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Friday, November 11, 2011

Bolehland’s Bunch of No-Nos

By Martin Jalleh
Najib has no balls
Muhyiddin has no brains
Hishammuddin has no integrity.

Rais Yatim has no sense

Zahid has no defence
Nazri has no consistency.
Palanivel has no merit
Yen Yen has no explanation
Peter Chin has no energy.
Shafie Apdal has no clout
Noh Omar has no answers
Mohamed Yakcop has no transparency.
Shahrizat has no “beef”
Kong Cho Ha has no backbone
Liow Tiong Lai has no sincerity.
Ismail Sabri has no price controls
Ahmad Shabery has no medals
Idris Jala has no sagacity.
Ongkili has no innovation
Douglas Uggah has no enthusiasm
Shaziman has no accountability.
Tsu Koon has no leadership
Dompok has no support
Subramaniam has no empathy.
Rosmah has no self-control
Ezam has no real issues
Khairy has no decency.
MIC has no voice
MCA has no choice
Gerakan has no stability.
Judiciary has no honour
Police has no independence
AG has no impartiality.
MACC has no results
MCMC has no logic
EC has no credibility.
Parliament has no vibrancy
Speaker has no fairness
Civil service has no quality.
Himpun has no relevance
Jais has no evidence
Perkasa has no respectability.
Utusan Malaysia has no ethics
Umno’s papers have no limits
MSM have no objectivity.
Umno has no shame
It has made no changes
It has no morals and honesty.
BN has no future
A coalition of no principles
The government has no dignity.
Bolehland will have no money
The country will have no hope
A pariah nation – Asia’s tragedy!
Say “NO!” to Umno
Say “NO!” to BN
Say “NO MORE!”```


  1. Say No to Barisan Najis!

  2. REmove the pariah please!

    But the others are all thumb ups!
    Tambah sikit.
    Hishamuddin's deputy has no school,
    Shahrizat is kenyang of sapi,
    Musa aman has no respect,
    Pairin has no voice,

    Kurup has no power,
    Masidi has a gundek,
    Salleh and Anifah has siphoned SAS,
    Ghafur ,Yahya and Shafie help the IC Project,
    Sairin registered thousands of PTI at UMNO'S keningau Office,

    Please all Sabahan Reject BN/UMNO in the PRU13.

  3. Say NO to all the party import from Malaya!

  4. Anonymous said...

    YTL has no hair.
    November 12, 2011 2:15 AM

    Memang betul bah ni.

  5. Rakyat perlulah menilai dan mengundi dengan bijaksana.

  6. rakyat tau menilai pemimpin2 mereka.

  7. Pakatan Rakyat has no kesepakatan.. and sapp has no second chance..

  8. rakyat pasti tahu mana yang terbaik untuk mereka.

  9. If this is all true, then you also talking about the general populace who are the one voted and choose them.

  10. People should know who is the best and can lead them.

  11. memang mudah untuk mencari kelemahan dan kekurangan.

  12. marilah menyokong parti yang benar2 memperjuangkan nasib rakyat Sabah.

  13. Quoted:
    "YTL has no hair."
    hahaha...growing at wrong spot bah side burns!!!

    YTL has 'no name or photograph' in 28th NCCF (Sabah Chinese Culture Festival) 2011 special publication.

    Aiya what is this?
    A Sabah Chinese political culture festival or cultural politics???

    Many include Sotong and other BN YBs were there for launching!

    YTL always as chinese Sabah leader got 'no faci' lah!

  14. Musa Aman no......? a). No KDM b. No Mazu c).No Christian d). No PRU 13 e) No $$$$

  15. Sabahan has no brain especially the KDM.
    They don't know how to unite to tople the BN/UMNOgok. SAPP is very arrogant! Undilah PR because SAPP tak reti kerjasama.

  16. Kalau YTL boleh tumbuh rambut saya sokong dia.Rambut tengah kepala ya jangan silap.

  17. Vote for the accountable candidates in GE 13th!

  18. Only those traitors will ask you to keep voting party import from malaya UMNO and PR.

    Why? Because they are only hoping their boss from malaya to give them projects by assisting their malaya boss to cheat the Sabahans.

  19. Anonymous said...

    Sabahan has no brain especially the KDM.
    They don't know how to unite to tople the BN/UMNOgok. SAPP is very arrogant! Undilah PR because SAPP tak reti kerjasama.

    No wonder Sabah and Sarawak native WILL NEVER support PR bcos of arrogance and malaya racist mentality attitude.

  20. Biarkan apa saja yang orang mahu kata. yang penting sekarang kita tengok dan nilai sendiri dan bukannya dengar fitnah dan khabar angin semata-mata.

  21. Harap rakyat sendiri akan menilai perkara ini dengan sebaik mungkin dan undilah dengan bijaksana bila PRU-13.

  22. If Bolehland have no money, when PR took over, they will also have no money.

  23. masalahnya rakyat Malaysia khususnya Sabah ramai lagi tidak sedar kerajaan mengambil kesempatan.
