiri. cakap tidak serupa bikin.

  5. UMNO cukup mahir dalam tipu menipu.Siapa jadi UMNO cuma tipu diri sendiri.

  6. penang pelabur tertinggi di malaysia? Bukan kah sejak tahun 2000 penang sudah dapat menarik pelabur tertinggi di Malaysia dalam Lim Cheong Yu?

    Jika Ikut statistik negara, Dalam 2011 dari Jan-Jun, Sarawak dapat menarik pelabur tertinggi di Malaysia bukan penang pun?

    Jangan kamurang ditembirang oleh kaki pengampu parti malaya dari Sabah sini. Mereka hanya PAK TURUT untuk bos mereka dari seberang. Mereka tidak beza dengan kroni UMNO.

  7. mana bah yg betul ni...Penang hampir bebas jenayah ka atau paling banyak jenayah??

  8. Does the Penangnites want their CM to apologize to them? Let the Penangnites decide.

  9. The Penangnites knew what their CM has done for them.

  10. Kamu boleh baca news hampir setiap hari kongsi gelap di penang ditangkap oleh polis dengan beratus-ratus kilo dadah.

    Penang tiada jenayah kah?

  11. jenayah berlaku di mana2 sahaja.

  12. Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata badan binasa.

  13. lain kali elakkan ucapan yang boleh menimbulkan kontroversi.

  14. Lim Guan Eng sebenarnya ingin menekankan bahawa negeri di bawah pentadbiran Pakatan lebih baik berbanding dengan negeri di bawah pentadbiran BN.

  15. memang patut LGE meminta maaf kepada rakyat PP kerana kenyataannya secara tidak langsung telah memalukan keseluruhan rakyat PP.

  16. Kalau sudah terang2 tu salah sendiri cepat2 la minta maaf. Tu la mencakap macam dia paling betul.

  17. Baguslah jika ada kesedaran. Lekas2 perbaiki kesilapan adalah pemimpin yang boleh dikategori bagus jugalah.

  18. bagaimana dengan pelancong Ireland yang mati dibaham anjing di Pulau Pinang?

  19. Lain kali jangan mengeluarkan kenyataan yang tidak berguna pada diri seperti Lim Guan Eng.
