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Friday, November 11, 2011

Wikileaks: Sabah deportations a political band-aid

Classified By: Political Section Chief Mark Clark for reasons 1.4 (b and d).


1.  (C) Residents of Malaysia's Sabah state, in northeast Borneo, are dismissive of the Government's latest "crackdown" against illegal immigrants.  The federal government launched the campaign as a measure to meet demands by Sabah politicians who are being wooed to shift their support to the opposition led by Anwar Ibrahim.  The deportation campaign, which has by-passed factories and plantations that depend on migrant workers, is widely perceived as "lip service" and a "political exercise" not meant to solve the problem.

Most observers believe that any truly effective operation to expel illegals would damage the state's economy, which is highly dependent on cheap migrant labor.  Local politicians are critical of the crackdown and questioned the federal government's motives.  A call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry to probe the causes of the massive illegal migration is unlikely to gain traction as such a commission could expose current and Mahathir-era politicians' efforts to manipulate votes and change the state's ethnic balance by illegitimately providing Malaysian papers to illegal immigrants.  End Summary.

Deportations a "Political Band-aid"

2.  (C) The Government of Malaysia (GOM) announced in July it would undertake a campaign of mass deportations of illegal immigrants in the East Malaysian state of Sabah, the latest in a series of such campaigns launched every three or four years.  The embattled government of Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi took this decision against the backdrop of possible defections by Sabah MPs to the opposition led by Anwar Ibrahim.  Many Sabah politicians, and the indigenous population, rate illegal immigration as the state's foremost problem and blame the federal government for both facilitating illegal migrants and failing to take corrective action.  Using their new-found role as possible swing votes in the national Parliament, Sabah politicians have put immigration enforcement high on their list of demands.

3.  (C) Simon Sipaun, Vice-chairman of Malaysia's Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM) told Emboff he estimates 1.9 million illegal and/or undocumented people live in Sabah, higher than the GOM's official number of 240,000.  The GOM announced plans to deport 100,000 - 150,000 persons, and allocated 50 million ringgit (an estimated 15,625,000 USD) to fund the operation.  Local observers in Sabah told Poloff that the crackdown's accomplishments were minimal as of mid-August.  Authorities screened 19,686 persons from August 1-17 of which only 2,697 were detained and sent to immigration detention centers.  The government also instituted a three-month grace period to allow local businesses in Sabah to register and by doing so legalize their undocumented employees.

4.  (C) Muhammad Radzi Jamaludin, Principal Assistant Secretary in the MFA Southeast Asia Division, conceded to Poloff recently that many Filipinos were returning only a couple weeks after their deportations.  He said some stay an additional week in the Philippines "on vacation" in their home villages prior to returning.  According to Radzi, another unexpected wrinkle was that some Malaysians (all women) are falsely claiming Filipino citizenship and upon reaching the Philippines announced their Malaysian citizenship and said they desired to stay with their spouses, who were being deported.  He added that the majority of Filipinos in Sabah entered legally, but overstay their visas.

Malaysia's Immigration Department is reportedly recording biometrics of deportees to identify those who attempt to re-enter.  On August 29, Ramlan Ibrahim, Undersecretary for Southeast Asia in the Foreign Affairs Ministry told poloff and Staffdel Luse that all deportations were being conducted humanely and were targeting only the able-bodied.

Public and Observers not Impressed

5. (C) New Straits Times journalist Jaswendar Kaur told Poloff that authorities were selective in rounding up illegal immigrants.  The focus of the sweeps centered on shantytowns and bypassed plantations and factories, whose owners are politically well-connected.  Manufacturing associations dependent upon foreign labor were approaching the government, arguing that mass deportations would adversely affect factory operations.  Kaur saw little difference in current deportation efforts from prior crackdowns.  Emboff was in Sabah from August 18-22 and discussed the deportation operation in casual conversations with local Sabahans.  No one expressed any particular excitement about the operation. Such government efforts occur every four-five years and most Sabahans had a "we've seen it all before" attitude.

Sabah BN Politicians Skeptical

6.  (C) Yong Tek Lee, former Chief Minister and President of the Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) who has called for the Prime Minister's resignation (ref B), met with Emboff on August 21.  In his view, if the government were serious about tackling the illegal immigrant issue, it would commit more than 50 million ringgit.  He viewed the deportations as little more than lip service to the concerns of Sabahans.  He maintained that the ruling National Front (BN) government spent more on the recent Permatang Pauh by-election (ref A) than in trying to control illegal immigration in Sabah.

Several Sabahans interviewed by Emboff expressed similar opinions.  Bernard Dompok, Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, told us he wanted a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate who is supplying illegal immigrants in Sabah with Malaysian documents such as identity cards.  Otherwise, he believes, any crackdown will be ineffective.


7.  (C) Sabahans consider illegal immigration a major concern, even though important segments of the state's economy are highly dependent on cheap migrant labor.  Many view illegal immigrants, especially Filipino Muslims, as upsetting the political balance in Sabah, whose native majority is Catholic.

The lack of enthusiasm among Sabahans for the current illegal immigrant crackdown illustrates the overall mistrust of the BN government and its peninsula-centric policies.  The crackdown to date is selective and explicitly avoids raids on key areas of migrant employment, such as manufacturing, logging, palm oil plantations, and service industries, which could be forced to curtail operations without their illegal migrant workers.

Sabahans see the immigrants being deported as "low hanging fruit," enabling authorities to demonstrate that they are "doing something" about the problem.  According to Jaswendar, a previous short-lived crackdown that proved too effective in detaining illegal immigrants was stopped after local business leaders complained and the police official who planned the operation was punished and transferred.

8. (C) Dompok's desire for a Royal Commission is likely to remain unfulfilled.  The central government and the leading UMNO party for many years facilitated issuance of Malaysian documents to illegal immigrants in exchange for their political support.

A retired senior intelligence official frankly admitted to us earlier this year that the previous government of Mahathir also facilitated illegal immigration from Indonesia and the Philippines in order to better balance the state's ethnic and religious equation as a measure to ward off any future separatist sentiments in Sabah, in addition to attracting UMNO votes needed to control the state.  A Royal Commission, operated properly, would likely expose the depth of UMNO and BN's political corruption and vote manipulation, further inciting Sabahans.

KEITH (September 2008)

Lifted from Malaysia-today


  1. Sabah ,Land Below The Wind.

    It is full of PTI with genuine IC.

    Nowadays, the population of Sabah is , 44% is PTI made Malaysian citizens. 15% IMM13 holders.10%PTI's relatives made citizen . The remaining % are the locals.

    The PTI's made citizens numbers are growing very fast because their relatives from their country are keep on coming every day.

  2. The 64 million dollars question to Musa, Pairin, Dompok, Kurup and Liew:-

    Why do you support a regime that stab Sabahans in the back? Et Tu Brute?

  3. Kita cuma hendak mengurangkan masalah PATI dari Sabah.

  4. Tidak kira apa cara yang digunakan, yang penting PATI dihantar balik ke negara asal mereka.

  5. The Royal Commission is not the only solution to the problems. We should not depend solely on it.

  6. Let's just hope that the illegal immigrant issue will be resolved before their presence overwhelms the locals.

  7. usaha untuk selesaikan masalah PATI kena diteruskan.

  8. RCI adalah satu usaha, kita harus menyokong segala usaha yang ada.

  9. harap usaha untuk menghantar PATI balik ke tmpt asal mereka akan diteruskan..

  10. Hope the matter will be solve already..

  11. Any method that can help us protect our rights is welcomed.

  12. Send them away...i'm worried about people's safety, everyone has a family and friends. We can't risk anything.

  13. untuk kebaikan rakyat Sabah...harap mereka ini dapat dihantar balik..memang susah..tapi saya percaya kerajaan pasti akan menemuai jalan penyelesaian.

  14. harap masalah PATI di negeri Sabah dapat diselesaikan dengan segera...

  15. For time being, RCI may be the only option before any method that may work better then RCI. Just go ahead and see how RCI work.

  16. Negara kami teramat bergantung kepada pekerja asing sekarang, ini akan membawa masuk lebih banyak warga asing ke negara ini dan seakan mengancam ketenteraman negara. Adakah kerajaan mempunyai control system yang baik terhadap golongan ini?

  17. Jika BN ikhlas untuk menyelesaikan PATI, rasa tidak perlu tunggu lama-lama, RCI telah ditubuhkan dalam masa yang singkat. Teringin nak tahu apakah rancangan BN sebenarnya terhadap masalah PATI?

  18. Memang PATI ini berkait rapat dengan masalah projek IC yang diheboh-hebohkan sejak ex ex PM time. Kini, golongan ini mencapai beratus ribu, apakah tindakan kerajaan terhadap golongan ini?

  19. Siapakah yang membekal PATI di Sabah dan diberi IC untuk menjadi warga negara? Adalah golongan yang menunggu 50 tahu keatas teteapi masih tidak memberi peluang menjadi warganegara, lihat, senang je PATI untuk mendapat IC.

  20. Setuju dengan Zack. Saya sendiri hairan apa yang menyebabkan kerjaan tak tubuhkan RCI.

  21. Kalau betul ada cara lain yang lebih baik, pun kenapa hingga kini isu pati masih belum selesai???

  22. Jika hal ini berterusan mcm ni, saya yakin rakyat akan berprasangka yang tidak baik. Yalah penjelasan pun takda so siapalah yang tak curiga kan:P

  23. Semoga perkara ini mendapat perhatian sewajarnya.

  24. Apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti.

  25. everyday there would be news about crime done by the illegal immigrants. sabah is no longer a safe place to stay with the presence of illegal immigrants.

  26. If this PATI issue is not solved before election comes, then im pretty sure the election will not be a fair one.

  27. Let's just wait and see how this all goes.

  28. usaha untuk menyelesaikan masalah pati perlu sentiasa dilakukan.

  29. harap masalah pati ini akan dapat diselesaikan melalui komitmen semua pihak.

  30. I hope solutions are all over.

  31. Saya berharap jangan ada lagi penukaran apa2.

  32. I don't think those PATI will be able to help BN in the next election due to the awareness of all people in this state..

  33. What's the point to vote if the votes are 'contaminated' with phantom voters??

  34. If there is nothing to hide, then it should be no problem to set up the RCI. The rakyat are not blind.

  35. there are many program introduced by the govt to solve the problem, but until today the situation is still the same.. that's why we need RCI to find out the major problem that make every program fail..

  36. Nothing better than RCI for time being, go ahead to setup.

  37. Sabah tatap di tangan BN dengan kehadiran PATI dan Phantom voters.

  38. Tiada RCI, PATI dan Phantom voters akan berleluasa dan membanjir tapak undi nanti.

  39. The local Sabahan must fight against the phantom voters to make right choice.

  40. Sehingga kini kerajaan masih enggan menubuhkan RCI, memang tidak masuk akar dan semoga kerajaan dapat menyelesaikan PATI jika tidaknya RCI.

  41. Program 6P pun nampak macam bermasalah walaupun masih awal pelaksanaannya. wajarlah kerajaan mencuba RCI pula.

  42. Isu PATI merupakan masalah negara. sepatutnya semua pihak bekerjasama termasuklah parti2 yang ada di Malaysia ni.

  43. Masalah PATI bukan perkara baru di Sabah. Semestinya kerajaan Negeri cuba untuk menyuarakan masalah ini kepada kerajaan persekutuan untuk mencari jalan yang perlu untuk menangani masalah PATI ini.

  44. Semakin hari semakin hangat cerita mengenai PATI dan suruhanjaya siasatan di raja untuk PATI. Kita tunggu saja apa yang akan dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan persekutuan. Ini kerana kerajaan Negeri telah pun memaklumkan masalah PATI yang semakin membimbangkan di Sabah ini.

  45. Illegal Immigrant problem again?? When the Royal Commission Inquiry will establish? The proposal already submit to Federal so we just waiting for approval.

  46. Inilah yang Pembangkang suka. Selagi isu ini tidak selesai selagi itulah isu ini akan terus menjadi isu kepetingan politik mereka sendiri. Maka kita mengharap masalah ini akan dapat diselesikan secepat mungkin bagi menggelak isu ini akan terus dimainkan oleh pembangkang.

  47. OOlin sayang, isu ini bukan sekadar satu bahan permainan tapi satu isi no 1 yg sepatutnya diselesaikan dgn serta merta kerana ia sudah sampai ditahap bernanah.

    Ia melibatkan hak dan maruah bangsa kita yg diperkotak=katikkan.Bukan isu kecil. Banyakkan bertanya dan membaca tentang topik PTI yang terkenak ini.

    Salute pada Pembangkang.
